Huge RAM usage and FPS Drops after last update

  • @personalc0ffee It does look like a memory leak but restart doesn’t help. Hell, i have clean re installed windows twice.

  • @kalek33 I think it started happening after one of the update in April and got a lot worse when they released The Shrouded Deep adventure. I just really hope things gets better once the adventure ends and maybe we can get a patch fix real soon

  • @havaska22 That's right, I agree, it all started from there! I really hope they solve... maybe it's a problem with the Microsoft Servers connection... I don't know... (The serious problems from me started on 04/24. I had them before, but the update seems to have partially calmed them... so out of nowhere...)

  • @havaska22 @valonqarr Reduced Server Performance

    • Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.
  • i have an idea;maybe DEV's are not really understand what we're saying , maybe we need to talk dirty to them just like pirates and then they'll hear us ; ( ya know , maybe they just need to get triggered ) LOL

  • but yeah i have the same ram usage issue like all others and until now i reinstalled the game and windows and drivers multiple times i even move the game folder from my SSD to HDD two times after reinstalling windows but nope its just not working / a few month ago i got this problem but i kinda solved it in ''regedit'' by disabling xbox apps on background but this time i've tried it and its not working and i also tried many other things like OCing GPU and CPU and also changing my network and adapters as well ;;; i dont really know what is the problem really because before this legend of the veil update it was using the same amount of memory but on task manager it was showing 70 - 80% usage but this time its kinda using a bit more RAM ( like before it was 1.5GB of ram but now its on 1.8GB ) but task manager says its on 100% RAM usage //// at the end hopefully DEVs will fix it otherwise i will shame myself for wasting my time and money on this game . and yeah dont even dare tell us that our PCs are not powerful enough to handle the game cuse i've used to get around 75fps on this game and i still get but every time im around other players or NPC's i get close to an island or every time i sell something or if im gonna make it short id say every time the game tries to show a banner or notif on my monitor the fps drops and the game freezes for a moment -and yeah i turned banners off but the game still freezes-

  • @fardinsama Are you sure the SoT is 1.8GB?) Looking at the RAM usage, 10+ RAM is wasted when starting the game. Although SoT is shown much less...

  • It did come with the latest adventure kinda so who knows maybe today after the adventure ends the problem is also gone. I for sure am really hoping for that.

  • @fardinsama
    I was considering to reinstall the windows too when I realized the problem is not on my end. I've been playing SoT for months and never had any lag while playing (on cursed video settings, GTX 1050 2gb, 8gb RAM) and every other game runs smoothly too. There will be a server maintenance in 1 hour from now. If we're lucky it was only the Shrouded Deep adventure what broke the game for us, which will end today.

  • Has anyone tried to play after today's update?

  • @havaska22 Alright so I played the game after the update for like an hour. I can tell you now that it is much better. Before the update RAM usage was like 98-100 while now it doesn't even cross 80 which means RAM usage most probably have come down to normal. I have no more freezes and the stutters when I meet players is gone i think. HOWEVER I do still get a 1 second stutter every few seconds so there is that but It is very much playable now. Now if i just find a way to get rid of those stutters which Im not sure if it's from the game or not then it will be perfect. Im very much waiting to see how other people's session will turn out to be.

  • As has been mentioned in the latest patch notes, SOME performance problems have been fixed, some still occur. If the problem we are experiencing is a combination of all of these, it is very likely that things might be better now.

    However, if anyone is still experiencing any problems of this sort, it is important to continue reporting it and talking about it on these forums.

    In case someone missed it, moving your virtual memory to an SSD can drastically improve performance until the problems are fixed (if they haven't been fixed yet). For more info, look for posts made by Ixxxoloff.

  • @valonqarr It's working!! I played for 3 hours last night and there was no fps drop no ping spikes, everything was just soo smooth! I almost forgot that the game can be this too. I was confused with the settings in my previous post. So during the stuttering I changed my setting to the lowest which is the cursed but yesterday I changed back everything to rare-common like it was before. I get a stable 40-70 fps (it's always highest on the sea, meanwhile in the past weeks it was the opposite). I never checked the RAM usage, but I did yesterday after I saw you mentioning it, mine was around 75-80%. I hope it's back to normal for everyone else too!!

  • @havaska22 Glad to hear that mate.

  • @ixxxoloff yes sir its on 1.8 / mostly in 1.4 _1.8 area ( never passed the 2GB usage and* i have a single 8 gig slot of ram )

  • @havaska22 yes / so after the update came out i reinstalled the game completely; after game installed //took like a day or ... for me to download \ i jumped in and ave it shot / first the game lunched horribly , took almost 15 minuets just to reach the menu. but lunching into the map was normal , but after that while i was on the outpost i got lags and freezes but like before / kinda can say the happened more but less time consuming . back before the game freezes for like 2 sec but now it just felt like stutters but happened many times / before it was freezing every time i reached an island or outpost or player ship or NPC's spawning on me : this time it happens just like before but it didnt took that amount of time . the only thing is now every time im passing by a shop or a random person ( like larrina ) or trying to raise emissary its lagging !!!!!! unfortunantly i got so mad that i forgot to check the task manager and i just closed the game and started cursing RARE's DEV's for their game. idk man maybe its time the to call it and leave playing the game

  • @fardinsama Wait, are you talking about the update which came out yesterday? It was a 9.8gb big update and it fixed everything for me.

  • @havaska22 I agree! Problems are 99% resolved.

  • @kalek33 I'm glad to hear that!

  • @havaska22 yes sir im talking about yesterday update / unfortunate my game is still lagging / idk what to do really , maybe trying that vertical memory thingy ( but im kinda confused about how to do it )... . but if you are saying the game is fixed so it maybe the problem on my side and i have to do something else ! maybe verifying for the 4th time ????LOL. im sure we will find a way to fix it / but after all im so glad to hear the game is fixed now ( at least for you guys )

  • @fardinsama Have you tried moving the game to the SSD? I know it worked for some. In the latest patch notes they addressed this: "Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters. While improvements have been released in update 2.5.2, the team continue to work on further improvements for future updates." While waiting for them to fix it or trying out different solutions on your own.. maybe you could try playing through the Xbox Game Pass, the first month is only 1 usd.

  • Last update fixed stuttering for me i thought problem was on my side even reinstalled game but to no avail so finally it's working as before so thanks

  • @havaska22 you're right / couple of my buddy's told me that their problems are fixed thankfully but mine is still here ; and yes the game is already on the SSD and the drive is hald full so we're not bottleneck'd on SSD / as far as i know its just milking the cpu and ram ; i've tried that vertical memory on SSD but idk if i've done it correctly or not cus it didn't changed anything

  • alt text@fardinsama

  • @fardinsama said in Huge RAM usage and FPS Drops after last update:
    this is not the game i used to play / this is new but today i tried to join in to the game with friends but the game freeze's 5 times back to back as soon as i joined into the ship / look at the fps , look at the ping , like what ?im playing on a windows xp from mars ???

  • alt text yup ; the game is broken / this is the game i've wasted 1000 hours for it / just in last month i've wasted almost 500gb internet just for re downloading these games . get RARE'd

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