Returning To The Sea Of Thieves

  • Though it's been about a year since I last posted here, apparently, I've still be gaming and started streaming earlier this year on Mixer. What I hadn't done, up until last night is been able to get a crew together to stream Sea Of Thieves. After a very successful stream and a great time with a brig crew I'd not run with before, I'm pleased to say that I'm going to try and be more active on here.

    For those who don't know me, I'm an accessibility consultant and gamer without sight from the UK. I use the term Gamer Without Sight (GWS) as "legal blindness," often just shortened to being "blind" can and often does include usable and/or residual vision, which I've never had.

    As for how I play Sea Of Thieves, I'm mostly a helmsman, navigating by a system that, in its most basic form, is just a number plus a direction, with the number responding to how many notches on the wheel you should turn (i.e. a galleon has 8 notches per side for a full turn, a brig has 6 and if memory serves a sloop has 4).

    Enough with the explanations though, I'm glad to be back and I look forward to sharing new stories and adventures for my time on the Sea Of Thieves. Should any of you have questions about how other aspects of the game work without sight, feel free to ask and I'll answer what I can.

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  • @sightlesskombat Ahoy matey!

    Welcome back to these waters, it's great to see you again! I love that you are still heavily invested in games becoming more accessible to those with accessibility issues and I think it really does prove gaming is for all!

    I hope we get to see you posing more on the forums again. Until next time, see you on the seas matey!

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  • @musicmee Thanks for the warm welcome. If you want to crew up as part of a livestream, do please feel free to message me on XBL and I'm sure we can arrange it. It's been a while since you and I last voyaged together and I think it'd be good to get back into the swing of things.

  • Ahoy, me heartie! 4 turns to port and ye'll fell me broadside cannons!

  • This is so crazy. Myself and another pirate were just talking about you a week or so ago, and realized we had both played with you early on. Very good to hear this news. Welcome back, and I will definitely look you up on mixer.

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