Passive looking ship for loot giveaways and events

  • What would all of you guys say are the ship cosmetics that scream friendly player are. Asking so i can continue to give away loot and voyages to players without being sunk 9/10. Even making it 8/10 would be better. I dont mind pvp. Just sometimes it gets in the way is all.

  • 4
    communityjust for funevents
  • Probably just the default ship set with the lanterns on, canons up, and alliance flag raised.

    You could also try the crab set since most people take that as the newbie set.

    Also just spam “let’s form an alliance” and “we’re friendly”

    This is just what I did during the Christmas event to get people to stop and take my loot to sell it.

  • @aribalam said in Passive looking ship for loot giveaways and events:

    Probably just the default ship set with the lanterns on, canons up, and alliance flag raised.

    You could also try the crab set since most people take that as the newbie set.

    Also just spam “let’s form an alliance” and “we’re friendly” (...)

    Spammers come across to me as both annoying and untrustworthy. It'll change my behaviour from friendly to get the balls and sink them.

  • @poisnclawttv You might try the Grand Admiral set with the Bear and Bird figurehead, not scientific but it doesn't seem to generate automatic hostilities on sight. If you don't have the original brown Bear and Bird you might use the Aristocrat or Wild Rose figurehead... they seem pretty peaceful. Maybe leave your lights on down below.
    I used the rowboat at Christmas and was easily able to give all my Pirate Presents away with a number of interesting and friendly responses. You're vulnerable but if you get a bad reaction you can usually give them the slip.
    All ships are dark until close so I think sail style, what you say and how you say it has more to do with a successful encounter than your livery as a whole, but still maybe avoid the flashy/glowing sets if you want to have a better chance.

communityjust for funevents
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