What is yet to be implemented!

  • ¡Ahoy mateys!

    Since the game launched, I saw that some things of the game shown in the betas (scale tests is where I started playing) and in official videos that aren't present, even now one year and a little bit later. So I decided to make a list with those things that were shown but are not in at the moment in the game.

    • Emotes

    First of all, I would want to start with the emotes. I remember that in the Scale Tests there were a couple of emotes that aren't in the game at the moment.

    For example, I remember the "Bow" or "Reverence" emote:


    Or the laugh emote:

    Or the "Come here" emote or the "Cry" emote.

    • Shanties
      There are a couple of not released shanties as seen in the Forsaken Shores: Content Update video at 2:35:

    and in the Festival of The Damned trailer video:


    • Ship sets
      There are also some ship sets that are shown in trailers, marketing images etc (even in recent trailers and images).

    The Old Betsy is one of those:
    alt text
    Or the original sovereign:
    alt text


    • Other

    alt text

    Captaincy update

    Pets (already being worked on)


    What do you think? What would you like to come first?

  • 16
  • emotes. then just piles of cosmetics.

    Also emotes that are purchased via gold and/or doubloons

  • @eggamer13 said in What is yet to be implemented!:

    ¡Ahoy mateys!

    Since the game launched, I saw that some things of the game shown in the betas (scale tests is where I started playing) and in official videos that aren't present, even now one year and a little bit later. So I decided to make a list with those things that were shown but are not in at the moment in the game.

    • Emotes

    First of all, I would want to start with the emotes. I remember that in the Scale Tests there were a couple of emotes that aren't in the game at the moment.

    For example, I remember the "Bow" or "Reverence" emote:


    Or the laugh emote:

    Or the "Come here" emote or the "Cry" emote.

    • Shanties
      There are a couple of not released shanties as seen in the Forsaken Shores: Content Update video at 2:35:

    and in the Festival of The Damned trailer video:


    • Ship sets
      There are also some ship sets that are shown in trailers, marketing images etc (even in recent trailers and images).

    The Old Betsy is one of those:
    alt text
    Or the original sovereign:
    alt text


    • Other

    alt text

    Captaincy update

    Pets (already being worked on)


    What do you think? What would you like to come first?

    emotes first i would like more

  • I think it's time for a cosmetics dump!
    We know they have tons of unimplemented cosmetics!

    And what I've shown here is just scratching the surface.

  • Since Rare keeps drip feeding us cosmetics, I start to lose more and more interest in new cosmetics each day.
    That Captaincy Update is a bit overdue, so I hope we can expect it real soon.

  • Ya forgot about the Smoking Pipes.

    Yes I know that it's ain't likely to arrive in game due to age rating but I still hope to complete my Popeye look xD

  • I asked the devs about these missing cosmetics and other features a long time ago, and was given hope with a direct response - "if you see it in the advertising, then you will see it in the game."

    @Sgt-Palooggoo Scratching the surface? Show me the rest!

    I worry that the reason we don't have a lot of these is because of the numerous complaints early on in the game's life-cycle that mentioned how some of the cosmetics looked too similar (and were subsequently removed as a result). Those complaints may have impacted the future of our cosmetics, and I fear, not necessarily for the better.

  • Comon with the potions!

  • @sgt-palooggoo Waaaa? Is that a bilgerat steering wheel?! I WANT IT!

  • @EGGamer13

    What I'd like the most? The merfolk!

    The Cataplank

    The Sea of the Damned

    Weather: cyclones, maelstrom and a system more variable

    A Skull Island

    Wild life: boars, dodoes, goats, rats, dolphins...

    Way more character & ship customisations and lots of lore!

    Also, I'm waiting for them to introduce the Shrouded Ghost in the game.

  • @skulliah
    These are all awsome. That cataplank almost made a tear come out of my eyepatch

  • @nwo-azcrack

    The Cataplank would be an amazing tool. You could send gunpowder lit to another ship or send chests on an outpost to sell them faster 😀

  • @skulliah Yes! I would love them too!

  • @galactic-geek said in What is yet to be implemented!:

    @Sgt-Palooggoo Scratching the surface? Show me the rest!

    Well, uh 😓... rest assured there's a ton more!

  • Some of these are likely scratched ideas - the cataplank, for example, was likely replaced by the ability to shoot yourself from the cannons (and was also likely seen as OP due to launching things like GPBs).

  • I like this Video, because it implemented Ghost Ships, Ghosts and other Enemies like Mermaids.

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