Dropping a gift for others

  • I'm just curious, does anyone do this?

    Usually when I've played for a few hours, stockpiled a couple storage crates full of goodies... once I've reached the end of my journey I'll either set sail looking for a ship to donate them to or I'll drop them all off at the nearest outpost to help someone else out.

  • 18
  • Sometimes if I'm bored I will.
    Occasionally I'll open my crew and let someone in and leave.

    I don't do it as often since supplies are more available in rowboats and storage crates you find along the way.

  • Not too often. I play about 8 hours a week and have probably found about 6 gifts this last month? And it's not like I hang out at Reaper's.... so....

    This was a feeble attempt by Rare at "community interaction".

    Where are the days of HUNGERING DEEP ??????

  • @viperishemu2992

    oh I'm totally not talking about the event "gifts" ... those things are worthless...

  • Just find nearby outpost and drop everything in the tavern or dock.

    Unless your like the last guy who left 5 snakes in the tavern. Went afk while I was loading, come back on ferry with purple light. XD

  • @burnbacon said in Dropping a gift for others:

    Just find nearby outpost and drop everything in the tavern or dock.

    Unless your like the last guy who left 5 snakes in the tavern. Went afk while I was loading, come back on ferry with purple light. XD

    In doing that next time I play lol

  • yep, all the time I drop the black one in the Reaper's but no one claim it after I leave the game haha

  • @avariku often after a good play session I drop of a full rowboat and whatever supplies I have at the last outpost I visit, I also leave the gifts on the rowboat as well. I have not turned any in since I got the commendation.

  • @burnbacon That's so great I'm going to do that some day lol!!

  • When ever I finish a session I go to an Outpost and put all my resources in a barrel by the shipwright as a nice surprise for someone. Then I burn my ship...

  • @viperishemu2992 don't read just the title...

  • @avariku EVERY session, if I have a storage crate, I fill it and leave it at the outpost/seapost/reapers hideout i leave the session

  • @schwammlgott I did.

    OP Question: I'm just curious, does anyone do this?
    My Answer: Not too often.

    What do you not understand? This is pretty straight forward stuff.

  • @viperishemu2992 sagte in Dropping a gift for others:

    @schwammlgott I did.

    OP Question: I'm just curious, does anyone do this?
    My Answer: Not too often.

    What do you not understand? This is pretty straight forward stuff.

    It's not about the gifts from the event...he meant a gift like a storage crate filled with stuff...

  • @schwammlgott Oh I see. Gifts in general. I used to give people (literally) boat-loads of treasure. I don't do it anymore. People are too "shoot on sight" these days.

    But I will go to the Ferry of the Damned and give away all my CC's to the first person that shows up, before I sign off.

  • most of the time I just leave it at the outpost, Sometime give it to the alliance ship if they are close.
    But mainly outpost, with like 100-200 cannonballs an around 100 planks + all the cursed cannonballs found along the way.

  • @viperishemu2992 sagte in Dropping a gift for others:

    But I will go to the Ferry of the Damned and give away all my CC's to the first person that shows up, before I sign off.

    I did that before the supply crates were introduced...

  • Sometimes, if i have the time for it. I feel its a waste og supplies just leaving the ship with much food and cannon balls and planks, so i usually thinks that someone else can use it instead of going to waste, and save them some time with gathering supplies :)

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