Buff the Eye of Reach

  • Buffing the Eye of Reach to do 80% damage wouldn't change anything besides how many sword slashes must be dealt to kill a player. I just think that with the Cutlass being changed that maybe buffing the Eye of Reach can make the sword great again.

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  • ooorrr... maybe... just maybe.. the sword could be great again if it was buffed

  • Why buff a really strong firearm made for shooting something at a long distance?

    The EoR is ridiculous being used by super cool, pro FPSers types in small, close-up areas.

    No one wants to mention that because, like I said, all the "cool" FPSers use it, like sheep.

    Maybe try using a close quarter weapon, when you're, you know, in a close quarter combat scenario.

    It sounds like I am trying to tell people how to play, but I'm not. Use what you want, where you want, but I am so sick of how these FPSers came over to SoT (after talking trash about the game for so long) and ruining fighting.

    We used to be able to have actual weapon fights that could last a long time. Now, someone just dies in seconds, and to me, in my opinion, that's boring.

    If I want to play CoD I will. SoT isn't it.

  • EoR doesn't need a buff but should be considered in the over all balance of weapons and RARE's vision for overall combat...


    It's an FPS/sandbox styled game what do you expect ? it's going to draw players in from all kinds of different spectrums. If anything this helps broaden RARE's player base ...also has great potential for helping their game be more competitive which would also help broaden and lifen up the game in general (if hit reg, lag, & other server issues are fixed). I don't see the problem with it, the real problem is the balance of combat in general tbh. No need to try and split and divide the community anymore then it is by creating labels such as "fpsers" it's already split way too much that doesn't help. Also CoD and SoT are 2 totally different games they don't even compare in the slightest SoT can still shine as a competitive "FPS" game it already does a great job at that.. it just needs some work in a few areas but I am sure they are trying to work on that.

    In the meantime I'd advise you try to help bond and strengthen the community not try to separate it so much it only hurts it even more...

  • @ripyellowmorbio Actually I have a better idea, nerf the EOR to 50% damage so that people don't use it close range and start using pistol. I personally still use pistol at close range as it is better and slightly easier for me but you really shouldn't be using a sniper at point blank. How would buffing the EOR make the sword great again? What we really need is to add stun back, make it so that after using a gun you can switch directly to sword without the delay (wouldn't this fix the x exploit). Then make it so that you cant hit it like crazy and it requires actual skill. Oh and maybe remove the ability to double gun as rare has proven that they are unable to balance 8 (right? maybe less/more) weapon combinations properly. I don't like how blunderbuss is better than sword in almost all situations now, I also dislike that double-gunning is the main way to do combat now.

  • @Eridorr, I am super against nerfs, but I still stand by my FPSers are ruining the game. Heck, I almost think they should make it so the closer you are to another player, the less damage the EoR causes. I refuse to use it, but, hey. That's just me. As well, I KNOW that CoD and SoT are "2 totally different games". That's why I wish people would fight like SoT pirates and stop playing like it's CoD.

    Imagine: Snipe a player on an island, from your ship, with the EoR. Nice!
    Imagine: Snipe a player 4 feet away, it's doesn't do near as much damage.

    It's dumb, as it's a big nerf, but that would definitely make SoT shine as a competitive game, as it USED TO BE, before all the twitch-sheep, FPSers (that talk trash about SoT) started playing SoT.

    I have played since beta and we used to have really fun fights that lasted a good amount of time. Now, people just double gun and kill each other in a split second. I really miss when it took a different skill to fight. Now it takes FPS game skill, which isn't what SoT ever seemed to be about. That's my opinion. What do you think is more competitive?

    • See someone, kill them in a split second


    • See someone and battle back and forth with a sword and a gun, as you run and jump and eat

    I'm not someone that loses fights often. It's pretty rare my crew loses. All we do is fight, so I'm not some jaded newb that thinks the game is too hard. It's too easy and the FUN fighting is gone. :(

    tl;dr - Fighting another player used to last longer than a split second and was much more fun. Often times, both teams would watch and cheer on a member as two enemies faced off, one on one. Once "double gunning" became popular from twitch-sheep and Rare first tried to fix "double gunning" (while changing the cutlass, for no reason), players started using EoR like they are playing CoD, and now fighting isn't near as competitive or fun. So, what if double gunning was fixed and EoR did less damage the closer you were to another player? Also, what if Rare put swords back how they were at launch.

  • @jofjjay Nerfing the Eye of Reach would make SoT unbalanced but making the Eye of Reach do 80% damage would make an Eye of Reach and Sword combo as good as a Pistol and Eye of Reach combo and would balance SoT.

  • @ripyellowmorbio Uh do you play this game in pvp? Making the EOR do 80% damage would make an eye of reach and sword combo probably 200% better than it is right now, and the only reason pistol is even slightly good in close quarters combat right now is because it can hipfire at medium range… Otherwise EOR is much better, and its even possible to hipfire with it if you get close enough. How would making a sniper rifle be a sniper rifle and not a gun you shoot people with at long range, medium range, and point blank unbalance the game? I personally only use EOR-Sword then switch to Pistol-Sword once I get on ship simply because I am more comfortable with pistol as I used it pre-nerf a lot. When I do not have time to switch to pistol I still do just as well if not better using the EOR in close range combat. The thing that Rare did was make the specialty weapons non-specialty weapons and better at being a multi-purpose weapon than the actual multi-purpose weapons.

    Here is my solutions for the PVP problem. Revert sword mechanics to back at launch. Remove all delays in equipping weapons. Make it so you can only carry a sword and a gun, but maybe add in multiple different types of swords. Pistol stays as it was but no knockback, EOR gets 99.9999999999(don't know how to do a repeating symbol here)% damage at range, but at 30-25 meters it goes down to 75%, 25-20 is 50%, 20-15 is 45%, 15-10 is 30%, 10-5 is 15%, and 5-0 is 5%. It would not be possible to hipfire the EOR effectively as it would act just like now when hipfiring, it would still be possible to hipfire with it at point blank but is that 5% damage really worth it? EOR would be unable to deal knockback. Blunderbuss would have a 5 second reload speed (up from 3) and would deal knockback when 5+ of the 10 pellets hit. If you were reloading and took any damage, you would have to start the process over again (for all guns). The goal of this is to make this not a fps game where you need to double gun if you want to be the most effective.

  • @jofjjay Still would make the game unbalanced.

  • @dislex-fx

    No one wants to mention that because, like I said, all the "cool" FPSers use it, like sheep.

    Never realized a mere choice of a weapon turns someone into livestock. What other choices are their? We only have 3 gun options, seems weird that its only the one weapon that the "sheep" use. Hell, I see more people using blundy than I do any other weapon. My understanding when people are referred to sheep its usually due to what the masses use. From my perspective that is blundy not EoR that the masses use.

  • @ripyellowmorbio It would make it more balanced than now. Nerfing EOR at close range is not making the game unbalanced and it is also not the only fix needed.

  • @jofjjay That is just your opinion.

  • @ripyellowmorbio Since when was a sniper rifle supposed to be a close range weapon like it is now? And how exactly is a pistol and EOR combo vs an EOR and pistol combo (I swear it was Sword and EOR earlier) going to be more balanced by buffing the weapon that is in both sets? Bigger question, who uses EOR and pistol? everyone I see is EOR and blunderbuss, or sword and blunderbuss or EOR sword.

  • The EoR used to do 80% and was nerfed by 10% for good reason. Buffing it now back to the 80% would disrupt the balance by making the flintlock obsolete again. It's in a good place right now (at long range, where it's meant to be used) and doesn't need any more adjusting, IMO.

    If a pirate is attempting to use it in CQC, then they're at a disadvantage versus sword (more mobile), blunderbuss (more damage), and the flintlock (faster; more accurate). They only think they're good because the pirates they're often up against are inexperienced and likely don't stay mobile - they probably panic and freeze in the moment as fear takes over, and it's that moment of hesitation that makes them an easy target. But a pirate that doesn't falter under pressure and that can keep their cool, stays mobile, moving laterally from the would-be sniper who has to aim, and slow themselves down to hit their mark.

    The ONLY big thing that needs changing right now (so in as far as I know) is the bugged delay after swapping off a weapon to another weapon or other item. Non-offensive options like blocking and looking at a map should work instantly - but I'm sure that will be fixed in short order, because Rare is aware of that particular issue.

  • @dislex-fx What a weird thing to say. You complain about "FPSers" but what do you even think that is? People that use guns? People with good aim? Of course people with good aim are going to use guns and probably kill you with them. If you think combat should be centered around swords more just say that instead of complaining about "FPSers" because nobody knows what that is lol. It seems like a way for you to complain about people with better aim than you without explicitly saying that. 3 out of the 4 weapons in this game are guns, so you'll get shot a little bit. I'm a PC player with good aim, but I wouldn't mind if combat were more sword-centered, so long as they make sword combat less clunky.

  • @dislex-fx Well I think we can agree to disagree about the FPSers ruining the game because I don't think it's the case I think the game itself and it's balancing issues are ultimately ruining what made combat great in the past. It doesn't take an "FPSer" to realize that in the games current state the blunder (which has cc/knockback, lots of damage/potential 1 shots) is basically the meta for your melee weapon, pair that with EoR and that's one of the strongest meta load outs currently. I agree that making changes to the balance of SoT's combat would ultimately fix these issues that we are seeing if RARE can prove to do that right.... I made a post awhile back about some combat changes & the EoR being used in close quarters (mid range, melee range, & it also has long range) so essentially you have this one gun that works extremely well in every scenario and it does a boat load of damage.

    I am someone who has spent time with every weapon and every load out since launch, I have a respect for it all but I can also see how damaging the combat meta is right now to the game. I for one favor (or I guess in this case) favored sword as my primary weapon but it slowly has seen too many changes for the worst and is not a strong contender against DG (even when DGE is fixed it won't matter sword still is not a strong contender). The block buff isn't enough to justify using a sword because the only people using a sword are noobs and I am sorry but if you're killing players with a sword they probably are in fact noobs (not in all cases but in most).

    Heck with the sword range nerf that we saw some months ago and the stun reduced which is pretty much non existent at this point it is extremely easy to kite sword users/sword spammers and pick and clean them off with blunder/EoR or even EoR/Flintlock ( I would say easier with the blunder in place of the flint). I mean it sucks but that is the current meta and if you are playing competitively and want to stand a chance against crews following this meta you have to play the meta if you don't you will simply be punished for stepping on your enemies deck with a sword (in it's current state).

    I agree that in the overall scheme of things EoR could def stand to be tweaked in the future but it's not the only problem tbh, there needs to be some changes across the board to return combat to what you are referring to. I talked about the EoR being made a long range weapon in the past so it served more of a purpose sniping on islands or even from boat to boat in naval fights. You can already do this with the EoR of course but you get the rest of the cake too because you can quick scope. I admit i use the EoR in melee,mid, and long range but can realize that this shortens someone's time to kill especially using 2 guns at once. Honestly I fear as long as players have the ability to carry 2 guns it's just always going to be infinitely superior to sword in the game's current state and how it's been for awhile. I don't know if removing the ability to carry 2 guns would be the proper call as a lot of players would probably become upset and leave but there needs to be some serious changes to the balance of combat and it's current meta that it's been seeing for awhile now.

    I hope RARE is listening to us and working towards a better more balanced combat system for everyone. Trust me when I say I would love to see the sword be something every player would love to use in the future, something fun, rewarding and balanced. I hope we see a bright future for all of this in the coming year sooner rather then later! here's to hoping I guess!

  • @yagotvevo said in Buff the Eye of Reach:

    @dislex-fx What a weird thing to say. You complain about "FPSers" but what do you even think that is? People that use guns? People with good aim? Of course people with good aim are going to use guns and probably kill you with them. If you think combat should be centered around swords more just say that instead of complaining about "FPSers" because nobody knows what that is lol. It seems like a way for you to complain about people with better aim than you without explicitly saying that. 3 out of the 4 weapons in this game are guns, so you'll get shot a little bit. I'm a PC player with good aim, but I wouldn't mind if combat were more sword-centered, so long as they make sword combat less clunky.

    exactly I wouldn't mind if the combat were more sword centered as well I mean we are playing a pirate game I would hope the sword would be a weapon everyone desired to use lol but that is not currently the case....how can you have a pirate game where the sword is the most ineffective weapon :(

  • The only time I generally lose with sword is when I'm outnumbered, or at range - both of which are to be expected in those scenarios, and as such have no real bearing on overall skill or game balance.

    So, with that said, IMO, the sword is good overall. Pirates tend to look at things from an offensive position and completely ignore the defensive aspects, or look at the latter with greatly reduced importance - importance that I think shouldn't be ignored, discounted, or otherwise overlooked. With a sword, I can move faster than you can when you're aiming, and my swings have an extended, wide-reaching arc, unlike your precise shots, and I can continue moving while you're forced to re-center your aim. I can move in 1 direction with a sword, and instantly dodge in the opposing direction to fake you out; you can't do that with a firearm. I can even use the same technique to dodge THROUGH you. Can guns do that? I can block other swords too. I don't have to reload - that alone is a big plus. Sure I don't do as much damage, but if I can hit you 3x in the time it takes you to (legitimately) fire 2 shots, then that gives me the overall advantage as well as versatility in terms of options. Even if you do shoot me, you're not going to kill me unless I'm not at full health already, or you point-blank shoot me with the blunderbuss - but with a sword, only a mad man or dead man-walking will be in front of you. A skilled pirate knows better.

    If you rely on exploits or tricks like using the DGE or quick-scoping, that doesn't make you a better or skilled player - it makes you a cheap one. Once those issues become resolved (if they do) over time, all of your so-called "practice" and "skill" goes completely out the window and the way of the dinosaur.

    If said issues stay in, then it means the developers have no respect or appreciation for fair play or game balance. And no, saying "but everyone can do it" isn't how you balance a game - if that was true, we'd still have mainstream DGE because it wouldn't be considered an exploit, fixed (so-to-speak) by the devs, or shunned by the wider (fair-playing) community.

  • @a-double-deagle said in Buff the Eye of Reach:

    ooorrr... maybe... just maybe.. the sword could be great again if it was buffed

  • @galactic-geek I think you might be one of the few players that thinks sword in it's current state is actually "good" tbh. When I think of it being "good" I think of it having a more rewarding fleshed out skill based system which it currently lacks.... the only cool thing it got was the block mobility buff, the stun nerf severely hurt it as well as other changes it's seen in the past few months too. Tbh it's not hard to 1vX casual players with a sword, if you're good with lunge spamming it's pretty much GG. All in all sword wouldn't be as bad if players HAD to use it with the choice of 1 gun. It's a balance problem with the way the game currently works with wielding 2 guns in it's current state even minus DGE (and again I am not trying to remove other ppl's playstyles) but the sword is not good compared to that.

    Sword really has but a few purposes anymore and that's going for lunge boards from ships/islands or lunges plays which are extremely penalizing atm and if you are relying on them you're basically putting yourself at a huge disadvantage. Yes sword still holds some mobility (for now) and with what you are referring to by jumping through the players space (which most cutlass sweats refer to that as "perfect agility") it's about one of the only good things the sword still has but you are not impossible to kill.

    I am not sure if you know what backtracking is or the "rewind system" but basically what you are trying to explain doesn't always work and shouldn't be relied on all the time. Whether your block hopping through someone or side to side (if they slash/fire a split second before you execute your move) it usually results in you being hit due to ping and latency issues, not saying what you said is invalid or doesn't hold credit as I use the tactic as well it's just not 100% all the time. Not trying to be rude but when I play against other good players they aren't using swords because they are not really meta atm and are severely lacking with holding up against 2 guns, I am talking about players who don't miss shots and know how to move...the sword doesn't work consistently enough against the meta...

    I don't really rely on DGE (a lot of good players don't) when I DG but a lot of the community does in general. Also I wouldn't agree that quick scoping is an exploit but I totally acknowledge that it's op paired with any other weapon in close quarters. The game needs to see a lot of balancing changes to the combat system for all of these things to live and breathe with each other but currently they just don't.

    Anyways I would be up for setting up some friendly duels if you'd like with both swords and guns maybe I could try to get some of my points across better that way in terms of how swords hold up against guns and sword play in general. Anyways like I always say here is to hoping for a more balanced combat system hopefully we get that early this year!....

  • @eridorr

    If a player can use a weapon well without it being meta (excluding the use of exploits or lesser-known and overpowered features), then they are likely better than most others. And even now, the cutlass does retain its perks of never running out of ammo and keeping continuous damage output, while the guns have a more burst pattern of damage output.

  • @ripyellowmorbio

    The Eye of Reach does not need a buff, it's already kind of a meta. And I hate metas!

  • @eridorr Regarding the usefulness of the sword charge, I honestly don't think it's as good as many others think it is, and rarely rely on it like they might do. I find that it does 2 things really well that's really bad: 1) it limits your movement; and 2) it forces you to attack your opponent by going straight at them, which is a very dangerous prospect if they have line of sight and a gun in their hand. This is largely why I rely more on the swird's other options.

    Stun lock is still there - it may not be as prominent as it once was, but it still works. I was stunned just yesterday when I got double-teamed by an opposing crew, so I know without a shred of a doubt that it's still viable.

    I look forward to a friendly duel with you. Bring a friend or 2 - it'll allow us to test more scenarios and skill levels.

  • @ripyellowmorbio said in Buff the Eye of Reach:

    Buffing the Eye of Reach to do 80% damage wouldn't change anything besides how many sword slashes must be dealt to kill a player. I just think that with the Cutlass being changed that maybe buffing the Eye of Reach can make the sword great again.

    either that or make shark be killed by 2 eor shots. It kinda stupid it was 2 shots now 3 which makes eor not better than a pistole vs sharks

  • @ultmateragnarok I mean look I've used cutlass for a long time even when it wasn't exactly meta and I am well known in the pvp community for it. I agree that if you can hold up well with something that isn't exactly meta that it's def something to be proud of. This isn't just about meta though this is about a severe balance issue that has indeed created a meta but meta aside it's just superior to sword. On boats DGers have an ammo box have more numbers and they can wall bang and this is where combat takes place most of the time... I am sorry but it's not so simple as boarding with a cutlass and slaying them all out with ease. I am not saying that it's impossible I have done it but if you were to look at the consistency between using a sword right now vs DG DG would come out on top. KEEP IN MIND PEOPLE I AM A CUTLASS PLAYER AT HEART>

    This isn't anything special in terms of what I can do but this is just a quick video of a sword 1v1. I opened up with a 360 sword feint scored one slash used another feint slash to bait him in then scored a combo off of him followed up with a block hop to where i knocked him back finishing him off with the last slash.

    island fights or 1v1s like this with swords are fun no doubt but they don't happen much if at all in competitive play and that's a problem we currently see right now. If you bring a sword to an island while fighting good crews it can put you in a lot of danger as they never really have to close the gap too much with DG loadouts and can pick you off.

    I dunno I've been playing since launch and have a love and respect for all weapons and load outs but my heart will always remain with the cutlass and I only hope that the combat system see some changes for the better. Maybe if actual matchmaking were a thing more people would see how unbalanced combat has actually become. I don't know if that's true though cause I even see a lot of casuals complaining about the sword play and also the over all combat balancing.

    @Galactic-Geek for sure I would be down to bring some peeps !

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