Left handed pirates - pirate visual appearance in game

  • I posted about this two years ago and not wanting to flog a dead horse but I would really like to see the ability to change the handedness of your player character. This is unrelated to changing the joystick/keyboard set up, this is more appearance/visuals based. As we continue to see more accommodations made for the player base this is one that would be really great I think for Left handed people. I'm not trying to sound dramatic or self centered but a lot of games and society generally overlook left handed people. It would be great for pirates to be able to change their own pirates to be more closely fitting to themselves.

    If Nedward Flanders Jr. can push the case for left handed people, then I need to do the same!

    Just a thought.

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  • @hijack-hayes I was about to say this has just been brought in but you mean in game pirate rather than the stick change option for xbox. I agree tbh, although I don't know how costly animation wise it is to allow this. Most fps games don't allow you to choose them

  • @hiradc said in Left handed pirates - gameplay:

    @hijack-hayes I was about to say this has just been brought in but you mean in game pirate rather than the stick change option for xbox. I agree tbh, although I don't know how costly animation wise it is to allow this. Most fps games don't allow you to choose them

    I probably need to reword it to make it clearer, thanks for saying that. I don't now how much it work/money it would be either, it might be too much, I'm not sure. I just know Rare really do their best work in the way they try to make the game accessible, customizable and unique for everyone. I'll see I guess, if you don't ask you definitely don't get.

  • That would be cool! I always thought it would be nice in FPS games if I could choose to put my weapons on the opposite side of the screen.

  • @ninja-naranja Can't you mirror flip the screen so everyone seems a lefty? Just saying

  • @metal-ravage my tiny little brain wouldn’t be able to process that! 😅😅😅

  • @metal-ravage said in Left handed pirates - pirate visual appearance in game:

    @ninja-naranja Can't you mirror flip the screen so everyone seems a lefty? Just saying

    Not on console.

  • Every single pirate model and animation would have to have a flipped variant for this to work. Sounds easy, but it's a big ask...

  • @galactic-geek said in Left handed pirates - pirate visual appearance in game:

    Every single pirate model and animation would have to have a flipped variant for this to work. Sounds easy, but it's a big ask...

    I agree. It sounds simple, but it's a very large amount of work. Left handed would be really neat and awesome, but it's not as easy as just flipping to the other side. There are clothing options that have asymmetrical design. The quicker way to do it would be to have the camera flip the model, but this would not reflect your Pirate's actual left hand, and that would create visual inconsistencies with your first person view and your Pirate's appearance.

    Not only that, they would have to animate your third person Pirate to be holding weapons in their left hand and what have you, and that would require a lot of extra animation work from scratch. You can't just flip that. Same with emotes. They'd all have to be reanimated just for the visual of left hand usage.

    I'm not against the idea, I'm just explaining that this would be a monumental undertaking, and that time could be used better with other, grander, projects within our sea.

  • @metal-ravage the whole screen wouldn’t work because then everything would be backwards. Hence why the option to flip weapon models would be handy

  • @galactic-geek said in Left handed pirates - pirate visual appearance in game:

    @metal-ravage said in Left handed pirates - pirate visual appearance in game:

    @ninja-naranja Can't you mirror flip the screen so everyone seems a lefty? Just saying

    Not on console.

    Use a screen that is able to do that.

  • @ninja-naranja Not really, you are just flip mirroring the way you see things.

  • @metal-ravage Wouldn’t doing that just make looking left look right? Swapping every control isn’t worth having the weapon model mirrored

  • @ninja-naranja You are just mirroring the image not the game itself. Anyway remapping the controller seems easier than adding a new game mod.

  • Allow me to have two peg legs and pick which hand has a hook then will choose which hand L/R I use.

  • Southpaws? Oooh , i'm always afraid to go against them , they are unpredictable.

  • @clumsy-george I definitely think Henry Cooper would play Reaper’s Bones the vast majority of the time if he were still alive.

  • @hijack-hayes

    Henry Cooper will never die ,Sir . Even Ali starts shivering if somebody dares to say that name in the vicinity of his grave...

  • @hijack-hayes good idea. With this, changing eyepatch and pegleg seperatly would be nice. My pirate has a cut on the other eye, so a patch over that one would fit so good...

    I posted this a few times over the last 4 years, but never got it...maybe this time 😉

  • @ninja-naranja sagte in Left handed pirates - pirate visual appearance in game:

    @metal-ravage Wouldn’t doing that just make looking left look right? Swapping every control isn’t worth having the weapon model mirrored

    Some games have the option to invert left/right, don’t know if SoT has it, but that would solve that issue

  • @clumsy-george said in Left handed pirates - pirate visual appearance in game:


    Henry Cooper will never die ,Sir . Even Ali starts shivering if somebody dares to say that name in the vicinity of his grave...

    Try to say that at Rocky Marciano!

  • @metal-ravage

    That was the thoughest heavyweight champ ever ... i still remember that cloved lip and that nose that was totaly knocked to an abnormal angle and still he won , he didn't had bones in his carcass , he was made of iron...

  • I'm a lefty and it doesn't bother me :D

  • @lizalaroo I mean it does't really bother me either but I do think it would be pretty neat and a nice little QoL change for those that would like to add a little more individualism to their pirates.

  • @like-500-ninjas I hope it would be pretty straight forward but apparently some other posters had said it could be quite tricky to figure out so I'm not too sure?

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