so odd question MEGA LOOT

  • okay so i came up on a brig parked at plunder outpost, i was able to get on and downstgaris and tehy had MEGA MEGA loot like massive amount ok sweet ill tuck kill and get it all for myself.. well i tucked and they continued on now let me point out they had no quest on the table and no emisary flag up but these guys were stopping at what seemed to be random islands they would go off and come back with athena crates and ancient loot at EVERY island.. am i missing something or where or how could they be getting all of this? another thing was when i tried to kill him i shot him point blunder didn't die. sword x proably 8 or 9 times before he acually died.. please tell me what i'm missing.. i wanna be able to get all that loot

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  • Probably reached level 5 of Athena emmissary and then picked up their special emissary quest at an outpost which gives three islands that will have a ton of Athena loot

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