Coop server? PVE

  • @gunner646 said in Coop server? PVE:

    This is a bad solution to a nonexistent problem.

    Because a problem doesn't affect you doesn't mean its nonexistent. To many players have complained and spoken out to bury ones head in the sand.

    But lets try this, without saying you are admitting there is a problem, if it did exist how would you solve it?

    I see what are you are saying overall and it highlights that the situation is more complex. Your suggestion boils down to, get good. I mean your making the assumption those who dislike PvP aren't good at it. I think the general understand we have reached reading through the entirety of the thread is that Its not PvP or PvE alone that create the divide. Most who have posted dislike the PvP they experienced because instead of being fun or engaging has been dry or pointless. For example sinking new spawned ships and or spawn camping. There are other points to, just using these as quick examples. Then we have PvP supporters who prefer searching for treasure and doing voyages, but love the tension PvP creates. Those players and the PvE posters would mostly get along quite well in the same server even though it appears they are on opposite sides of this discussion.

    The real problem is extremists. These are the PvP supporters who consider that Winning is the only way to play. Spawn Camping is not only ok, its a valid strategy. They consider forcing an opponent to quit a victory. These are also the toxic PvE players who throw constant stream of insults and profanities at anyone daring to engage them in PvP. These are the people that stand still letting you kill them just to scream that you are ruining the game.

    My personal preference is player controlled private servers that would allow content and settings to be controlled by the owner. My second preference is for invitation on play, allowing private communities to work together to bring about a more static player base. In games like DayZ, Rust, and Conan for example playing with one set community leads to the development of relationships and rivalries. I have over a dozen friends I can play with. You put us all in the same shard and the Seas will see more than a fair share of blood as we tend to hold grudges between titles.

  • tbh I wouldn't mind a somewhat altered pve server. remove red/gold chest add more ai ships and keep it at that for pve. I do love just questing most of the time on MMOs like WoW or EvE ect. and pve lets me just enjoy the game with out having to deal with kids looking to take what I spend hours on farming. so yeah I feel the pain when I afk for a min to help my kids or wife with something to come back and find myself getting rob and spawn camp. to me thats not pvp thats being an a**. Main reason a lot of MMOs have PvE/PvP/RP servers so people can take what they enjoy and also mixed servers.

    Now on the other hand yes I do enjoy the PvP of this game. when it comes down to ship to ship and not going man to man combat and spawn trapping, like I said a lot of people do this and its a d*** move. Not saying boarding the ship isn't apart of the fun I do it, but I don't spawn trap. there is no enjoyment in it for me I rather prolong the fight at sea and take a few things on the way out !! :)

    So long story short I do see the want in having a choice of PvE and PvP servers and will it hurt server pops on any side of the coin? no it will not. mainly because u could like I said before remove some things like Red/Gold Chests from game and pop the seas with more Ai ships doing this will make it harder to farm blue coins and give a bonus for PvP servers.
    so for PvP red gives now from what I have seen around 30 blue bump to 50
    an quests if it gives say 10 now drop to 5 if its 5 drop it to 2-3 per.
    Give and take is all i'm saying and fixes like this and a few adjustments are super easy to do. JS

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