Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?

  • @realstyli

    I would rent a private server its a insta kill for karen slide her spawnrate down first ^^
    Then i up pirates to 8 boats since the map got bigger.
    Popup skellies insta kill! Away with the popups its a free world :D
    But i buff those free roaming ones to attack when in gunrange. ^^

    Get this game back to be a balanced pirate game where i need to sneak around like a thief.

  • It would be a dream come true.

  • @rager82 said in Do you think we will ever get a single player mode?:



    PVE games mixed with pvp never has done well. Just look at mmos, and most open world games trying to do pvp focus.

    A lot of MMOs have did really well doing just that. Look at World of Warcraft, it's been around for 14 years (15 in November). Few games ever reach that milestone. What you're referring to is a trend. WoW is what Fortnite is to the "Battle Royale" genre, an excellent, prime example of how a game in a genre should be done.

    The reason they fell out of style is because subscription based games began to die out and there were way too many chancers trying to make WoW happen twice with less effort.

  • @rummy-richard this is a year old thread...nekroing isn't allowed...make a new one, or post in existing ones, there are enough, still

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