Flags as a method of communication

  • Hi, so I was thinking that maybe it could be useful to both passive and violent (not in a bad way) players to be able to communicate better in PVE mode.

    I think this is possible by using the flags not just as a customisation option for the ship, but to use them to communicate different messages regarding the ship it is flying above. For example, the white flag is available to all players as soon as they login - so I propose that the white flag has a different description that references a passive pirate. Similarly, the red flag could symbolise that your crew is going to be a ruthless crew that will plunder anyone they come across. Ostensibly, this will be abused as violent crews may lure passive crew by flying a white flag; however it is more of a moral issue than that of a game issue.

    To educate players on the different flag colour meanings, you could add in some text on the loading screens for each type of flag colour and possibly even add a note somewhere within the tavern and at each of the sea posts.

    By doing this, it would allow some people to think twice before approaching a crew with the intention of making friends, only to be sent to Davy jones’ locker as soon as they are in telescope distance.

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  • Flags were left open to interpretation for a reason. Even if the game's loading screen tells you that it means 1 thing, it doesn't stop players from using it for other reasons.

  • @ordontribe413 i always thought this too. this idea has been brought up a bunch. i think flags are more of a lost concept at this point. coulda been nice haha.

    that said when i wana be peaceful i through up the alliance flag and lift my cannons upward. if i wana be battling i put up reaper or jolly roger. all the flags inbetween? just for style i guess haha and thats how it will remain without any guidance from rare.

    in some situations its great to let players do what they will with tools but this is not one of them.

    edit: reapers mark is a perfect example. we all know what it means. it means be ready to fight, come find me. whats the blue flag mean? how about checkered? would be nice to have some structure. i love seeing the reaper or jolly roger and knowing these guys wana fight. id like to 'know' other things as well like this person is doing tall tales, this person is friendly but wants to be left alone, this person will leave you alone but fire if you come close. stuff like that. just a mood setter if you will. doesnt mean anyone has to respect it, but would be nice to know.

  • Yeah I’m pretty sure this was the original intent. I’ve been using them this way from the beta. I always put up my Jolly Roger before I attack another ship. “Honor amongst thieves” I suppose.

  • @ordontribe413
    Good idea, maybe just the descriptions though. People would probably still just use them for customization, as people would lie often. Also, adventure is pvpve, not pve.

  • We don’t need to wait until Rare write the descriptions of each flag, we the community have the power to implement the system and will spread all over the world.

    Everyone knows the rainbow flag is used from friendly ships.

    We only make todo the suggestions here, and find a meaning for each flag, and start using in game. I few time you will see everyone will use the system.

  • The only flag that has an obvious meaning is that of the Reaper's. That one is telling the world, come at me! Fight!

    Other than that:

    • Jolly Roger is usually not friendly in my experience.
    • Bildge rat actually tends to be people doing those.
    • Offer alliance, indicates a friendly or backstabber ship.

    Anything else... well they are used by anyone with any type of intention, up for interpretation. There is no real way to enforce it and therefore open to mischief.

  • They, like all other flags, are open to interpretation, but someone once told me how the yellow, red, and blue flags match the colors of the 3 original companies on the reputation screen - yellow for Gold Hoarders, red for Order of Souls, and blue for the Merchant Alliance (also, the rat for the Bilge Rats, of course). So, while not set in stone or directly stated, I always used that as a bit of a guideline for others. For example, if I put up the blue flag, and other pirates see it and interpret it the same way, then they're more apt to leave me alone thinking that I don't have anything but animals on board. True or not, it's mighty helpful.

  • I tend to use the flags like they used to in the 16th - 17th century where possible.

    Red: will attack without mercy (includes all red flags)

    Black: stay away from us (was used to indicate sick peoples on board)

    White: peaceful

    Jolly Roger: we be pirates

    Yellow / Blue: we’re merchants, willing to interact with others and help

    Reapers Mark and alliance flags are explained in game.
    Any other flag like the mercenary or bilge rat ones I treat like people going on about their business.

  • @revanjstone
    Checkered is, "Want to Race?" :P

  • @aithemed
    I have been playing since June and somehow missed that rainbow flag means friendly. I have seen less friendly rainbows, but there are friendly jolly rogers out there too.

    I know that raising cannons means peace, but it can also mean you are about to be at a severe disadvantage. Same with ship's lights.

  • @dr-deadlock I do this as well. Keeps me "thematic and in the right sailing state-of-mind.

  • There was a HUGE "discussion" before over these flags before. nothing has changed since then.

    The best these things are is just another cosmetic to purchase and really serve no other purpose. Players won't abide by any "rules" players try to put on them anyways.

  • @longlivecayde6 i dont feel like its that big a disadvantage cause as youre pulling it down you can load it takes about the same time haha. i do suppose you could have already had it loaded..

  • @cotu42 haha alliance is friendly or back stabber! i like that

    i through it up if i wana be left alone. i HOPE it gives the impression i dont wana fight anyone coupled with my cannons up. this passed week it doesnt seem to have helped haha. if anything it seems to be makin me a target haha. maybe ill try going hardcore with all super aggressive cosmetics see if that makes ppl shy off more haha.

  • @ordontribe413
    well the original pirates flags was not the jolly roger - and was infact a plain red flag they was known as "dread pirates" - They was known to give no mercy or quarter even if surrendered to, the jolly Roger came into being once some pirates decided to give targeted merchant vessels a choice and a simple one "surrender or die" - so aye im all up for this idea - i actually did believe that was how it worked in here back in me first days of gullability :/ hahaha
    and aye i too at one point tried to have a white flag showing all the time - it lasted a few days 'til i realised that it did seem to make me ship and crew even more of a target o.O

  • I would like pennants that could be hung from a line running from the main mast, fore and aft.

    Those would indicate certain properties about the crew such miles sailed / DLC completed / commendations unlocked / trustworthiness ( the colour of this one would change depending on how you interact with other crews )

    I would also like a Tall Tales flag that can only be hoisted when you are running a Tall Tale. Putting down a side mission would cancel the flag.

  • @revanjstone
    Yeah. Mine are always loaded...

    Paranoid on the seas after too many bad experiences. BUT! SO many good experiences too. The hurt in SoT being a player who has limited time for gaming is losing all of your play session's progress after a bad encounter. I tend to bank often, even if it makes me take longer when playing.

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