Tall Tales - Skeleton Lords PSA

  • So we experimented with gunpowder barrles to see how much it would take to instantly get rid of the boss.

    First we used 12, 28, 35 then finally 45 powder kegs and the results were:

    12 - We still had to fight the boss for a good 5 to 10 minutes before defeating it.
    28 - Approximately 10 to 15 cannonbals and a few blunderbuss hit finished it off in 5 minutes.
    35 - 8 Blunderbuss hit to the face and it was down in less than a minute after the explosion.
    45 - Yeeted out of existence the moment it spawned.

    My conclusion is that it takes a minimum of 40 gunpowder barrels to instantly kill the boss and that is atleast 5 skull fort worth of kegs.

  • 5
  • That's in galleon, because on sloop it's 5 gunpowder barrels

  • Wow!! Great work!

  • I want you to test this on the Gold Hoarder :)

  • @archangel-timmy No way we're carrying all those kegs inside his lair one by one D:

4 out of 5