Dark storms and Black Waters

  • I had been sailing along the Sea of Thieves, intending to light the last two beacons within the Wilds. I was in the Shores of Plenty, and I had a lengthy way to go, and it involved a severe storm.

    I had attempted to simply bypass it, not wishing to risk the gunpowder in the crows nest, but as the waters turned black, and as the heart of the storm drew closer, I knew that I would not have such luck.

    Lightning struck and thunder clapped as the great Kraken emerged from the waters, her vicious roar nearly deafening to my ears.

    I rush to the cannons, knowing full well that escape would be futile as the storm’s heart came to rest straight above us, having dropped the anchor to prevent the Jackdaw from crashing and further ensuring my demise.

    In my panic, I had not realized the time of the day, and as the skies grew dark, and my vision limited, I knew I would be fighting this ancient beast as she was cloaked by both night and storm.

    The storm caused the waves to rise and fall in increasing intensity, making the repairs of my ship far more difficult as the rocking of the Jackdaw, be it from the seas or the Kraken, would knock me to and fro, causing me to pull the wooden planks from the cracks and holes in the hull.

    The storm seemed to worsen every time I emerged from below deck, and I always feared what I might see. As lightning struck, only then would I ever be able to see the ancient beast clearly, out of the range of my cannons. I knew I had to patiently wait until she was within range, diligently repairing the ship as was needed.

    When all hope seemed lost, when I was running low on supplies, a final cannonball struck the Kraken, and her appendage trembled and writhed in pain, disappearing within the dark, black waters. As I prepared the last of my supplies, the ancient beast slowly retreated back into the sea, the black waters finally turning blue once more, growling almost hungrily, an admittance of defeat as well as a warning to me to travel cautiously within the open waters of the Sea of Thieves.

    Dawn had finally came, and as I collected the rewards from this lengthy and tiring battle, I came to realize that I had a crate of cannonballs stashed on my ship. Full.

    I was panicking the entire time for no reason.

    (Legit that was THEE MOST EPIC BATTLE I HAD EVER FACED IN MY WHOLE TIME PLAYING THIS GAME!!! It was so epic, looking up and seeing her emerge from the waters as the rain grew heavier!! I WANNA DO IT AGAIN!!!)

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