PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE add some kind of starting supply crate to the game

  • The game is fun (when in combat, or at mission objectives), but oh my god does it drain all the life out of me when I have to march back and forth hauling bits of supplies to my boat every respawn. I find myself not playing for weeks at a time just because it's such a time commitment to even get into the best parts of the game that I'd rather do something else with more immediate action. I know that sea of thieves is meant to be a bit of a "big game" but can we at least start with a supply box (maybe make it customizable, and maybe make it kind of a trophy for reaper/pvp players?).

  • 15
  • @aety9
    I wouldn't mind if you could buy a storage crate, as long as it didn't come with supplies I think it would be fine. That way you could grab all the supplies from the outpost quickly. Although I don't think it's necessary because of the following:

    In order to fix your problem without the update of adding a storage crate with supplies in it, get more people. If you have 4 people on a galleon you can easily loot an outpost very quickly. If your problem is that you run out of supplies make sure you shoot people off to islands as you pass by them, I always send at least 2 people to small islands just to make sure we get the most out of the island.

  • My best advice would be do 2 or 3 runs back to the boat then just sail to the nearest island. Odds are there will be a rowboat with stuff or a storage crate, cannonball crate or whatever then just hit another island and ya should be at least ready for a fight. Beats picking an island clean I think.

  • @Tenseiga23 Yea, i get all that. I normally run with a Gallion galleon since my friends and I all play together, and none of us enjoy resupplying it. Just feels like a forced grind that you either can't buy a storage crate right out the gate, or start with one.

  • @aety9 just grab 1 pocket full, check all the barrels for ccbs and move on. there are plenty of methods to gather supplies while you go.

  • @captain-coel Yes, I fully and completely understand how it works now. My suggestion is to make it easier and less of a chore than it is now.

  • @aety9 dont treat it like a chore. I just grab a pocket everytime I get off the boat and soo. we have too many supplies.

  • With the addition of the new ghost ship voyages you can pretty easily get your hands on some storage crates of the damned to help you collect supplies for your voyages.

  • I don't know if anyone know this, but with the newest flame heart update. If u start a ghost fleet voyage or get close to the flame heart events, u will find a lot of barrels floating around. They usually has a lot of cannonballs & planks in them. I always keep a fleet voyage with me just in case I need supplies so I can summon my supply drop.

  • @aety9 sagte in PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE add some kind of starting supply crate to the game:

    @captain-coel Yes, I fully and completely understand how it works now. My suggestion is to make it easier and less of a chore than it is now.

    When you sink someone at a fort and he comes back again and again with lots of supplies bought, because he has so much gold, you will change your mind...
    SoT is a session based game and gathering supplies is part of the gameplay loop, it's so easy and fast to get supplies these days
    And by the way, you say you play on a galleon most time? The whole outpost is lootet in less than 5 minutes with a 4 man crew

  • @aety9

    No broski. Gathering supplies when you load in, isn't mandatory. You dont have to clean out the whole island. You can just grab a few handfuls and just move on, takes like 2minutes or less.

    Stop looking at just the part that is annoying you for no reason. Look at how its going to change the game as a whole. You sink a ship and are low on supplies. The ship you sank comes back with a full set in less than 5minutes because they spawn with a crate.

    Its a choice. You either get the supplies or you don't. You are going to pass barrels on your journey, you are going to pass islands with storage crates and row boats full of supplies.

    If you are spending 30minutes or more at an outpost just gathering, thats your problem.

  • @kaijoi The idea of buying a storage crate is also a bad thing. It gives experienced players an advantage.

  • @KaiJoi Buying a storage crate, even an empty 1, is a tremendous advantage - it allows richer crews to place supplies wherever they want:

    1. Cannonballs near cannons
    2. Throwables near ladders
    3. Food on deck
    4. Planks near every wall

    It might even be possible for them to buy enough of them to simply slow down or even crash the server. Always try to look at the bigger picture. Storage crates are mobile; our standard ship barrels are not.

  • @aety9 supply crates huh, would be cool.

  • There’s a lot of ways to be OCD about this game and supplying a ship is one of them. Just get a few handfuls and move on as others said. Getting a supply crate every respawn would make PVP super annoying because a sunk ship would have less incentive to admit defeat.

    Adopting the ‘move on’ attitude is the best thing you can do to enjoy the game more. If you get sunk, come back and fight. Sunk again then move on. Learn when to call it quits. Don’t treat every session like it has to be fruitful. Not every battle has to be won, not every treasure handed in, not every resource stocked. I’m so much less paranoid/stressed and get a lot more done in the game when I don’t worry about losing it all and factor in loss as part of the experience.

6 out of 15