Guess for Gold Competition - How Many Ruby Splashtails Caught? [RESULTS]

  • Greetings, pirates!

    Our first Guess for Gold Competition is over and we're now ready to announce the results. We asked you how many Ruby Splashtails had been caught in the past 24 hours, and after over 800 guesses, while no one got the exact answer, some of you did come extremely close!

    The actual number was:

    alt text

    And the Forum member who got closest to the correct answer, thus winning our Grand Prize is:

    @x0-outkast-0x - 32,964

    Congratulations! You'll be receiving your prizes soon. Don't spend it all at once though...

    Thanks to everyone who took part and we'll be back on Thursday with another Guess for Gold stat and most importantly, more loot.

    Cameron - Senior Community Manager

  • 8
  • Congratulations @x0-outkast-0x,

    that was a mighty close guess!

  • Congratulations!!!

  • @x0-outkast-0x Congratulations me matey!

  • Congratulations!!!

  • well done!

  • GG matey !

  • You would have to think that our over fishing of the ruby splashtail would be quickly diminishing their stocks and eventually cause them to become more rare.

7 out of 8