[Mega Thread] Update 2.0.17 - Ashen Winds Feedback / Discussion

  • @xxdamronxx

    I have don’t it with OOS voyages, island Skellies and at an active fort and have not had any count yet.

  • Have tried at least 4 times to take on the Ashen Winds eevnt solo, but it feels practically impossible to finish. Tried keeping distance and pelting with canonballs, shooting, and sometimes sword. Always end up running out of supplies from the meteors, or dying to them outright.

    That is, if another ship doesn't come and take it from you the whole time it takes to solo. Do they have different scaling for crew size? Even for a world event, it felt ridiculously long to just get to the 3rd phase, there's only so much damage you can put out.

  • @pabio-escobar said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.17 - Ashen Winds Feedback / Discussion:


    I have don’t it with OOS voyages, island Skellies and at an active fort and have not had any count yet.

    Hmm interesting. Only way we could get to count is active forts. Try a fort again and see if it works?

  • @galactic-geek
    you can just grind in Devil's roar and get that loot ... in no time (+ volcano's don't bother me that much)
    the only worthy thing about this World event is the skull. that is all
    i believe its more of a voyage than World event to me....
    but i still love the battle... its just that the loot is not worthy

  • Couple more Bugs i found:

    • When changing the Mute all other crews options to yes, the option keeps switching it back to yes meaning i'm constantly in the other crew menu to turn it off
    • Alliances no longer have purple gamer tags, this may have been an intentional change however it wasn't listed in any patch notes.

    I sincerely hope you fix the alliance nameplate situation, as i like to use the alliance system to back-stab or have a fun night with people. For example: the other night i joined a 4 sloop alliance, the 3 other sloops and i had a blast taking down world events and sinking anyone that dared to stop us.

  • Ashen lords also don’t count as a feat of bravery, found this out while doing Athena emissary at grade four.

  • @xxdamronxx Is that so? hmmmm, that explains stuff.
    And usual they're not telling us HOW you're gonna kill the skellies which is as dumb as when we had to figure out that you had to be reapers 5 to sell GRADE 5 flags.

    Get your stupid uglyword together RARE!

  • The Raging bounty voyage time limited commendations are STILL in the bloody game. Seriously how hasn’t this been fixed yet? I understand hit registration still not being fixed but cmon this is a simple fix.

  • @pabio-escobar I’ve only seen the event three times and I’ve played everyday since update, I thought the spawn was supposed to be increased

  • Fixing being able to shoot through ship hull has made getting on/off docked rowboat difficult, specially with a high ping. A bit more height clearance above the railing would help.

    Nice that skel. ships drop a storage crate, although storage crates were spawning on islands to often before this. Reduction in random storage crates spawn would be nice, & possibly encourage more skel. ship combat.

    I've had the new emissary icon stay on the h.u.d. after removing the flag & not being an emissary anymore.

    Mermaid still swims away [despawns] just as you reach it sometimes.

    Still get swimming audio glitch [low freq. water sounds after surfacing].

    Rowboat storage access needs to be changed back so as not to drop rowboat [full of supplies &/or treasure] off the ship due to rough water.

  • None of the killing skeletons or igniting skeleton ships commendations are working. I also completed verything for the Rare Figurehead, but what I did the night the event released counted individually but not for the total count which unlocks the figurehead.

  • gotten stuck briefly between outer & inner hulls on a galleon since this update, have also seen it happen to others on streams

  • For the amount of time it takes and the trouble gone through to get the skull, it's hardly even worth it. I was hoping the skull would at least be worth 25k. The only reason I can see fighting the boss is for the tattoos - which I haven't seen yet so I can't be sure if they even look good.

    Skull isn't even worth stealing. My boyfriend and I left it on our boat and let a brig sink us so we could tuck on FOTD and steal their Athena instead.

    I feel like there's no high-tier loot. Even Athenas loot is cheap crud now.

  • Captain Grimm's voice lines are bugged, the text box does not appear after the first voice line.

  • This may have been addressed already, but the original patch notes for this update said the new event would have increased frequency. Sailing every day for many, many hours a day, we're lucky if we see it once in 8+ hours. We don't server hop, and shouldn't have to server hop to get to this event with more frequency than 8+ hours. Is this a known issue that is going to be addressed in a future update?

  • I have been on several servers now where everyone has chosen to ignore this event and let it despawn. For all the effort and pvp hassle of trying for it - it just isn't worth doing.

    It needs to be quicker, more frequent, more fun and actually rewarding. The ashen lords would have been better as an ambush enemy that could randomly spawn on islands or otherwise jump into other events to add mayhem.

  • Korean Font on Quests are TINY.

    For the past few days, I watched several huge Korean Twitch streamers giving SoT a try & EVERYONE OF THEM point out how ridiculously tiny the font size is from Tall Tales Quest Books. They have to literally lean forward to their monitor & squint to read them. This is happening to every SoT players playing in Korean language, not just a few.

    Link to 1080p screen captured image.
    Imgur Link
    You can compare the size of exclamation mark(!) to font size. Also font size from scrolling Twitch chat is a good comparison.

    Here is an example that links to recorded Twitch video

    Also, some of the translation reads like direct bing translation.
    I watched several streamers try their first Tall Tales quest, The Shroud Breaker, but give up & end the stream in frustration as they try to read tiny fonts, try to follow & solve, badly translated hard to understand quest book.

  • Not sure if there is a delay in progress for the kill 5 times achievements but they dont seem to be increasing

  • 为啥steam预计下载得下载25天? 下载速度慢得一批 我下载其他游戏就很快

  • Takes way too long to do the event.

    The only way to effectively do the event is what for the boss to start dropping down meteors for a couple minutes then rush in and take out the people about to finish it.

    Also Brigs are pretty much required as they can swoop in fast enough and chase down ships easier.

  • Is there a loot bug going on? Cannot pick this up, just initiates the circle for half a second then stops. Closest I managed was if I plugged in an xbox controller and held both that X and my keyboard's F, but it only circles halfway then stops.
    alt text
    Other loot works fine, skull, gem, sugar crate, seafarer chest, just that one seems to be impossible to pick up.

    Should I bomb it? Can't really think what else to try. Already drowned myself once to see if it would reset my character if that was it, doesn't seem so.
    alt text

    More experimenting, it cannot refill my tankard.

  • @ultimate-powa this event doesnt take that long. Its 25-40 min. It only takes a bit if you also have to fight other crews

  • Finished a Flameheart event and destroyed the final ship whilst it was passing through a rock. All the loot got stuck on the rock, some of it occasionally jumped out of the rock into the water next to it but some were impossible to grab, even though you could walk on it. And to top it all the Boss skull was not included in the loot at all (probably stuck inside the rock).

    Wondering how and why is this a feature and why shouldn't the loot just spawn around/next to the rock?

  • I have an idea could there be skeleton convoys that have a ton of loot but are guarded heavily and they have a route

  • @takuboto after playing with it for a while, I feel like their health is too high. I would like a boss with vulnerability phases instead of punching bags that have stupid amounts of health

  • Anyone think its a rare shanty should be playable in game Here is the song

  • @xxdamronxx the Mast on a skelli ship sems to count towards to comendations, (a random Gallion Skelli ship)

  • Here's a suggestion. Personally, I think it'd be awesome to have some land to the north, said land could be filled with ice drifts, and snowy islands, where you could hunt elk, foxes and even polar bears, all of which could drop meat, and pelts that can be sold to the merchants.

  • Dear SoT developer teams,

    Hi I hope you all are doing well in these unprecedented times.
    I really want to thank you for adding Korean translation for this amazing game.
    Thanks to your hard work, Korean players including me are really enjoying the game.
    While I play the game, just one thing bothers me and it is that the font size in Tall Tales quest book looks too small to read properly.
    I'm attaching the image of the page of Tall Tales book.
    Small Font Size
    I wonder if you guys can increase the font size. I think this happens on all platforms.

    Thank you and stay safe!


  • So eventually there will be Ashen Winds in the Ashen Wind Update? Spawn rate of the event is way too infrequent. Getting so many Flameheart. Considering the limited time in order to get the commendations, this stinks. Hate server hopping for 2 hours just to get one AW event.

  • @torch511 none of the commendations are time limited.

    With that said. Yes the spawn rate is too low

    Ashen lords and flameheart should be in their own rotation separate from fleets and forts

  • Dear SoT developer teams,
    I beat the ash lord for two hours in real time. In the last phase, I died. Appeared on the ship, and I was thrown to another server. When I was transferred to another server, of course the ash lord disappeared. It is not normal. Waste 2 hours of your life and get nothing because of your stupid server changing system.

  • Me and a crew mate sold flame heart loot, none of the money counted and we moved to a different server to see if it would add up but got nothing.

  • The event is pretty straight forward. It is also much fun -- for the first 20-30 minutes. My only problem with the event is that it takes way above an hour to complete. It makes it tedious and stops being fun.
    If this is to allow PvP during the event, a possible solution is to indicate when players are engaging in the event and when they complete it, like with skeleton forts, so it can be shorter and the Ashen Lords' only real ability is no longer solely being a bullet sponge.

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