• Been playing Arena and it’s fun, but too difficult to earn 20 wins for the third Achievement: FIGUREHEAD OF COURAGE.

    We haven’t won a single match let alone 20 matches.

    The goal should be 5 matches or tops 10, but definitely not 20.

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  • People forget. These...things you try to win. Are for those lucky enough.

    If you can win 20, even if the arena is bugged. Oh well. Only the lucky ones earn it. Thus making them limited and rare items.

    If everything was easy, everyone will have them.

  • I got it in one night, we got 22 wins in a row.

    Literally all you have to do right now is roll around with a half decent crew and spam cannons on any ship you can.

  • @comrade-molly it’s not that easy mate. We do okay but once treasure starts being turned in there’s no way to catch up. Invite me to your crew to earn some wins. Gamertag for Xbox is same as forums.

  • I played 3 nights in a row, at least 5 matches each night, and didn't get a single win. I kind of gave up after that - it's way too crazy with 5 ships, and the whole shooting other ships to get the win is stupid IMO because it takes away from the objective.

  • @galactic-geek The objective is to win and amass the most silver by any means necessary. Shooting and sinking enemy vessels is the most rewarding per time invested in the mode.

  • Also the single chest-turn-in is stupid, there should be two turn-in options.

    We get a chest and can’t sell it because every other crew just camps the single place to sell it.

  • I agree with 2 turn in locations because it would provide choice and spread out the crews a bit more so not everything would be 🦇💩 crazy!

  • @aaronblueeyes it's fine and definitly doable, I played yesterday with a friend, she's doing well, but PvP she struggles a bit...but we managed to win 3 out of 4 matches...a mixture of skill and luck and these 20 wins are done in 2 weeks

  • @aaronblueeyes sagte in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    Also the single chest-turn-in is stupid, there should be two turn-in options.

    We get a chest and can’t sell it because every other crew just camps the single place to sell it.

    If that happens keep a bit distance to them and shoot them...they can't sell either, so make some points by shooting

  • @aaronblueeyes hmmm weird, played about 25 matches and have my 20 wins... so it was quite easily achievable.

    We just made sure to get the chest asap and then dont turn it in and start shooting the ever living bejeezus out of everyone trying to steal it from us and then deliver the chest in the last 2 or 3 minutes of the game

  • @callmebackdraft that’s exactly what my crew and I did as well. The hardest part we found was the wait time in between matches...sometimes we would be waiting 20-30 mins just to play a 15 minute arena match. So you’re only getting in 1 maybe 2 games an hour. It seems like after we would win everyone votes for new rivals so they leave to a new server. Took forever because of that.

  • I played 3 nights in a row, at least 5 matches each night, and didn't get a single win. I kind of gave up after that - it's way too crazy with 5 ships, and the whole shooting other ships to get the win is stupid IMO because it takes away from the objective.

    Get better... I've literally played it for 2 days and already have 17 wins....4 of those wins was in an open crew with complete Randoms…
    This is a PVP mode if your not good enough to win it then don't come complaining to the forums this mode is for PVPers… if it is too much for you guys then you can always go kill some skeletons.. I seen your achievements yesterday and could see you had hardly any arena ones.... It is obvious you don't play this game mode so if your not experienced in it don't try to change it just because you can't win... In my opinion it should have been at least 50 wins to compete it..

  • You can always do a farmer win which I don't condone to but it's super easy....

    Find an empty/afk open crew ship, break their sails with chainshots… and shoot their own fallen sails from their own ship using their own cannonballs.... I got a video of another crew doing it yesterday, they got over 12k silver by using this method

    Like I said, i'd never use this method because:

    1. Boring as hell
    2. I play for the PVP only not commendations
    3. I don't need to use this method to win
  • It's harder to win in sloop mode I find because it's harder to farm points and less chance of AFK ships. This also makes it way more fun than galleon mode.

    Galleon mode the best way to win is just pick on the AFK or weakest boat and farm them for points.

  • @aaronblueeyes

    Also the single chest-turn-in is stupid, there should be two turn-in options.

    We get a chest and can’t sell it because every other crew just camps the single place to sell it.

    That is the whole point... you have to fight over the chest.. the best players come out on top and sell it

  • @rikology I am good at PvP, make no mistake - my only inexperience comes into play with multi-ship PvP. I'm used to 1v1 ship battles, not 1v4...

  • I thinkj the bigger issue is 5-10 mins loading time for a 15 min game

  • @drolllettuce410 and you have to consider yourself lucky if its only 5-10mins, i've waited 30mins many times :/


    @rikology I am good at PvP, make no mistake - my only inexperience comes into play with multi-ship PvP. I'm used to 1v1 ship battles, not 1v4...

    This is my entire point... the guy who made this post has only completed 8% of the 'Sailor of Silvered Waters' commendation which is for completing 200 games... not for wining, just getting to the end... That means he has only ever completed 16 games of arena.... No wonder he finds it so hard to get a win because he has very little experience in this game mode.... Now all these people who don't play arena are coming here to say 20 wins is too hard and trying to change it just because they want the cosmetics...

    Well sorry but I think it's your own fault for not playing this game mode enough in the first place... Yes the new arena has many problems at the minute but that is its own subject all together

    and the whole shooting other ships to get the win is stupid IMO because it takes away from the objective.

    I completely agree with you on that point though for sure! Hopefully rare find a better way of doing it!

  • The only way to really guarantee winning in the arena is to farm the open/afk crew. I already have my 20 wins. The only trouble my crew was having was that we were trying to play without cheesing the cannon points. That was because the other ships would set up their tent and have 2-3k points before we can catch the ships.

    So, I can see how it would be troublesome to win, I do not believe it is unachievable to win 20 games within a month.

    However new arena sucks.

  • @rikology Skilled, experienced, or otherwise, the odds are still against everybody - 5 crews and only 1 winner. That means, everything being considered equal, you have a 1 in 5 chance of winning. That means to get your 20 wins, you're looking at sailing in Arena for an average of 100 matches just to get the figurehead. Who even has that kind of time?

  • just play sloop

  • Still haven’t won a single match, we can get second place but never first. I stand by the 5-10 win change.

    To win consistently you either have to take over a lobby or have a really good PvP crew.

  • @galactic-geek said in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    @rikology Skilled, experienced, or otherwise, the odds are still against everybody - 5 crews and only 1 winner. That means, everything being considered equal, you have a 1 in 5 chance of winning. That means to get your 20 wins, you're looking at sailing in Arena for an average of 100 matches just to get the figurehead. Who even has that kind of time?

    That too!

  • @aaronblueeyes I won 20 out of my first 23 matches for the competition. I have since won another 8/11. Sorry that you can not seem to win, but it's not that hard to win. Go for silver.

  • @galactic-geek If it takes someone 100 matches to win 20 then I suggest they practice arena more and accept you won't win in this competition....

    I've played 4 tonight and won them all. I've got 20 wins already, I really don't think 20 is a lot so why would rare make it less when there's players like myself who complete it within a week... Technically it's taken me 3 nights of playing....

    The people who play arena a lot will not have any issue completing these wins... look at what @CallMeBackdrafT and @pomplo both said... They also have the wins within 7 days... I understand that if you don't play arena this would be challenging but that isn't anyone fault but your own... If I stayed on for 1 more match tonight no doubt I would of won 5... meaning if you had your way I'd of completed the entire competition in less than 2 hours... What type of competition is that?!

  • @rikology My guess is that you have a regular crew. I do not, so yes - that puts me at a significant disadvantage. Is that my fault though? Not necessarily...

  • @galactic-geek Love what you did with the emojis.

  • @rikology Or the players hiding behind the turn in guys with a blunderbuss.

  • @galactic-geek If you read my original post I said 4 of my wins was with an open crew of randoms… If you know what you are doing you can command an open crew to victory and that is exactly what I did...

    The other times was with my crew.. all of them I met on the seas and I've made good friends with them so we have an advantage when fighting other crews...
    Just because you don't have anyone to play with doesn't mean they should make it easier …. Rare literally encourage everyone to make friends on this game they even have an emote for it.... Arena is a crew based game mode... you have made the choice not to form a crew so who is to blame here?

  • @galactic-geek said in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    @rikology My guess is that you have a regular crew. I do not, so yes - that puts me at a significant disadvantage. Is that my fault though? Not necessarily...

    Have you tried using the official discord? You can throw together arena competent crews in under 5 minutes on there. You don't need a seasoned squad of veterans to win some arena, most of the matches are just giving away the win to whoever wants it.

  • I would also add, sloop arena is faster. matchmaking time is quick so you send more time in arena and less in tavern.

  • @galactic-geek said in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    @rikology My guess is that you have a regular crew. I do not, so yes - that puts me at a significant disadvantage. Is that my fault though? Not necessarily...

    So you feel entitled to the figurehead...why? Not everything needs to be given to casual players. The figurehead is to promote arena, clearly arena isn't for you, so maybe go play adventure and forget about the figurehead?

  • @comrade-molly said like it is mate arena obviously isn't for him so stop trying to change it for the people who it is for

  • @aaronblueeyes This is just not the event for you. There are a lot of people who enjoy Arena.
    I know i wont be getting that figurehead, and at the end of the day, that is ok. Ive got too many figureheads as it is, and dont really see myself using this one if I did get it anyway. (And I only use 4-6 of them as is)

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