Does any one have the spinal figurehead for sale?

  • Right now I am trying to find a spinal figurehead but finding one is harder than it seems so I was wondering if anyone has one for sale right now and what the price is?

  • 9
  • @definitemassrt6 Unfortunately I gave all of mine away :/ I would have given it to you for free.

    But at this point I would highly discourage buying it as it will be coming to the game at some point. It was a "timed" exclusive. Similar to the huntress figurehead. It will be in the game eventually.

  • Probably not the right place to ask that.

  • @xcalypt0x They did say when the huntress came out that it would be available in 60 days & it was. However, it was never stated that would be the rule from here on out. There is no ebon set out, for instance. I have spinal and I got it in October when I bought my youngest a limited coin for his birthday and that was ages ago. So, I dunno if it was a one & done or they said screw it and will make them available through microtransactions. Which, is honestly a great way to bring in revenue so I can't blame them. Free DLC and an ever expanding world? If they do charge for it and you want it, give them a couple bucks.

  • @drizkillz

    Somewhere else they stated it's for all real life events and sail promos. Here's the tweet about obsidian. They said they would. So far they are liars but they said they would.

  • @xcalypt0x I'd hate to know how long distant future is for them.

  • @lonegoatknifer LOL for real though. I actually tweeted at them (don't remember if it's this one or not) asking when they were planning on actually adding it. My guess is they will be in the mega update though.

  • @xcalypt0x I wouldn't complain if it was.

  • @definitemassrt6 Please let me know if you get offered 2 as finding one like finding hens teeth 👍all the best

7 out of 9