Recent players not listing correctly.

  • Maybe someone can point me in the right direction here.

    I play on the PC and was solo slooping a few of the new quests. I had a good chunk of loot (25-30 items) and started sailing to the outpost which has the ridiculously long dock/run (can't think of the name atm - but everyone hates it).

    I switched on "Open Crew" so someone else would log in and get some free cash before I logged of. Well, the first guy to join was a Russian guy. I had no idea what he was saying, but he was hot-mic'd and everyone in the background was speaking Russian. He didn't do much. Didn't help turn things in, just ran up and down the dock. I thought he might be new so I let it go and turned in about half the loot.
    Out of nowhere, I heard him start laughing while saying something in Russian, then he pointed the gun at the barrels on the deck and shot them, sinking the ship almost immediately. He logged as he was dying. That immediately told me he knew what he was doing and was just griefing.

    I tried to look him up in the Xbox Console Companion, but his name (something similar to Wavydata812393) does not show up. Other names (similar to BoxOfTurtlesMPG and ChubbyBlaeBlue) showed up, yet I was solo slooping and kept far away from everyone else.

    My initial thought was the user is changing names to avoid people tracking them down. I have seen this in a few other online games. Call of Duty had a script that would roll through new names every 3 seconds, so it was near impossible to ban or report them.
    Does anyone know if this is a thing through Xbox?
    Also, what exactly does the privacy settings for the Xbox accounts change? Does it change what names other people see through the Console Companion?

    I tried looking for the information on the forums, but my searched didn't bring back what I was looking for.

  • 7
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  • @metasploit4 A gamertag shows up to everyone no matter what your privacy settings are set as. The recent players list doesn't update right away sometimes with Sea of Thieves specifically. Have you tried looking for them again since you posted this?

  • @an-xbox-dude I was able to scratch the name down before he logged. I started looking when he started laughing. I think I narrowed the name down via time slots, but it's definitely not what I saw in the game.

  • @metasploit4
    I thought they just patched this recently.

    Nothim worse than a guy on your own crew betraying you. I wouldnt play with randos mate. Join a clan here on the forums, you will never have to deal with this again

  • @metasploit4
    I recommend you delete the names from your post, because Name calling is forbiden per forum rules.

    It's nice you think of gifting your loot to a random stranger, but open crew is full of jerks.
    I do not recommend that if you want to play the game and not mess around.

    Name changing on xbox cost €9.99 to me.
    The first one is free, but every other name change costs.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Recent players not listing correctly.:

    I thought they just patched this recently.

    They did. But I think the introduction of the new Game Bar and the Xbox (Beta) app have broken it again. It's very convoluted when you have 3 apps on PC where you can set your online status for Xbox Live and they don't seem to sync up.

  • I pulled up next to a brig at a fort last night, and just as I was aiming my cannons at them an almighty explosion destroyed their ship from the inside. I laughed to myself thinking that is why I never go open crew as it was obvious they had suffered exactly what you had.

    I did enjoy all the spices that was left behind though.

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