Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers"

  • I suggest a server which is only accessible to players that just started playing SoT and it is loaded to the player after the Maiden's Voyage. The catch? This server is only accessible to new players for 24hrs only and they cannot invite any person to the game! Unless they're also new to the game. (To prevent PvE server holders)

    The new players also have the option to join a friends game should he/she want to avoid the "Temporary Safe Server" and jump right into the full action. This give new players time to understand the ropes while also give the option to go all in. (All progress in the "Temporary Safe Server" should count because it's only available to new players for 24hrs)

    The server auto-shutdowns every 24hrs or so to make sure that any server holders get disconnected.


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  • Not sure the every 24 hours server shut down is going to work. What if I join the server 5 minutes before the shutdown?

    However the server system should try to put new players on a 'friendly' server not dump them on the first available server.

  • @capt-soul-beard I'm against this players have to learn, that it's risky out there...better they learn it from the beginning, or the crying will be huge after they got into the regular servers
    Also new players should be able to learn from experienced players from the start, not after 24 hours

  • @schwammlgott like I said it's a side option, they can leave game and join a normal session. There can also be a prompt to choose which server to join when you're done from the Maiden Voyage.

  • @capt-soul-beard sagte in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":

    @schwammlgott like I said it's a side option, they can leave game and join a normal session. There can also be a prompt to choose which server to join when you're done from the Maiden Voyage.

    And still the crying would be huge...

  • This idea sounds like a crutch.

    Let players know the dangers from the start so they can grow a thicker skin faster.

    Dont coddle the tenderfoot beginners.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":

    This idea sounds like a crutch.

    Let players know the dangers from the start so they can grow a thicker skin faster.

    Dont coddle the tenderfoot beginners.

    Strong disagree. New players often get utterly dunked on and never return. Sure they have a realistic sense of how dangerous the seas are, but that doesn't count for much if they never come back.

    You wouldn't apply this philsophy anywere else. You don't get your newborn a 9-5 six hours out of the womb, you don't ask a person who just started math to do quadratics, and you don't expect a player to kill the final boss mid-tutorial, so why would you expect people who don't know how to open their inventory to face down a galleon of legendary sea dogs? Difficulty curves should to be gradual, PvP or not.

  • @wilbymagicbear
    Not my concern about new players.
    Not my concern if they choose to quit.
    We are all felons in a prison, what good does handholding do?

    Game has been out for nearly two years and thriving. Learn the intentions of the developers and improve your game.

    We all learned how to survive, it's easier now than ever.
    What makes new players special when this game is based on communication, interaction, and individual skill?

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":

    Not my concern about new players.
    Not my concern if they choose to quit.

    Game has been out for nearly two years and thriving. Learn the intentions of the developers and improve your game.

    We all learned how to survive, what makes new players special?

    You know, this is a lot like an argument I had yesterday about voting. Anyhow:

    A) Would you not want the best for your fellow players, even if you don't profit from it?

    B) Do you really want to be in a server with new players? They take up space that could be filled by more dynamic crews, and they don't have any treasure.

    C) Since around the Industrial Revolution, we've lived in a positive sum world. This is difficult for humans to understand, having come out of millions of years a zero sum world. The idea is that whatever benifits your fellow man also benifits you. In real life, this could come in the form of providing aid to a 3rd world farmer. This farmer could then afford to send their kids to school, who could then become doctors, who could then help cure some form of cancer, which you could have. If you don't, it could save someone else, who could then become a particle physicist, who could then help develop fusion power, which would then provide you with endless free energy. In this instance, a new player not getting dunked on means they'll stick around. This keeps the game alive. In addition, once they get to a decent level of skill, they'll have treasure you can steal, or be an interesting person you could speak to.

  • @wilbymagicbear

    A) I'm a pirate on the open sea, looking for opportunity. Not going to worry about things I can not control.

    B) I want to wake up in a tavern and find out for myself what kind of server I'm on.

    C) Survival of the fittest. New players getting thrashed in a casual game as nuanced and wide open as SoT is nothing new. Whats new is it doesn't really matter, jump in with both feet and be daring.

    OP's idea keeps newbies resisting death like in other games, when death is inconsequential for pirates in SoT.

  • I already lost count of how many times I was attacked by players with new accounts, I could see that they were new to not only their skills, but also their clothes and profiles. Many newbies come out attacking everything that appears in the game.

    I don't think this idea will make much difference.

  • To be honest I don't think it would make a difference. I think it should stay the way it is..because new players are the ones that attack me more than anyone else lol. That is also how you learn the hard way.

  • @wilbymagicbear I don't under why people are so against just a 24hr session of safety... It solves one of the many issues that newbies complain about, it's basically a timed feature to make them shut up. If they don't utilize this 24hrs then too bad the safe session is gone for you.

  • @barnabas-seadog This feature will give you more players to kill. If this saves people from quitting it's a win-win situation for both sides (The new player's side, the PvE side and the PvP player's side) Other than that, you look like the type of person that gets immense pleasure spawn camping someone who doesn't know what a plank is. lol

  • @capt-soul-beard

    That is an assumption on your part.
    Shows me what you know about me.

    I only spawn camp people when I have a killcount to do so.

    /raise tankard

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":


    A) I'm a pirate on the open sea, looking for opportunity. Not going to worry about things I can not control.

    B) I want to wake up in a tavern and find out for myself what kind of server I'm on.

    C) Survival of the fittest. New players getting thrashed in a casual game as nuanced and wide open as SoT is nothing new. Whats new is it doesn't really matter, jump in with both feet and be daring.

    OP's idea keeps newbies resisting death like in other games, when death is inconsequential for pirates in SoT.

    A) This isn't an individual thing. You don't have to worry at all, it's just nice to know other peoplr are also having fun.

    B) Why would you ever want to be on a server with people who don't know how to jump? Is it more fun to organically learn after an hour that everyone on your server knows what they're doing than just being on a good server?

    C) You and the other couple hundred extremely fit players can all be very fit, but it doesn't really matter if you're the only ones playing the game. You need a healthy population, and dunking on newcomers because they aren't fit is not going to help. Kind of silly to argue survival of the fittest against new players anyway. I could stomp a second trimester fetus in a game of Chess and proclaim myself the fittest, but when that fetus grows up, they're not going to want to play chess with me.

    Let new players ease into the game. You don't just chuck a first time swimmer into the deep end, you gotta let them develop some skill before you have a race.

  • @capt-soul-beard

    There is a such a place and its called the Maiden Voyage.

    I also want to point out that a lot of players are still here playing the game after their first baptism in the game. OG players had it significantly worse when the game came out.

    New players can find other players to look for to learn how to play the game, there are tons of players out there willing to teach.

    New players can also do what we did in the past and just play the game and learn as you go. Why protect them from the harsh reality? You think it makes any difference if they learn now versus later? This isn't the type of game where if they only knew what a plank was they might have stayed to play the game.

    This game isn't for everyone. Some players learn to eventually love the game after realizing how important the PvP is. Others learn that this game isn't really for them and thats also okay you can't and shouldn't try to cater to everyone.

    SIDE NOTE One last thing. The belief that the safe space will help new players transition is false. It will instead make it harder for new players. They will go from safe space to harsh game reality, and when they experience something they don't like they will remember how the game was kind and peaceful in the beginning. Instead of becoming a Pirate they will instead run to Mommy and Daddy Rare and demand that the safe space be made permanent.

    They know it can be done, they know it exists. They will fight and cry and whine even worse then before because now its in the game regardless of time limit.

    Sorry broski. No no no no no

  • @capt-soul-beard said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":

    I suggest a server which is only accessible to players that just started playing SoT and it is loaded to the player after the Maiden's Voyage. The catch? This server is only accessible to new players for 24hrs only and they cannot invite any person to the game! Unless they're also new to the game. (To prevent PvE server holders)

    The new players also have the option to join a friends game should he/she want to avoid the "Temporary Safe Server" and jump right into the full action. This give new players time to understand the ropes while also give the option to go all in. (All progress in the "Temporary Safe Server" should count because it's only available to new players for 24hrs)

    The server auto-shutdowns every 24hrs or so to make sure that any server holders get disconnected.


    This solves exactly nothing, because when i started out, it took me multiple days, up to around a week to learn the ropes... There were a lot of ropes to learn. :P

    Even so, even though i had no idea how to properly pirate, i still sunk 5 ships the day i started playing the game after i got my crash course in how not to sink, accidentally setting sail in a storm... Best first-time experience i've ever had in a game, tbh! :)

    The point is, even if someone could learn the ropes in a day, your suggestion still isn't necessary, because gamers don't need to be mollycoddled, or have their hand held.

    How can you learn to fly, if you never jump from the nest? : /

  • @wilbymagicbear

    Strong disagree. New players often get utterly dunked on and never return. Sure they have a realistic sense of how dangerous the seas are, but that doesn't count for much if they never come back.

    If Rare made a game directed at quitters, they'd have a nonexistent playerbase. :P

    Quitters are not our concern, matey. ;3

    A) Would you not want the best for your fellow players, even if you don't profit from it?

    Yes, and molycoddling quitters is not what is best for them, i'm sorry, your argument doesn't support your narrative here. :S

    B) Do you really want to be in a server with new players? They take up space that could be filled by more dynamic crews, and they don't have any treasure.

    They wouldn't have any treasure worth my time, no... But my treasure would be immensely valuable for them... bring it on newbies, i'll show you the fury of sweltering nick! :)

    C) Since around the Industrial Revolution, we've lived in a positive sum world. This is difficult for humans to understand, having come out of millions of years a zero sum world. The idea is that whatever benifits your fellow man also benifits you. In real life, this could come in the form of providing aid to a 3rd world farmer. This farmer could then afford to send their kids to school, who could then become doctors, who could then help cure some form of cancer, which you could have. If you don't, it could save someone else, who could then become a particle physicist, who could then help develop fusion power, which would then provide you with endless free energy. In this instance, a new player not getting dunked on means they'll stick around. This keeps the game alive. In addition, once they get to a decent level of skill, they'll have treasure you can steal, or be an interesting person you could speak to.

    Not quitting a game is not the equivalent of allowing some starving poor kid in africa to live his dream of becoming a doctor saving lives... That's not how analogies work, and it's not how comparisons are made. :P

    A true gamer knows hardship, they know they wont be instantly good at a game, and will persist, even after losing multiple times. If getting ganked a few times as a newbie is enough to make you quit the game entirely, truth be told, nothing Rare could do, would be able to keep you playing the game.

    because quitters quit for literally ANY reason, at the first sign of frustration... This game has PvP, they're gonna lose, they're gonna feel frustrated, and therefore, they are going to quit, and nothing we do is going to prevent that from happening.

    Like i said, games do not appeal to quitters, if they did, then the game would have a nonexistent playerbase. : /

  • @sweltering-nick said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":


    Strong disagree. New players often get utterly dunked on and never return. Sure they have a realistic sense of how dangerous the seas are, but that doesn't count for much if they never come back.

    If Rare made a game directed at quitters, they'd have a nonexistent playerbase. :P

    Quitters are not our concern, matey. ;3

    A) Would you not want the best for your fellow players, even if you don't profit from it?

    Yes, and molycoddling quitters is not what is best for them, i'm sorry, your argument doesn't support your narrative here. :S

    B) Do you really want to be in a server with new players? They take up space that could be filled by more dynamic crews, and they don't have any treasure.

    They wouldn't have any treasure worth my time, no... But my treasure would be immensely valuable for them... bring it on newbies, i'll show you the fury of sweltering nick! :)

    C) Since around the Industrial Revolution, we've lived in a positive sum world. This is difficult for humans to understand, having come out of millions of years a zero sum world. The idea is that whatever benifits your fellow man also benifits you. In real life, this could come in the form of providing aid to a 3rd world farmer. This farmer could then afford to send their kids to school, who could then become doctors, who could then help cure some form of cancer, which you could have. If you don't, it could save someone else, who could then become a particle physicist, who could then help develop fusion power, which would then provide you with endless free energy. In this instance, a new player not getting dunked on means they'll stick around. This keeps the game alive. In addition, once they get to a decent level of skill, they'll have treasure you can steal, or be an interesting person you could speak to.

    Not quitting a game is not the equivalent of allowing some starving poor kid in africa to live his dream of becoming a doctor saving lives... That's not how analogies work, and it's not how comparisons are made. :P

    A true gamer knows hardship, they know they wont be instantly good at a game, and will persist, even after losing multiple times. If getting ganked a few times as a newbie is enough to make you quit the game entirely, truth be told, nothing Rare could do, would be able to keep you playing the game.

    because quitters quit for literally ANY reason, at the first sign of frustration... This game has PvP, they're gonna lose, they're gonna feel frustrated, and therefore, they are going to quit, and nothing we do is going to prevent that from happening.

    Like i said, games do not appeal to quitters, if they did, then the game would have a nonexistent playerbase. : /

    It's wonderful to exert one's superiority over "quitters", right up until they fufill their destined purpose and you can no longer find other players. These "quitters" are your concern. Besides, if you're not having fun in a game, why wouldn't you quit?

    A) No, repeatedly getting curb stomped and losing everything until they uninstall the game is not the best for them. A gentle transition is.

    B) They're not going to "bring it on". These are people who can barely steer the ship, they're not going to attack you and even if they did, fighting them would hardly be a fun challenge.

    No, it's not the equivalent, but it is the same concept of helping others helps you. You might know it as egoistic altruism? That is how analogies work.

    The rest of your comment is just a bundle of gatekeeping and a frankly concerning attitude of superiority. "A true gamer" is honestly the cringiest phrase I've read in a while.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":


    There is a such a place and its called the Maiden Voyage.

    I also want to point out that a lot of players are still here playing the game after their first baptism in the game. OG players had it significantly worse when the game came out.

    New players can find other players to look for to learn how to play the game, there are tons of players out there willing to teach.

    New players can also do what we did in the past and just play the game and learn as you go. Why protect them from the harsh reality? You think it makes any difference if they learn now versus later? This isn't the type of game where if they only knew what a plank was they might have stayed to play the game.

    This game isn't for everyone. Some players learn to eventually love the game after realizing how important the PvP is. Others learn that this game isn't really for them and thats also okay you can't and shouldn't try to cater to everyone.

    SIDE NOTE One last thing. The belief that the safe space will help new players transition is false. It will instead make it harder for new players. They will go from safe space to harsh game reality, and when they experience something they don't like they will remember how the game was kind and peaceful in the beginning. Instead of becoming a Pirate they will instead run to Mommy and Daddy Rare and demand that the safe space be made permanent.

    They know it can be done, they know it exists. They will fight and cry and whine even worse then before because now its in the game regardless of time limit.

    Sorry broski. No no no no no

    The extra crying would be an issue for sure in the forums

  • Nah, that'll soften them up even more. We all started out without any such provision and we made it. I didn't even have anyone regular to play with for my first month or so.

  • @wilbymagicbear

    It's wonderful to exert one's superiority over "quitters", right up until they fufill their destined purpose and you can no longer find other players. These "quitters" are your concern. Besides, if you're not having fun in a game, why wouldn't you quit?

    I was a noob once, i lost plenty of times, i'm still here, no longer a noob... Your argument, is irrelevant.

  • @sweltering-nick said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":


    It's wonderful to exert one's superiority over "quitters", right up until they fufill their destined purpose and you can no longer find other players. These "quitters" are your concern. Besides, if you're not having fun in a game, why wouldn't you quit?

    I was a noob once, i lost plenty of times, i'm still here, no longer a noob... Your argument, is irrelevant.

    Perhaps you have unusually high perseverance, but it doesn't matter. If new players mostly leave, the game won't last as long or be as fun as you would like. I also can't help but notice the lack of the other 2 points in your repsone.

  • @wilbymagicbear said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":

    @sweltering-nick said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":


    It's wonderful to exert one's superiority over "quitters", right up until they fufill their destined purpose and you can no longer find other players. These "quitters" are your concern. Besides, if you're not having fun in a game, why wouldn't you quit?

    I was a noob once, i lost plenty of times, i'm still here, no longer a noob... Your argument, is irrelevant.

    Perhaps you have unusually high perseverance, but it doesn't matter. If new players mostly leave, the game won't last as long or be as fun as you would like. I also can't help but notice the lack of the other 2 points in your repsone.

    There's absolutely nothing unusual about my perserverance... It's quite a standard, normal perserverence... The majority of people have it.

    And the reason i didn't address your other 2 points, is because i already debunked the premise they were built on... That all players and all newbies are somehow quitters who need their hand held throughout the entire gaming experience, just to prevent them from quitting.

    It's hilarious how wrong you are. : /

  • @sweltering-nick said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":

    @wilbymagicbear said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":

    @sweltering-nick said in Suggestion to prevent new players from quitting "Temporary Safe Servers":


    It's wonderful to exert one's superiority over "quitters", right up until they fufill their destined purpose and you can no longer find other players. These "quitters" are your concern. Besides, if you're not having fun in a game, why wouldn't you quit?

    I was a noob once, i lost plenty of times, i'm still here, no longer a noob... Your argument, is irrelevant.

    Perhaps you have unusually high perseverance, but it doesn't matter. If new players mostly leave, the game won't last as long or be as fun as you would like. I also can't help but notice the lack of the other 2 points in your repsone.

    There's absolutely nothing unusual about my perserverance... It's quite a standard, normal perserverence... The majority of people have it.

    And the reason i didn't address your other 2 points, is because i already debunked the premise they were built on... That all players and all newbies are somehow quitters who need their hand held throughout the entire gaming experience, just to prevent them from quitting.

    It's hilarious how wrong you are. : /

    Haven't you seen the never ending posts from new players forced to fight people with 3 years of experience? Then we consider that almost every player who quits a game at the beginning isn't the type to make forum posts about it, then also compare the completion stats for some achievements, and it all comes together to show there's a lot of people who quit this way. Once again, there's no other situation where you expect completely new people to compete against the most experienced; not in real life and not in other games.

    This will likely be the end of my involvement here, as it has been made quite clear that your opposition comes from a desire for superiority rather than any reasoning. There's little point in arguing with a "true gamer" that doesn't understand player psychology, egoistic altruism, or punctuation.

  • @capt-soul-beard

    Nice idea that could have been part of the game since day 1..

    I will counter with this however; given the lack of players in Adventure mode now days as opposed to the number of players 1 year ago; there really is no need for this when 95% of the ships on the horizon run from you even if you're not hostile.

  • @wilbymagicbear

    Haven't you seen the never ending posts from new players forced to fight people with 3 years of experience?

    I have... But i'm guessing you don't understand the concept of a "vocal minority".

    These people are loud whiners, and enjoy complaining and causing drama, fishing for attention... That's it, it does not go any deeper than that.

    They don't even actually quit the game, they come back weekly/monthly, and re-post their complaints. They're not actually quitters... Just whiners.

    Then we consider that almost every player who quits a game at the beginning isn't the type to make forum posts about it

    It doesn't matter what we, or Rare does, those players will quit anyway, because they have the game via game-pass, tried it, and found it wasn't to their liking, and move on, sheesh... First time experience has nothing to do with it, the game simply isn't to their liking, AKA, they are part of a demographic that Rare isn't actually aiming for.

    The only way to ensure everyone plays the game, is by forcing them, and that is not going to happen. Now stop obsessing over the things nobody can control, it's a waste of everyone's time. -.-'

    then also compare the completion stats for some achievements, and it all comes together to show there's a lot of people who quit this way.

    No, it tells me there are a whole lot of people out there who have game-pass, and technically own the game, but aren't aware of it... And so the achievement stats, include them in its calculations, that is why the percentages are so low, because half the planet technically owns the game, but only 5-10% of them are actually aware that the game exists and play it. -.-'

    Once again, there's no other situation where you expect completely new people to compete against the most experienced; not in real life and not in other games.

    You clearly haven't played a lot of games, here's a few off the top of my head:
    Team Fortress 2
    World of Warcraft
    Guild Wars 2
    Elder Scrolls: Online
    Dying Light
    Battlefield: Bad Company 2
    Secret Neighbor
    Team Fortress Classic
    Counter Strike
    ARK: Survival Evolved
    Dark and Light

    Oh i could probably name a whole bunch more, but i think you get the jist.
    All of these games, are both old and new games, and they all allow you to face up against enemies who are far more experienced and skilled at the game than you are, even if you're brand new to the game, via their online features.

    Here i go again.... You're wrong.

    Mate, you have been debunked, it's time for you to re-evaluate your viewpoint.

    This will likely be the end of my involvement here, as it has been made quite clear that your opposition comes from a desire for superiority rather than any reasoning.

    No, it comes from my logic and reasoning, and also actual facts, and absolute exhaustion from repeating myself over and over and over and overt and over infinitely.

    Because you are not the first person to come to these forums and make baseless claims, and suggest absurd solutions to nonexistent problems. : /

    I'm tired of it, the forum is tired of it, everyone is tired of it. :(

    There's little point in arguing with a "true gamer" that doesn't understand player psychology, egoistic altruism, or punctuation.

    Oh i understand it all too well, all the regulars on these forums do. :)

    Edit: Well, maybe not punctiation, but whatever. xD

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