Microsoft provides examples of acceptable trash talk..

  • Grief-ing (Is that right?) and trash talk have been a topic in Sea Or Thieves for a long time when it comes to in game encounters.

    Out of the blue, MS has decided to add some more context to what that entails.

    Acceptable trash talk includes:

    Get destroyed. Can’t believe you thought you were on my level.
    That was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked.
    Only reason you went positive was you spent all game camping. Try again, kid.
    Cheap win. Come at me when you can actually drive without running cars off the road.

    That sucked. Get good and then come back when your k/d’s over 1.

    Going too far looks like:

    Get <sexual threat>. Can't believe you thought you were on my level.
    Hey <profanity>, that was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked, trash.
    Only reason you went positive was you spent all game camping. KYS, kid.
    Cheap win. Totally expected from a <racial slur>.

    You suck. Get out of my country--maybe they'll let you back in when your k/d's over 1.


    SoT profanity filer doesn’t agree with MS. But check the article to read in full.

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  • @knifelife

    Acceptable trash talk includes:

    Just even doing the audio... I'm feeling the hurt & the pain of what is deemed 'acceptable' :)

    Just couldn't bring myself to do the....
    Going too far


    edit: would be funny if one of our youtube savvy members did a video.
    With all the "acceptable"... trash talk, and see how this "sanctioned" talk goes down in real life :)

  • LOL. I don't need Microsoft deciding what is acceptable behaviour. I had good parents that raised me right.

    Only trash talks trash. And trash can't hide the fact that it stinks to the core.

  • The line between thrash talk and taunting is very thin...When we play , i sometimes taunt people ...i try to mimick the "Charles Vane " voice from black sails and shout " i'm George Vane , and i bring you pain, i'm the scourge of the Seas and i have eaten my peas " and all that kind of rubbish , my crew is laughing and sometime the " enemy" as well...And i make sure that my " arrogant" big talk get's followed with… "i make you shiver with fear and i let you colour yer trousers and….oops i died" ...i don't think that this kind of taunting , done in a voice that you can hear from miles away is a mockery can be judged as hurtful trashtalk….

    The line between fun or hurtfull trashtalk is very thin but i do love to dance this rope and make sure that every Pirate can find some fun in it...

    The will to hurt still comes from the person inside , but i kill that will imeddiatly if it would urges towards my Heart...i'm master of my own actions but i will do whatever i can to make as much fun as possible towards each and every Pirate , Friend or " Foe"...

  • I try to avoid trash talk but I always emote "It's Davey Jones for you". Followed by "rolls on deck laughing" The worst insult of all lol.

  • For me it’s very dependent. I don’t really talk unless I’m in a crew, but i do like a bit of banter if it isn’t one sided so to speak.

    But I mainly save all that for Overwatch, people have thicker skins on that game. You need to 😂

  • What you hear from other players in Sea of Thieves is the worse I have ever heard in any video game. This game seems to bring out the worse in a lot of players. What is said goes way beyond what is not acceptable. Hard to believe that it has only gotten worse over the last year. With the push for more streaming and the competitive nature of the Arena it is cesspool that is overflowing with griefing and toxicity.

  • @viperishemu2992 you literally just talked trash about people who talk trash, congratulations. literally lol wut even did you think as you typed that.

  • @d4m0r3d

    I'm wasn't "talking trash". I was condemning a bad behaviour type. Like saying Racists are bad people or Littering is a disgusting thing to do.

    "Talking Trash" is defined as :

    to say things that do not have a lot of meaning (Cambridge English Dictionary)

    disparaging, taunting, or boastful comments especially between opponents trying to intimidate each other (Merriam-Webster)

    My critique of "trash talkers" was neither boastful nor non-sensical. It was derogatory, but also accurate.

    Perhaps you should learn the nuance of word definitions. Or perhaps English isn't your first language?

    "Or perhaps Yo Momma so stupid she only made dumb kids?!" Just kidding. I don't know your mother but I'm sure she's a wonderful and intelligent human being with fine offspring. That was simply an example of what trash talking is. Taunting, unfounded and meaningless insults in an attempt to intimidate.

    I hope that I helped you with recognising the difference between "insulting" and "talking trash". (btw English isn't my first language either.)

  • I personally don't trash talk anyone really but I also don't get offended by any language and actually find it quite funny that some ppl get so work up playing a video game.

    Prior to party chat on Xbox becoming a thing the language then makes what I've experienced in sea of thieves seem very mild

  • @viperishemu2992
    "I had good parents that raised me right. Only trash talks trash. And trash can't hide the fact that it stinks to the core."

    would you not say "I had good parents that raised me right" is a boastful comment, and "Only trash talks trash. And trash can't hide the fact that it stinks to the core." this is a disparaging comment.

    "Boasting" is defined as:
    "showing excessive pride and self-satisfaction". (btw I'm not citing my sources because it is not necessary to cite a dictionary)

    "Disparaging" is defined as:
    "expressing the opinion that something is of little worth"

    although you do refute that your critique is valid because it is also "accurate", however that is a very opinionated statement that is not validated by any evidence whatsoever. Therefore I believe we can come to the conclusion that your statement was in fact trash talks, as trash talk is by your findings, defined as "disparaging, taunting, or boastful comments especially between opponents trying to intimidate each other."

    Perhaps you should learn the nuance of word definitions?

    I hope that this interaction has somewhat helped you. (sorry for the late response, haven't been very active)

  • That's great and all, but can Microsoft also provide better Xbox Party Support? The number of times I get disconnected during a session is ridiculous. The service used to be amazing back in the day, now it is completely unreliable! How am I even supposed to trash talk to my friends if I can't connect to a party?

  • @lt-swag-johnson never happens to me. you sure its not just your internet or your xbox?

  • @d4m0r3d said in Microsoft provides examples of acceptable trash talk..:

    @lt-swag-johnson never happens to me. you sure its not just your internet or your xbox?

    Most certainly not. I have one of the best internet connections in the world. Besides, I am not the only one facing this issue. Xbox support tweets about their problems on a regular basis. It's highly annoying. I wish Xbox had Discord integration

  • @lt-swag-johnson you can download discord on your phone, then depending on what headset you are using you could connect it to your phone aswell as the xbox or, you can just wear earphones underneeth your headset.

  • @d4m0r3d said in Microsoft provides examples of acceptable trash talk..:

    @lt-swag-johnson you can download discord on your phone, then depending on what headset you are using you could connect it to your phone aswell as the xbox or, you can just wear earphones underneeth your headset.

    Although I appreciate your effort in explaining this workaround, it is far from a solution. From a multi-million dollar company like Microsoft, I expect the best communication tools, especially when you are charged 60 bucks for an online service.

  • I trash talk and curse the fish and volcano. And people I just fire at if they have something I want or fire first if neither ally up to get more money

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