Can you get banned for stealing tall tale loot?

  • I recently sunk a galleon and stole the ancient crown item for the tall tale, since they shot me when we were in an alliance I decided to throw the item overboard. Later they all messaged me how apparently I made a 6 year old cry after spending 5 hours working on a tall tale. I doubt this is true, but they all said they reported me, can I get banned?

  • 16
  • Of course not.


  • 5 hours.....Five? Hours?!
    Wow....Nope you can not be reported. It is indeed frown upon to mess with Tale Tale pirates, but...since you dont gain anything for doing so (yet?)

  • Did you say anything nasty?

    That's why you'd be banned.

  • Nah, you're fine. It will probably end with one of them making a PvE thread haha.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that a 6 y/o is too young to play this game so...

  • @blindnev Thats what I told them and they just got even more triggered.

  • @blindnev Our 7 Year old plays with us, on a brigandine. It has sometimes taken us 3-4 hours to do a tall tale because she is slow at helping but certainly not totally useless nor too young. Last night we were chased by a galleon, only to outrun them upwind and maneuvering through rocks and into fog did we lose them after sailing all the way across the map, it took us an hour. Our kid was panicking, and sometimes they do take what they have accomplished seriously. How can you even tell if the loot is for a tall tale or a ship is doing a tall tale?

  • @freemorgan only if you get on board the ship you can tell if someone is on a tall tale, some pirates (like me) will try to stop the fight at that point and leave them to their bussiness after taking all non tall tale loot, if they dont comply and still try to attack us then its to davy jones with them

    Also you have to realise this game is rated teen for a reason

  • I'd report them for lettinga 6yo play a teen rated game or just play at all for 5 hours with a child 6yo.

  • @freemorgan sagte in Can you get banned for stealing tall tale loot?:

    @blindnev Our 7 Year old plays with us, on a brigandine. It has sometimes taken us 3-4 hours to do a tall tale because she is slow at helping but certainly not totally useless nor too young. Last night we were chased by a galleon, only to outrun them upwind and maneuvering through rocks and into fog did we lose them after sailing all the way across the map, it took us an hour. Our kid was panicking, and sometimes they do take what they have accomplished seriously. How can you even tell if the loot is for a tall tale or a ship is doing a tall tale?

    I'm singleparent man of a 14 yo.
    Dont you think it's bad for your 7yo? The game is rated 12+

    May i ask how long you play with a 7yo?

  • @callmebackdraft Yes, we understand, but we are actively supervising our kid while we play and currently being unable to leave the house, we are limited on the things we can do so rotate out activities. This one, allows her to follow directions and concentrate, which she has problems with. Our kid is a gifted 7 yr old and I sure as heck think this game is better than letting them play fortnite.

  • @bugaboo-bill Oh come on. Kids these days, especially since school is out, 5 hours playing a game once a week isnt that terrible. Its when a parent is letting their kid play games alone, or not supervising that this is a problem. A kid can do very well at this game with parent help and supervision.

  • @bugaboo-bill Its rated 12+ and no, I think its much better than fortnite and other shooting games that kids her age play. This is strategy and treasure and fun, and we play about 1-2 hours usually (concentration being a problem, after that they run around just being silly) but the tall tale took longer mostly because of that issue. They can get up and leave anytime and its not something we force them to stay and play for our sake or anything. They get a 4 hour window to pick a game each weekend. Its not like they are doing nothing but playing this game. It's only supervised with us.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Can you get banned for stealing tall tale loot?:

    I'd report them for lettinga 6yo play a teen rated game or just play at all for 5 hours with a child 6yo.

    There’s no way this is verifiable or enforceable or frankly any of your business.

  • @taco-tarry No, you can't get banned for sinking Tall Talers. I have done it many times, and it is always worth it. You can tell the difference between a player protecting his castaways, and a player protecting his broken spyglass from the Cursed Rogue TT. If they report you, don't mind it.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Can you get banned for stealing tall tale loot?:

    I'd report them for lettinga 6yo play a teen rated game or just play at all for 5 hours with a child 6yo.

    Don't do that! That's where all the fun happens! Sinking hotmic 6 y/o's is fun!

9 out of 16