Central bank and a trading system

  • Just thinking. I know there are some of you that have millions of gold pieces (sadly I'm not one of you) but you have nothing to buy with it. So how about a cross server trading system?

    So players could take any item to a central bank as trade goods and then other pirates anywhere could try to buy them. The reason for this would be to unlock rare progression achievements.

    Say the crate of secrets that's apparently worth £25,000 could be worth £1,000,000 to a player who had never found one before. A set of 10 fort chests could be worth way more to someone looking to unlock achievements. Kraken fresh, rare fish, even bulk loads of common fish could be traded.

    This would also allow Rare to introduce even rarer spawns which to a player would be worth a lot more than a NPC would pay.

    I personally would prefer to find these items through hours and hours of adventure and discovery... but it would help solve the gold surplus i keep hearing about.

    Also for us poor, pirates whose gold burns a hole in out pockets and need to purchase every cosmetic going it would give us a way to sacrifice achievement progress for gold

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  • @guybrush3pwood2 I love the idea of some kind of banking/money management system!

    But you've got to keep an eye out for those loan sharks!

  • Even if you purchased a rare item, you'd have to be really careful the place you've purchased it from wasn't being camped at or had traps set. Any item bought can still be stolen until it's sold.

  • ^^^ As @Guybrush3pwood2 was saying. Would have to be careful on the drop off.

  • @musicmee said in Central bank and a trading system:

    But you've got to keep an eye out for those loan sharks!

    Would that be classed as a MegaLOANdon?

  • I personally don't like the idea of a player-based trading economy - they have a tendency to go crazy and tank certain games. They have a similar trade system in Rocket League, for example, that is almost more popular than the game itself - finding an LFG in that game to actually play is almost impossible compared to the sheer amount of trade LFGs that supercede it and it even encourages purchases outside of the game. I don't want that for SoT, especially if that loot is stolen by...

  • @guybrush3pwood2 said in Central bank and a trading system:

    Just thinking. I know there are some of you that have millions of gold pieces (sadly I'm not one of you) but you have nothing to buy with it. So how about a cross server trading system?

    So players could take any item to a central bank as trade goods and then other pirates anywhere could try to buy them. The reason for this would be to unlock rare progression achievements.

    Say the crate of secrets that's apparently worth £25,000 could be worth £1,000,000 to a player who had never found one before. A set of 10 fort chests could be worth way more to someone looking to unlock achievements. Kraken fresh, rare fish, even bulk loads of common fish could be traded.

    This would also allow Rare to introduce even rarer spawns which to a player would be worth a lot more than a NPC would pay.

    I personally would prefer to find these items through hours and hours of adventure and discovery... but it would help solve the gold surplus i keep hearing about.

    Also for us poor, pirates whose gold burns a hole in out pockets and need to purchase every cosmetic going it would give us a way to sacrifice achievement progress for gold

    I mean, this suggestion could be interesting, but the one thing it wouldn't fix is the gold surplus, if anything, it would make that problem worse than before. xD

    A bit contradictory, lol... But sure, an auction system of sorts could be swanky. :)
    As long as it doesn't become a necessity, gameplay-wise.

    Gif relevant, because pile of treasure, aka gold surplus, rofl.

  • @galactic-geek mmmmm, good point. I used to play a game (think it was call Guild of Thieves or something like that) They had player to player trading for rare spawning items. The problem was in that game the spawn locations for these items could be obtained through a set number of key strokes so people created bots to mine the items and then sell them outside of the game.

    Anything like this would need some really careful thought to make sure it couldn't be taken advantage of.

  • @captcoza lol.... I am a pirate legend and I'm currently saving for some of the PL ship cosmetics. I actually like the £300,000 price tag. It's going to make it more special when I finally get them.... I really, really want that Ghost figure head! that is cool :D
    I still want to buy the full Kraken boat set and a few other bits too from the non Legend stock.

    Lol, it's like gold burns a hole in my pocket and I must buy, buy, buy

  • I don't want this to become Sea of Traders.

  • @galactic-geek lol. I don't think it would. Most trades would happen cross server, so wouldn't make a big impact to each individual world.

    It could add another reason to steal from each other within your world. Instead of taking your valuable, rare item to one of 6 NPC's you'd have to take it to one central bank location. Any easy target to have your things stolen.

    really don't think this would make Sea of Thieves into a great big friendly place where everyone happily trades goods. Pretty sure it may even do the opposite.

    I can see what you mean about LFG's though. But, if the item put up for sale was advertised to the worldwide community there would be no reason it would affect LFG's the seller couldn't manipulate the system into selecting a particular buyer.

    mmmmmmm…. how would this work with a Galleon crew.... TBH I have NO idea. lol

  • do you mean a real fair trading system or irl version of it called enslave-everyone-in-debt-then-rule-them ?

    I think if we could share our gold freely with anyone as we see fit that would be the fairest system.

    I wouldn't mind throwing 20k gold on someone who played well and whose contribution I appreciate, 'Tips'.

  • @bumbumbac How the system I was thinking of would work was this

    1. You could take items to a central bank and "deposit them" into a sales offering
    2. Once you have built up the sales offering you want to put out for trade you select a "Start Trade" option. You can set your required price or have a 5 day bidding option.
    3. This then posts the items you've deposited into a worldwide purchase screen accessible through the intro menu.
    4. Users can then choose to buy your items or bid on them. If they succeed in a purchase, that item will be redeemed from the central bank when they next log into the world. That item would need to be carried from the central bank to a merchant to sell.
    5. Any gold received is distributed between the crew the item belonged to when it was posted
    6. Only Items which can be sold to a merchant can be sold through trade. Planks, fruit and cannonballs would be excluded as this would give the buyer an edge against other pirates.
    7. Only in-game currency is allowed and loans are not available.
    8. The aim would be to sell items at an exaggerated cost to pirates who have a surplus of gold and are looking to complete certain achievements they are struggling to complete.
    9. most trades would be in rare fish, multiple chests, skulls, and washed up treasure.

    I know I have Gold Hoarder achievements that still need unlocking for turning in "Castaway Chests" this is an achievement I'll probably never complete because I normally leave those chests because I can't be bothered. But if I could buy say 10 chests at an inflated price I'd probably buy them to help complete the achievement.

  • Elder Scrolls Online did something like this, with the auctions house thing. Opened the door for trading guilds, could be similar here. It would led to an easier way to stock up the ship, and something to spend money on...

  • @guybrush3pwood2 Sounds similar to the Grand Exchange on Runescape. It would definitely require a lot of thinking to make sure there are no unintentional side effects, and I'm not sure that it can be done without drastically altering the game... but it is one of the more original ideas I have seen in a while so I like that.

  • Okay, so I'm obviously against it, and know that you guys want it, but I want you to ask yourselves - is this something we NEED? I don't think it is.

  • I'm with @Galactic-Geek here.
    I also would gift people some gold if they need sone to buy something or gift them cosmetic i have i dont use.
    Thank you for a good preview Rare - NOT! :-)
    I buyed tons of cosmetics i dislike just to try out.
    No Problem to me i have all i want including Athena10, 1st year PL and all i wanted from all events.
    There was a Video recently with all cosmetics i dont miss much of them.
    Only Overachiever and the Deckhands, golden Banana stuff.
    I even have Founder Sails, day 1 patch, and preorder Black Dog cloth.
    I miss the midnight/ onyx blunderbuss bit i dont care that much.
    I anyway wear only the bandana and nothing special beside the day one eyepatch, the Bonecrusher Tattoo and maybe the sharkbite scar.
    I think these things from the beginning and the Bonecrusher Stuff what was until the hardest to get is more valuable to me then A10 stuff what is only a matter of time until you have it.

    If we trade i'd like to trade from person to person, not an unpersonal AH. It would be something we do ingame like we dont have a global Chat, but got a speaking trumpet.

    There are ebay offers about dropping an Athen voyage or selling Ashen Athena Chests for real money btw.
    If you make it too much, we will have goldsellers and such around very quick.

    I also say we are more on need of cool events, more Tales, more cosmetics in general, but for everyone.

  • @bugaboo-bill Yeah, I agree, there are more pressing developments that need to be created first. But as we have a 10 year window of support perhaps this could be something in year 4 or 5.

    Interesting you mentioned cosmetics. I wasn't thinking about trading those. I was thinking this would be used for chests, skulls, crates, powder kegs, fish etc for unlocking the various achievements listed under the Gold Hoarder, OOS, and merchant reputation panels.

    The only problem with Pirate to Pirate transactions is it would be easy to take advantage of and make money in the real world.

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