Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway)

  • Pirate number 5 has been selected....


  • @mferr11 @HyruleLink222 Thanks to both! ❤❤

  • @EGGamer13 He has been sailing with me from the beginning, so he is the one for this u.u

  • Half through and Day 6’s pirate who’ll be getting a little loot is......

    @EGGamer13 Well done me matey!

  • @lizalaroo

    The only person I know who deserves any rewards is @LaustinDwoods

    He runs a discord known as The Wasteland Mafia. He sets up and maintains a server alliance and helps people have a fun and memorable experience on the sea of thieves. They even have monthly events. He does all this work without getting anything in return. If anyone deserves anything, he does.

    I know many people would disagree with the idea of alliance servers but I love them. I don’t criticize other people because they don’t play the game my way and I hope other people respect how I want to play

  • @lizalaroo said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):

    Half through and Day 6’s pirate who’ll be getting a little loot is......

    @EGGamer13 Well done me matey!

    Thanks a lot Liz and to everyone who nominated me! You are all awesome!

  • Wow I want free stuff

  • I would like to nominate @dankmaster42018 for this community giveaway.

    He's a very dedicated arena player. He's also a rare funny lookin' pirate that always made the Sea of Thieves arena community alive!

  • Hi Santa, I'd like to nominate @Midnight1501 for this x'mas and his birthday gift aswell. He's one of the coolest and the craziest pirate that I know, more over he is the one who really love Sea of Thieves.

    Finally, I think he is very good kid for whole hard year of 2020, he really deserve this gift. Thank you Santa @lizalaroo

  • Ahoy there Santa
    I'd like to nominate @Mast-Down because he helped me so much and i would like to return him a favor

  • Bad Santa forgot to post this yesterday!

  • If I had to thank any pirate in this community it would be my irl best friend aka my brother from another mother @pradeykip he got me back into the seas of thieves.

  • Day 8 and the lucky pirate today be......

  • So I would choose my long time friend, @TheRavenG . We bought Sea of Thieves together, it was 2 years ago and we’ve been sailing together through most of Sea of Thieves history. Merry X-mas me matey!

  • @FruityFlames

  • Honestly its gotta be KN1G4T RANGER he helped me and my daughter both individually run through the tall tales to completion all while keeping us safe and entertained. He said hes ran through them over 100 times each helping people. I also invite him as my protection nearly every session. He loves to help and have fun. Not to mention he always invites someone from discord to turn in his loot he enjoys giving it away.

  • @tidalfurball290 said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):

    Wow I want free stuff

    we all want free stuff that doesn't mean we are getting it though

  • @galalith honestly this is the nicest thing ever for you to take ie to post this. I love you and this community. #SOTFOREVER

  • Jeez idk I guess id nominate myself, cause I could use a bit o loot.

  • I'm here to nominate my friend @Midnight1501 to recieve this best giving. I'm thinking that if he recieve this giveaway it will really make his year, he is very dedicate player and he is very big fan of sea of thieves (the most loyalty one to this game as I ever know). He really deserve it.

  • Day 9 winning a little bit o’ loot be none other than

    Congrats me matey!

  • Pirate number 10 be @Staticxtasy!


  • Im going to nominate my freind "SuperNovaReImgn" he is a bit new to the game but he's a great player and we always have a good laugh while playing a shanty or two.

  • Santa Laroo’s looting pirate number 11 was @PotterSauce

    Congrats me matey!

  • Last day of giving today :( but I’ll be back next Christmas with more loot to give away to deserving pirates.....

    The last day of loot goes to @M3meSaurusRex !


  • I nominate Sanggye. He's the best crew mate a captain could possible ask for.

  • So, after waiting for it to arrive, it finally did!

    Thanks again, @lizalaroo! 💝☠

77 out of 98