Joining Friends with Your Own Ship

  • Basically, if your friends ship is full, and you wanna join you have to go server to server until you can find eachother. You should be able to join your friends either as a crew mate or as your own ship on its own, that way you can either make an alliance or have fun PVP with your friends without taking so long to be able to find the same server with a different boat having to consistently search again and again for their server. It would allow for a lot more access to be able to play together with friends, and make it where if you want more than a galleons worth of friends(4) to play with you can. So in conclusion for simplicity's sake, an option to join friend's crew and join friend's server.

  • 6
    feedbackgeneralxbox onecommunitywindows 10
  • @atrpabelladonna you can always join a friends crew if its open to friends…however joining a specific server will never happen because it would be exploited to make alliances etc…what you are really asking for is private servers so you can play with your friends…yea wont happen either lol prepare for thread to be locked

  • Surely you can see why this would create an imbalance in the intended risk/reward per server, right?

  • @atrpabelladonna said in Joining Friends with Your Own Ship:

    Basically, if your friends ship is full, and you wanna join you have to go server to server until you can find eachother. You should be able to join your friends either as a crew mate or as your own ship on its own, that way you can either make an alliance or have fun PVP with your friends without taking so long to be able to find the same server with a different boat having to consistently search again and again for their server. It would allow for a lot more access to be able to play together with friends, and make it where if you want more than a galleons worth of friends(4) to play with you can. So in conclusion for simplicity's sake, an option to join friend's crew and join friend's server.

    This would be very unfair for the other four crews on the server.

  • All sounds reasonable. Until the alliance server people abuse it. Making it to easy

    Rare has said they don’t mind them but if they become to “Much” they will step in to stop. How? Unknown.

    But this would just make it simple to setup.

  • @burnbacon said in Joining Friends with Your Own Ship:

    All sounds reasonable. Until the alliance server people abuse it. Making it to easy

    Rare has said they don’t mind them but if they become to “Much” they will step in to stop. How? Unknown.

    But this would just make it simple to setup.

    I can see the next you tube video:
    "We just took over the entire server!"
    hmm..I don't think that will happen.

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