well we now know who got killed

  • DeMarco is freaking dead you guys.

  • 13
  • @baronbrr Woooahhh woooahhhh woahhhh!

    What a way to break it to me!

    Ok, so we know who? But do we know why and when?

  • @musicmee I'm gonna do what I do best and randomly accuse someone. You did it. You were angry he closed the arena so you lured him to sea dogs rest and stabbed him one too many times.

  • @baronbrr I just wanted Good Boy cosmetics in adventure!?!?!?!

    DeMarco was keeping them from us!

  • @musicmee Actually it was lesedi because the Good Boy was her original ship set. Congratulations, you played yourself. Though now that I think on it, could it have been that one lady outside the Arena tavern? Was her name Armaments?

  • @baronbrr Amaranta?

  • @musicmee yeah that one. maybe she did it as revenge for standing outside for 2 years.

  • Does anyone know the whereabouts of Col. Mustard?

  • This is what Flameheart's SoT looks like guys.

    People just way dead, never coming back.

    Maybe we're next.


  • @d3adst1ck sea dog's rest, given the irony of being killed there for the Head Sea Dog.

  • @baronbrr I was making a 'Clue/Cluedo' joke :D

    I know DeMarco is at Sea Dogs Rest, but not sure if it's irony or pre-planning. Some elements of the story might have been sketched out a long time ago, and since time acts weird in regards to the events of Sea of Thieves (when we see / experience them), we are only now seeing these events play out that have given some islands their known names.

    See: Stitcher Jim and Liar's Backbone.

    I wonder what other island names might hold clues to upcoming story beats.

  • Also... Oh haiiii Lore waves


  • Dead but not gone.

4 out of 13