Is There a Spectate/Teleport Hack? (Xbox One)

  • @genuine-heather right but if you know the spots like any normal player you should have no problem killing those dirty exploiters!

  • @hooohoocoach said in Is There a Spectate/Teleport Hack? (Xbox One):

    @genuine-heather right but if you know the spots like any normal player you should have no problem killing those dirty exploiters!

    My crew and I know all the spots and don't have any trouble with tuckers. But I'd argue that "normal" players aren't likely to have that information. I think a lot of players don't even realize tucking is a thing, much less know all the "glitchy" spots.

  • 🤣🤣🤣🤣this is funny, you had some people hiding on your boat messing with you.

    They aren't cheating, just stealthy

  • @genuine-heather then they should learn them. Its called improvement

  • In xbox anyone can get hack so the guy that use teleport is for lag

  • @musicmee said in Is There a Spectate/Teleport Hack? (Xbox One):

    @closinghare208 It always has been... all caps posts especially ones several lines long just come across as spammy, we prefer discussions to be a bit more grown-up than that.

    Just the high standards we set for pirates here!

    PS I am not averse to posts that are all caps that are maybe one or two words.

    Hmmm I can sort of understand the caps rules but the profanity one is slightly weird, considering this game isn't advertised or at least rated for children as it has a "T" I don't see why swearing is considered wrong. Most young adults (teens) and adults swear in today's society. Way I see it is as long as your not harrasing or being prejudice twords someone who care is you swear to put some spice in your discussion.

    This is just another good point to show that although not specifically rated for children somehow children are still taken into consideration, almost like they are a target demographic for this game ❤️

  • Rowboats do that to people muhahahhaha

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