Not gettign gold from anything i hand in.

  • Me and a friend were playing a few hours ago and got acrap ton of fish for the hunters call, we even allinaced with another ship to get a bunch of loot from skeelton fleets and some megs and stuff. when we turned everything in (which we asume was well over 50k worth of loot) we got nothing. No Rep, no achievements, nothing. We looked at the older threads and aparently this is a very old bug or somehting and we just had to wait for the servers to update or something. Well weve been waiting of rlike 8 hours now and still nothing, I even just finished playing a little bit and when i handed all my loot in i was actually getting old now but my loot form the previous session didnt get loading into my account. Has anyone else had this problem and when did you get ur loot?

  • 4
  • @ressey1 Did anyone revived you?
    Sometimes after a revive you dont get money so if you sell and no gold pop up die and youll see all things youve sold at once.

  • @ressey1 Yeah this can happen from time to time. It's just a hiccup on the server side. Rest assured everything you turned in will have been recorded, the gold and rep will likely just randomly appear at some point.

    It's annoying, but you haven't lost anything matey!

  • @luciansanchez82 Thank you :)

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