how do people get forum ranks?

  • I am a ship mate, but obviously i have noticed other people are different things, and i cannot post pictures because i am too low a lvl. im just wondering where i can find the info about this stuff, like what all the ranks are and what each rank unlocks + how you unlock these ranks

  • 10
  • you unlock them by continuing to be active and post here. I'm pretty sure the ranks are connected to your post count, rep and activity.

  • @enticed-malice nope they are simply connected to the days you where on the forums whilst logged on.

    There was a post about this from Rare but cant seem to find it at the moment

  • @callmebackdraft said in how do people get forum ranks?:

    @enticed-malice nope they are simply connected to the days you where on the forums whilst logged on.

    There was a post about this from Rare but cant seem to find it at the moment

    I stand corrected, didn't know that. Thanks!

  • Here you go.

  • Ah, sweet I too have been wondering this, thank you @Galactic-Geek :)

  • Oh noo another reason for 2 pirates on one account 🤕 i need to play another year to be cool again 😕

  • @galactic-geek Nice, thanks

  • Well maybe if you stop killing every skelly ship, meg and kraken you see, they might have a chance to respawn for once

  • Oh...and don't get banhammered. It resets your progress.

    Apparently I got a little sassy for my own good lol.😅🤫🧜🏽‍♀️

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