PVE event balance

  • The environmental events like skeleton ships, the megalodon, and the kraken are great and all, but it would be great if they were less likely the less people are in your crew. im tired of being broke because of getting downed every 5 minutes. i play solo a lot so its hard to fight back.

  • 6
  • Head to islands to despawn megs.
    Potential for it to respawn if you leave island.

    Stay in the hull of your ship when it attacks. Less chance of being knocked off.

    Avoid krackens by not sailing when no event is up...ie. skull forts, skelly fleet clouds, ashen winds,Flame Heart. Krackens are easy to kill now at sloop level. Stay in the hull of your ship when they suck at you. Shoot and kill one tentacle fast when they first appear. Shoot the tentacle that is going to hit your ship or grab it before it does.

    When you hear Skeleton ships music raise your sail to 25 %. You can kill a skelly sloop with around 10 shots. Your 1 st shot when it rises from the depths should be a fire bomb at the canons. Fire kills canoneer so he won’t shoot you. Shoot at the lower part of hull near water line. Use curse balls green one to prevent repairing so it will sink faster.

    Skelly galleons are tougher. Use a fire bomb On the cannoneers. Use a purple curse ball to drop anchor or raise sail.
    Hard to sink by yourself. You have to run from them.
    Head to island and park they will circle..larger island preferred. When they are on other side of island go the opposite direction and leave out of their range.
    Use giant rocks to circle and use your harpoon to send you in another direction.

  • @kshark12

    Don't play solo if you can't handle it.

    The game is horribly easy solo for those that know how to play, just because you can't do it doesn't mean it needs to change.

    Kraken is easy solo
    Meg is easy solo
    Skelly ships are easy solo.

    Aka - Get better at the game.

  • @kshark12 said in PVE event balance:

    The environmental events like skeleton ships, the megalodon, and the kraken are great and all, but it would be great if they were less likely the less people are in your crew. im tired of being broke because of getting downed every 5 minutes. i play solo a lot so its hard to fight back.

    Event difficulty is already scaled down depending on how many people are in your crew...

  • I'm a solo pirate, and I dont agree or see an issue.
    All about the player themselves.

  • @kshark12

    im tired of being broke because of getting downed every 5 minutes.

    What do you mean broke?

    The game world physically bleeds gold. You can't even sail around this game without running over it in the ocean. Shipwrecks are plentiful and always full of loot. It's all along the shores of islands, all one needs to do is pick it up. We've reached a state in this game, that one can make quite a lot financially without even dropping a voyage.

    Also what others stated, Events already scale down for sloops. Kraken takes like somewhere near 15 cannonballs, probably less. Meg does reduced damage and has less overall health when slooping. Even spawned ships, unrelated to roaming or event based, are less likely to spawn the big boys.

    You give the impression of being new, because quite frankly, these events are a cakewalk once you grasp what you are doing in this game. Just give it time, you will reach a point that you will find these fights boring and mostly a nuisance.

5 out of 6