Community of Trolls Worst online experience

  • To hell with this game the community is so toxic. All new friends I get to try it that now that is has contact just leave cause they get bullied constantly. Good thing they got to try it free for a few days cause I'd feel bad had they actually spent money on it. Bet your selling copies despite a shrinking player base though, releasing the little content every month to keep the few remaining trolls on to pick on new players. Have had every friend I've tried to get the game leave because we were attacked by a decked out pirate ship. Proof is in the Discord, the poppultaion shrinks every day because try hard trolls are bullying the community. I made the mistake of buying game day one.

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  • It's impossible to get bullied all the time. You are exagerating or even trashtalk here!
    What do your want to tell us?
    You get attacked all the time?
    How is that even possible?

    I recently cannot find another ship or have someone coming for me for hours and days.

    Maybe you need help to learn the game and have no patience and will to do so.

    And what does it help to rant in the forum if you want to quit and uninstall the game?

    This post is a bad form of feedback.
    It doesnt contain any constructive ideas that you think would help you to like the game.

  • @bugaboo-bill Nope been 3 straight days of this BS now that their trial is over another group of friends turned away. Like i said proof is found in just checking the discord throughout the day. maybe 50 ppl max.

  • @zombie8myface87
    3 days straight what?
    You got attacked and lost loot?
    Never were able to get something done?
    No fun on your journey?

  • @zombie8myface87

    Sorry but what you are saying is simply not born out in my gaming experience since playing for 15 months.

    I can play for weeks without being attacked. It’s hard to even meet crews.

  • @biter-wylie @Bugaboo-Bill Probably don't notice cause your probably part of the problem I'm talking about.

  • @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @biter-wylie @Bugaboo-Bill Probably don't notice cause your probably part of the problem I'm talking about.

    You’re are right. I love sinking trolls.

  • @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @biter-wylie @Bugaboo-Bill Probably don't notice cause your probably part of the problem I'm talking about.

    So if we learned to defend ourselves we are part of the problem? Interesting.

  • [Mod edit]

  • @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @bloodybil No we were attacked last time before even having a chance to set sail, so basically your're all a bunch of Cun7s

    That's not very nice. Do you have the same lovely behavior when you play, and do you use the same colorful language to communicate with other players? Might explain a few things.

  • No actually we were trying to experience the new fishing stuff, and minding our own business.

  • @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    No actually we were trying to experience the new fishing stuff, and minding our own business.

    Fishing is great. Gotta keep your head on a swivel for potential attacks though, the world doesn't stop spinning because your buddies are fishing.

  • @zombie8myface87 Hahahaha grow up... just because some people dont agree with you it dosent mean we are the problem, Boogaloo is friendly player (sorry if ive butchered your name ^^") but dude its a game about pirates sometimes if i feel like it ill kill everything with a heartbeat and sometimes ill try to be friendly even if you have fired first.
    Dont include everyone here as a problem you are the problem, cant accept defeat so you try to bash people who bothered to look at your poor post.
    You should blame yourself for not being good enough and learning from your mistakes dont blame others and if you dont like you no one is forcing you to play SOT.

  • [Mod edit]

  • the last ship i sunk is maybe 2 week ago.
    Since then i only stole booty and fisch from other ships unnoticed XD

    I'm for sure not part of the problem as i'm one of the players who want to make sure you have fun, even when you lost and got sunk by me.
    I show mercy all the time with my crew when there are new players who barely have loot. I one day stole a Tale Item by accident and searched the ship for an hour to give it back, if i see they are doing a tale i maybe steal supplies, but i wont sink you or take a tale item away, because its worthless and to sink you and make you quit is not wise.
    The more i know about the other ships on my server the more advantage i have.

    You sound so salty and to open 4 threads about this is just trollish. they will all et closed or deleted and you will get a warning, thats all. One post is enough to discuss it.

    But there is barely anything to discuss as you just ranted and gave no constructive feedback or what you want.

    If you say the community is overall toxic, then your short time expereinces are maybe not that viable, because i have way more playtime.

    and my experience is: there are trolls, but you meet way more passive, friendly and ignoring crews than crews that come for you to sink you.
    And crews that want to sink you and get your booty arent toxic.
    They are toxic if they insult and trashtalk to you.

    The game is a PvEvP game and there is nothing wrong with PvP and sinking other ships.
    Prepare yourself, learn the game and avoid PvP or fight.
    The game gives you plenty of options and is quite fair to avoid PvP if you have an eye on the horizon.
    If you get spawnkilled over and over for supplies, scuttle.
    I agree that it feels not playfull and sportive, but to scuttle is a legit way to get rid of spawnkillers.

  • @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @zombie8myface87 then ppl like you came around and sunk us again when we had nothing, and for no reason. SO MUCH FUN!! Oooh What about trying the new quests just to have to start over when what.... ohh another group of cun7s come along and sink us. F you and this community and every friend and love one you have playing this game.

    My loved ones and I are having a blast playing this game! We are also day 1 players, but we learned from our mistakes over time. I suggest you do the same, you will enjoy the game a lot more.

  • @zombie8myface87

    i've reported you quadruple posts and insults.

    please logg off the game and the forum and stop your toxicity!
    Keep it civil and playfull, my daughter is reading and now ask me to explain to her the word you posted.

  • [Mod edit]

  • @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @FaceYourDemon Yes because 4 ppl against 3 ships usually have a chance, pull your head out your A55 and figure it out. Gonna do my best to make sure this game dies. @Bugaboo-Bill F you & @Biter-Wylie F you & @BloodyBil F you & @Quartermasters F you too

    Please take a good long breath and come back when you are calmer.

  • @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @FaceYourDemon Yes because 4 ppl against 3 ships usually have a chance, pull your head out your A55 and figure it out. Gonna do my best to make sure this game dies. @Bugaboo-Bill F you & @Biter-Wylie F you & @BloodyBil F you & @Quartermasters F you too

    That’s hilarious. You fall out of the crows nest and bump your head or something?

  • @bloodybil I will do as I please. Report it and shut up. I will be getting my money back if I have to ruin the whole experience for everyone

  • @zombie8myface87 said in Community of Trolls Worst online experience:

    @bloodybil I will do as I please. Report it and shut up. I will be getting my money back if I have to ruin the whole experience for everyone

    If you say so. Have a great day!

  • [Mod edit]

  • @bugaboo-bill I 100% agree at 13.5 million sailed can t say bullying really happens. Spawn camped happened to me maybe twice in adventure and maybe 5times in arena. What I can also agree with is people attacking new players isn't helping personally I try not to if I see a low level voyage down. Flip side to that is if I'm shot at by a low level voyage ship all bets are off and one of my favorite things to do in the game was shoot cannons when I first played the alpha. So I think a lot more is at play then "bullying"

  • @Deckhands please close this thread!

  • @ajm123 [Mod edit]

    if it's not a problem then why are there PAGES of youtube vids devoted to this issue

  • I'm not arguing the point I see both sides of the issue personally I've never seen it to the extent people say. Does it happen sure but in thousands of hours played once seen it maybe 10 times tops. Does it happen sure not as often as people claim

  • [Mod edit]

    Yeah I'm [Mod edit], and going down this list it is obvious I'm not the only one. I've have been watchng that Search grow and grow over the past few months after we tried to get back into the game. You all pushed this group of players away. That a bad community no matter how you try to justify it. Not a matter of get good, it's a matter of you guys don't, and neither do the devs, They have made a playground for bullies and I'm glad you're happy being part of the problem.

  • @zombie8myface87 I see 2 videos on that list you provided

  • As if to illustrate my point ^

  • @mr-dragon-raaar on second thought I'm quitting also this topic honestly got to me and the flashbacks of me losing that 10k at that random skull fort to double gunners really got to me also that dude who was a *************** who threw the 2nd gem off the ship into the fog during the star theif is toxic and a bully I quit also ;)

  • @zombie8myface87

    i never bullied someone - search my post history i'm the most vocal poster here who want people keep it civil, playfull and fun orientated.
    I have lost track, but in one of your posts i said how i treat new players or players doing a Tall Tale.

    you insulted us and you claim the ciommunity is overall toxic when it is for sure not overall toxic.
    Yeah there are toxic gamers.
    Three i have blocked because they stated that they play to break others will and make them ragequit.
    Three! not thirty, not threehundred!

    PvP in a PvEvP game is not toxic.
    the game is casual friendly like hell, if you have some experience you can manage to never get caught.
    Its also a sandbox, so play with friends as you did to not get overwhelemed, because sandbox = plyerorganisation.
    It can be tense and fun to play solo as well, but its harder and all overall a disadvantage as this is a mp sandbox game containing PvP.

    The overall experience is: you can sail and do whatever you like for hours.
    Most complains about PvP start with: We lost loot from 3hours of work....

    1st if you work it off you do soething wrong, progression is seconded.
    2nd if you had x hours of gameplay without getting disturbed, then this is the evidence the community or the game is not bullying all the time.

    I f you got sunk at the outpost, you just start at the nex one, you lost nothing.
    If you want to tell us you got sunk at the outpost for 3 days in every session i call you a liar.
    Thats impossible!

    Do you know what is next to bullying jerks gaming to break will and make you ragequit?

    Sour loosers blaming and insulting the whole community for getting sunk and troll the forum, exagerate and write stupi and silly thinks like: I do all to destroy the game.

    Are you born 1987 regarding your GT?
    Or are you 7 years old and your parents havent taught you how to treat games, wins, losses and all that?

    You are crying to get bullied, really!
    Not that i got triggered.

    What you did here is pitifull at best.

    grow up, play the game and when you are unable to get something done, then let it be and dont come to the forums and insult everyone.

  • This game has some of the most positive community that I've seen! Now, obviously there are going to be some bad bilge rats out there, that insult or are salty because they cannot accept that they have been defeated and that they must learn from their mistakes. We've been all there. I don't like to say this, but you just need to get better in the game. The more you play and get defeated, the more you will learn. And now, if you're going to insult me or anything like you've done in all the 4 posts you've made please, do not do it as I will only report you and ignore you.

    @Deckhands sorry for the mention but please close the four threads that this guy made.

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  • @zombie8myface87
    Your troll game needs work.
    Where the @Deckhands at?

13 out of 50