Fishing barrels

  • Crew members of mine have had the idea of when u sink a boat the barrels with fish also raise to the surface like the loot instead of boarding n just being able to steal 5 at 1 given time n then sinking them

  • 5
  • @chris-houlden

    Fish is not like loot. More like supplies. Supplies dont float up after sink.

    What i do wish they add is like a fish chest just like the wood, cannonball and fruit chest.

  • Just think something need to be added were if a ship that has fish n they sink they the ship that sinks them gets the opportunity to get the fish n yes n fish box of some sort would be good without jumping from your ship to seapost all the tine to sell

  • @chris-houlden
    There have been ideas like this before. I think it would be cool if a random percentage of each type of supply floated up after a ship sunk(food, wood, and cannonballs)

  • I think the supplie Barrels should float to the top.

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