Questions About the Gold Hoarder Curse

  • My friend and I recently got the gold hoarder curse (half an hour ago maybe) and when we both enabled them, my friend had so much more gold on him than I did. Is there a way to modify the gold amount? Does it depend on how much gold you have with you? I also heard Joe say that they're changing it but I'm not sure if they already took action on this. Thanks for the info,


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  • @onlyalion Ahoy matey!

    The gold hoarder curse isn't working as desired at the moment - a fix is being worked on to give players a more defined curse inline with what you would expect for this momentous achievement.

  • @musicmee Thanks for the heads-up. If you don't mind me picking your brain, are there any other curses planned for the future, such as a skeletal curse or merfolk curse?

  • @sargent-sully Its probably a safe bet, same as tattoos and scars. More curses will come.

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