An idea for another Arena mode

  • I was thinking to add on the Arena experience (besides making game modes for sloop and brig) is a fleet battle where either one galleon and two brigs work together against another fleet of the same build or one brig with two sloops if the lobby is too small. It would also be nice to get a free for all without the need to dig up treasures or a mode where everyone is on an island fighting for treasure and trying to bring it back to some NPC on the beach no ships just land based pvp, thoughts?

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  • @mr-thurmal said in An idea for another Arena mode:

    I was thinking to add on the Arena experience (besides making game modes for sloop and brig) is a fleet battle where either one galleon and two brigs work together against another fleet of the same build or one brig with two sloops if the lobby is too small. It would also be nice to get a free for all without the need to dig up treasures or a mode where everyone is on an island fighting for treasure and trying to bring it back to some NPC on the beach no ships just land based pvp, thoughts?

    Yes yes yes, fleets battles would be awesome! Also they could add races, obstacle courses, maybe even do something like Assassin Creed where you are on the hunt for a specific ship, or maybe add some kind small arena where it's just a pirates dueling each other in hand to hand combat!

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