Achievement Nerfing

  • Whilst I appreciate the effort made last year in terms of reducing the hours required from the thousands to the hundreds, I believe it didn’t go far enough. Yes, achievements should be something earned, something to highlight mechanics or story, not mindless grovel only attainable to those who refuse to play other games.

    For those that do play to this level, the in-game commendations and titles serve amply.

    The recent FoTD update had the right level imo. achievements for 1 and 10 completions, and commendations going to 100 (or more).

    The original 250 voyages and 1000 miles per faction have no place here and are the worst offenders. They require a ridiculous grind let alone the fact they don’t make up much of the game’s content today. 25-50 voyages and 100 miles would be more in the right area.
    Below are some of my suggestions:
    250 voyages to 25-50
    1000 miles to 100
    1000 captains to 250
    300 shipwrecked chests to 50
    360 captain chests/villainous skulls to 250
    200 arena matches to 50
    100 won/3rd place to 10-25
    57 Grade V fishing comms.... Jesus i don’t even know for this one, 15?
    50 fruit crates and 100 bp deliveries isn’t too bad, maybe increase rate of getting the contracts for them?

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  • Lol why stop there, screw it let's have Duke sell us letters of commendation for 50 doubloons each. One for all the achievements you listed. About 600 or so doubloons should cover it and all those achievements and commendations are yours 😊 all joking aside they are all designed to take ages so as to always feel you are progressing toward something. This is a good thing. Sea of thieves is not designed to be a 100 hour experience. It's ongoing. You can't finish it so to speak. Also it's too late now, all the people who put in the grind would be annoyed as hell if suddenly everyone only has to do a fraction of what they did plus let's not forget these are already lowered numbers than what came before. Why in the hell people want less is beyond me. If you haven't got the time that's OK there not going anywhere, chip away at them if you wish and you will appreciate the achievement a lot more when you get it, or don't it's up to you but don't ask the devs to pull the rug out from all the people that put in the time and effort because you haven't the time or willingness to do it. At least the arena wins was kept to 240. They almost brought that back to 100, its taken me a long time but I'm almost there and it will feel great when I get those weapons, a lot better than it would feel if it were only 50 or 100 wins. Put the effort in my dude 👍

  • @thatnoseyparker What do these achievements even give you?

  • @jofjjay

    A title, nothing more. A little bit of reputation comes with each grade, but by the time you get there you're normally at level 50 already.

  • Yeah lets reduce the durability of SOT to 50 hours so there is no more content, what a great idea !

  • Grinding isn’t content. If you believe it is, then I seriously pity what you are experiencing in life.

    Besides, I never said get rid of high tier in-game commendations, for those like yourself who want to spend all their time on one game.

    I, and many others, like to experience many different games, accomplishing all the “achievements” so that we feel complete and can safely move on to another. Achievements are there for difficult tasks or to point out cool Easter eggs, mechanics to experience - NOT to aimlessly do the same thing 1000 times for the sake of it.

  • @thatnoseyparker

    You're intended to accomplish commendations while simply playing the game, which is why you can find many types of treasure in various places. The commendations are not a main goal, unless you decide they should be, they are a long-term reward for playing the game.

  • @ultmateragnarok You’re making the giant assumption that achievements must be the same as the grade V commendations. They don’t.

    The last two updates (FotD and Ashen Tomes) show that they understand this philosophy. All I’m asking is apply it to the original + anniversary list.

    To reiterate for the third time(!), I am not suggesting that they reduce commendation requirements, so you need not worry about your hard earned cosmetics being invalidated.
    Furthermore, you say it is too late, in that theory it was already too late when they first did it, but they rewarded those to attained it before the reduction with something extra and unique.

  • @thatnoseyparker

    Good lord no, if anything this stuff needs to be made harder to get.

  • @thatnoseyparker

    Achievements follow the same logic as commendations, they're long-term goals.

  • I guess I’m wasting my time trying to preach here, only die-hard players on these forums it seems.
    But no, achievements are not the same as commendations, you’re in the vast minority (outside of this site I mean) to think achievements are supposed to just be “long-term goals”. Grinding the same thing over and over isn’t an achievement in the slightest, it just shows you’ve got too much free time or dedicate yourself to a slither of what’s out there rather than having new experiences.

    Alas, no good is coming from these comments, I doubt Rare will even read it so I’m stopping here.
    Enjoy the seas, guys.

  • @thatnoseyparker
    It either shows that you ground your way to it for the achievement itself, or that you played the game enough to complete it passively. You decide which of those two you want to do when you play. Also, Rare reads everything on these forums.

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