Toxicity in gaming

  • I know I know, another thread on toxic players! Not exactly...

    This isn't a discussion of in-game toxicity. Everyone has their own rules, and that's fine by me. Mine are simple: no alliance breaking, no spawn camping (unless strategic), no tall tale item stealing (unless the item isn't completion related), no newbie trolling. However, I don't imbue my own rules to others. Play how you like.

    This thread is about out of game toxicity, and was inspired by an encounter I had last night in SoT. After a long and spirited FotD battle and chase, with my team getting the Athena, and the other team getting the rest of the loot, I was invited to a party by them. I was cautious, but was hoping for a GG and good conversation. Instead, I was greeted with taunting, cursing, and insults; the most colorful being "Your Mom and Dad put you up for adoption because you have Autism."

    I'm very curious as to what makes people think this type of behavior is acceptable. Is it an innate human characteristic to act out our deepest and darkest emotions when wrapped in a blanket of anonymity? Is it the lack of consequences, combined with a herd mentality? I'm curious as to other peoples thoughts. Maybe I'm being too soft, and should just laugh it all off. Which, by the way, is what I did last night, and usually do when confronted with toxic people.

    So, if you are still with me, I have two questions:

    First, what is the worst/funniest thing you've been told online? I'm not talking about the constant "Sit down &$(##" that seems to be so common place, but rather the really nasty/creative stuff. I have three that come to mind:

    1. I hope your kids die of cancer
    2. You should log off and set yourself on fire
    3. The Autism comment above

    Second, what do you think is the root cause of the verbal toxicity that occurs in the video game culture?

    Thanks, and sorry for the wall of text.

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  • @sammyr0cks I know what you mean. Sadly it is still common wit online gaming. I remember a friend of mine who used to team up with me on Champions Online a few years ago. As time passed some other players began acting aggressively towards him and at that point, I didn't know why as it wasn't obvious yet. It wasn't till a while later when one troll told him " People like you should be shot and burned " which then caused me to ask " People like what? " . It turned out that my online friend was both gay and also working as a drag queen which didn't bother me in the slightest but seemed to upset these idiots. Anyway we continued playing games together but due to trolls and homophobic behaviour he started to spend less time online, though we still keep in touch.

    There is a positive thing though. That same Queen then went on to have a popular and successful career in drag and even appeared on All-Star Drag Race as well as the regular edition of Rupaul's drag race. She also campaigns actively against online bullying and homophobia. I won't name drop though as I want to respect her privacy though some fans may know who I refer to.

  • These insults seem like something you would get out of a book called "Babies first insults." Really unimaginative, quite boring, and frankly rather weak. Mind you, this isn't to insult you, but I always find it interesting when people, not you, say this game is the most toxic they have ever played. Now I am not excusing the behavior, but this game is quite tame when compared to games with actual stakes.

  • It is base immaturity. It exists everywhere on the internet.
    The biggest difference is the anonymity one has online that encourages the lack of restraint.
    They can act big and mean online whereas in real life, they would probably need medical care after acting that way.

  • I agree strongly with you, toxicity in game including in sea of thieves is just stupid in my opinion. For example, last night or yesterday night for some, I was minding my own business fish at a seaport (I’m on a sloop)finish the HH event and a brig come slowly right next to my ship. I didn’t mind because they had a alliance flag up. Next thing I know I see guys swimming to my boat with cigs. In reaction I ran to my ship and started repairing my ship after the suicide bombed it, but they keeper on doing it sadly my ship sanked, but I didn’t charge that much, until I was mid fishing on the dock one of the other crew came up the latter squeeze in front of me so I could see my fish, I lose it and as soon as he pulled it in he pulled his blonder bust and shoot and killed me... I had not happy at this moment not mad but not happy. I text the guy to say ”why???, I had no loot at all” they said “why not”... this made me infuriated. What they did know was that I joined there alliance to see where the are located. I arrived where I sank to have my sweet revenge and I was successful. The same fellow that told me “why not” started texting me the same things you said, I responded to an “that’s what you get” and a good old “Don’t yell at me you guys sinked me first”. After I continued my fishing and they didn’t come back.

  • @nabberwar said in Toxicity in gaming:

    These insults seem like something you would get out of a book called "Babies first insults." Really unimaginative, quite boring, and frankly rather weak. Mind you, this isn't to insult you, but I always find it interesting when people, not you, say this game is the most toxic they have ever played. Now I am not excusing the behavior, but this game is quite tame when compared to games with actual stakes.

    Oh, I don't think this game is toxic at all. Try GTA online and you will find a lot worse. I was simply making the point that its an unfortunately common behavior online.

  • @sammyr0cks

    I think it has to do with real-life. Basicly these people don't own their own desicions. get lived by parents, jobs, bosses.

    To me it is just kinda sad. The fact they do this hidden in a game just shows something is wrong with them. Never ever let this get to u. Laugh it off. They have bigger problems in real life.

    To me all this toxic hatred is just fanmail. I beat u. U get upset. again u have a problem not me.

    The U in this story is not U (the op). Hope u do understand what i mean.

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