Leaving notes with supply crate "gifts"

  • I know the Festival of Giving is almost at an end but... in our crew we have a tradition that I'm pretty sure a lot of crews have too: at the end of the session we burn the ship...

    No... wait, it's the other tradition that I was meant to talk about... we fill any supply crates (ones we can't sell) we've gathered and leave them on the docks for others to pick up and use.

    As we were doing this last night I suggested it would be cool if we could leave a note on it with some pre-written pirate speak greeting and signed with our crew's gamertags.

    Maybe if a crew does use it they could inspect the note and optionally "reply" with a thank you. This could then pop up the next time we log into the game.

    You'd get nothing for it, I'd expect nothing. but it could go some way to helping foster a less-salty community and generate some good vibes.

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  • @realstyli This is a lovely idea. Would be a really good way to help us feel more connected throughout the world beyond direct interaction.

  • Yes great idea! Maybe we could make notes on it even if we are not leaving the game

  • @qcdiva692 said in Leaving notes with supply crate "gifts":

    Yes great idea! Maybe we could make notes on it even if we are not leaving the game

    I'm sure. And I'm sure there will be some who could use it nefariously to #BeMorePirate (I can think of a few ways), but nothing that can't be done with the Festival of Giving gifts currently.

  • I love this idea! I've mentioned to my crew mates that it'd be nice to leave a nice message with the supply crate we leave at the outpost when we log.

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