The Bayonet Rifle/ Bananoyet

  • This idea originated from a glitch my crew encountered which resulted in me visually holding both my Eye of Reach and Cutlass at the same time, merging the two models together into a really cool looking weapon. I was using the Cronch weapons so we dubbed it; ''The Bananoyet''. This wouldn't be the real name, its just a placeholder for now.

    The Bananoyet:
    5 Shots, Similar Reload/Aiming as Eye of Reach. Each Pellet does a set 45 damage.
    The Bananoyet can be swung like a Cutlass, which each strike dealing 15 damage. You can do a combo of 4 swings, totalling 60 damage, however the Stun the enemy receives is less than the current Cutlass.
    The Bananoyet can be used to Charge forwards for 5 seconds, or until you hit an Enemy or a Wall. It can also be Cancelled once you start moving forwards. Hitting an enemy with the Charge deals 35 damage and knocks them black slightly. It would take maybe 2 seconds to begin a charge, and turning while charging would be a lot harder, meaning its use would be more in open areas rather than enclosed.

    The Bananoyet is not as Efficient as Cutlass/EoR at confirming Kills, with that combo needing 70 damage from the Pellet, and then 30 damage from two swings. The Bananoyet would need 4 Swings to finish off a kill after hitting a Pellet. The Bananoyet also does not have a block feature, reducing its defensive capabilities. It also does not have a lunge that can be used to gain momentum over large distances like the Cutlass does.

    Using the Bananoyet allows a player to use two Guns, but mean they also have melee capability. Bananoyet accompanied by Cutlass would be inferior to any current Gun, however could be a viable alternative to EoR/Flintlock or even EoR/Blunderbuss. In order for the Bananoyet to be able to Aim down Sights as well as be used as a Cutlass, a button must be held down to convert it into its Melee mode, when in this mode, m1 would swing, and holding m2 would begin a Charge attack.

    What are your thoughts on how a Bananoyet may work. Please comment with any thoughts or ideas of what you think could be tweaked, whether it be damage numbers or mechanics, I look forwards to reading.

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  • I would love for it to be customizable using the current swords and snipers you already have, so then you could mix and match and rather than buying new skins, you already have some.
    I approve

  • @frogfish12 sagte in The Bayonet Rifle/ Bananoyet:

    ''The Bananoyet''. This wouldn't be the real name, its just a placeholder for now.

    Not a placeholder - it has to be the Bananoyet! Great name and cool idea

  • That picture is a perfect encapsulation of Sea of Thieves!

  • I like the idea, but I don't think we have the buttons for a weapon with 4 functions (fire, aim down sight, slash, block)... Things are pretty packed on KB/M, much moreso on controller

  • It's versatile, but far too weak to be of any practical use. It would officially be the worst weapon in the game, and worse, essentially unnecessary, redundant, and pointless because it's outclassed by literally everything in 1 way or another with no actual strengths to call its own.

  • @galactic-geek said in The Bayonet Rifle/ Bananoyet:

    It's versatile, but far too weak to be of any practical use. It would officially be the worst weapon in the game, and worse, essentially unnecessary, redundant, and pointless because it's outclassed by literally everything in 1 way or another with no actual strengths to call its own.

    But you can double-gun and have a weapon that's still useful after running out of bullets. The bananoyet and flintlock combination wouldn't be deadly to someone who is on full health though.

    Not sure about wielding it like a cutlass though, it's more a 'knife-on-a stick', should be only be usable in a charge though you can block a cutlass with it.

  • Thanks for all the lovely respones!

    When deciding damage values I aired on the side of underpowered rather than risking it being overpowered as so people don't immediately write it off. If the Pellet damage is too high then it will just replace Pistol Entirely.

    Bananoyet 45 Pellet damage is enough to 2hko with Pistol (55) or EoR (70). The main issue would be the inability to 2hko on its own, as it would only deal 90. There's potential that it can instead deal 50 so it is able to 2hko on its own, However I feel the gameplay should encourage swapping to the Melee mode of the weapon once a Pellet has landed. It may still be used by Double Gunners, who would carry on shooting instead of swapping to the Melee mode, as it still gives them some movement ability in the Charge, as well as not being completely defenceless when out of ammo.

    @augspacussh it could be something as simple as when holding the Bananoyet, press the Control button, or the controller alternative; to switch between Gun and Melee mode. The Control button currently makes you Slow Walk, I don't think being unable to walk slowly while holding a particular weapon is too much of a downside.

    M1 = Hipfire/Fire
    M2 = ADS

    Control (Hold) + M1 = Slash attack
    Control (Hold) + M2 (Hold) = Charge attack

    I would imagine you normally hold it like a Gun, but when you hold control, your character changes their grip to use it as Melee, similarly to how your character moves their gun when going into ADS mode.

    Imagine it sort of like how ADS currently works, you hold M2 to go into ADS mode, then after being in ADS, you then press M1 to shoot. For Bananoyet, you would hold Control to go into Melee mode, then press M1/M2 to perform Melee actions. Skilled Players can currently Quickfire, allowing them to Shoot very quickly after going into ADS mode, I imagine the same kind of technique could be performed by quickly swapping into the Bananoyet Melee mode.

  • @Lem0n-Curry
    Bananoyet dealing 45 per Pellet and Pistol dealing 55 would be 100 damage, deadly to someone on full HP. Bananoyet/Pistol doesn't have any overkill damage, dealing an exact 100, instead of an excess 25 like EoR/Flintlock. This means that Flintlock/Bananoyet would have to secure their kill fast, as any amount of small healing from Bananas, or overheal healing, would prevent it from 2hko. Bananoyet also cannot 2hko on its own, dealing only 90 damage, this would hopefully encourage swapping between Ranged and Melee mode, but there's also some ground behind making it 50 per Pellet, being able 2hko on its own. I am fully open to opinions on how the Melee side of the weapon could function differently, when brainstorming this in a discord chat, we did talk about 'jab' attacks instead of slashes, where you quickly thrust it forwards dealing maybe 20 damage or so.

  • @frogfish12 said in The Bayonet Rifle/ Bananoyet:

    Bananoyet dealing 45 per Pellet and Pistol dealing 55 would be 100 damage, deadly to someone on full HP. Bananoyet/Pistol doesn't have any overkill damage, dealing an exact 100, instead of an excess 25 like EoR/Flintlock. This means that Flintlock/Bananoyet would have to secure their kill fast, as any amount of small healing from Bananas, or overheal healing, would prevent it from 2hko. Bananoyet also cannot 2hko on its own, dealing only 90 damage, this would hopefully encourage swapping between Ranged and Melee mode, but there's also some ground behind making it 50 per Pellet, being able 2hko on its own. I am fully open to opinions on how the Melee side of the weapon could function differently, when brainstorming this in a discord chat, we did talk about 'jab' attacks instead of slashes, where you quickly thrust it forwards dealing maybe 20 damage or so.

    Being able to have two guns and have a melee weapon does make it to turn up on my nice idea but overpowered list. It should have way more drawbacks.

  • @lem0n-curry A potential problem with too many drawbacks is that high level players may just decide its not worth the hassle, such as double gunners just sticking with their current loadouts, and Cutlass users keeping their cutlass.
    Low Skill players would also be heavily affected by too many drawbacks, as if its too difficult to use, they'll most likely die every time they try, and just stick to the other weapons.
    There needs to be a healthy balance, not too overpowered, but not so many drawbacks that its unusable in most situations. I think the Inability to block, Sword dash over water, and the inability to 2hko on its own, is a pretty decent amount of drawbacks. Also the Melee m1 attack doesn't deal nearly as much Stun as the current Cutlass. The main issue I see in terms of overpowered is making sure it doesn't completely outshine the Pistol. This could be done by making its reload longer or lowering the range of the Gun. I don't think it will ever completely outshine the Cutlass as the Cutlass can quickly deal 4 slices to kill, can block for defence, and be used to cover great distances even over water, such as boarding other ships.

  • Here's a simple idea:
    How about, if the Bayonet Rifle has the same stats as Eye of Reach Damage/Reload, BUT
    -Iron sights (no aiming)
    -Stabbing attack (no block)

    Left click (RT) is shoot and Right click (LT) is stab. (simple buttons for controller)
    It would always shoot straight (1 bullet) and cannot be scoped in. (can be used for longer range, but difficult)
    Blade only has a stab attack, BUT can be done right after shooting. (25damage?)
    So it becomes a middle ground Sniper/Shotgun variant? ..

  • @jumli7
    That definitely sounds possible! I like the idea of an Iron sight to make it different to the eye of reach. A question I would have is how would you be aiming it? If you don't hold a button to aim down sights then you would constantly have it pressed against your face ready to shoot. This would mean that you would be walking very slowly whenever you have the weapon out. You could instead make it almost function like a bow. Where you hold Left Click (RT) to start aiming, and the Pellet fires when you release the button.

    If the pellet deals 70 damage and you can immediately go into a Stab dealing 25 then this wouldn't be a confirmed kill, you'd have to then stab again, reload and shoot, or swap to your other weapon. Unsure on how fast you think you should be able to stab and then stab again. A potential problem is that a lot of ideas for this weapon type would completely nullify Pistol, as it deals more damage and has a sword aspect, so it will be difficult to find a way to balance this to a degree that Pistol still has use. One way may actually be to buff pistol slightly?

  • Just want to put these here; here's two new iterations of a Bayonet Rifle:

    Dark Warsmith -

    Gold Hoarder -

  • No... just no.

  • I don't have a strong opinion on this but shout out to the editing for the example pics, quality stuff

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