Ádd Slight Aim Assist For Gamepad Users

  • So first off, I don't support the idea of segregating those who use gamepads from those who use mouse and keyboard.

    However I do know that there is a clear advantage for mouse and keyboard in the target acquisition department.

    Possible fix: Give those who use a gamepad a slight aim assist. Whether it be a snap to target on aim, or slight tracking feature, either would help when put against others who have a clearly superior (M&K) input system.

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  • Im a xbox player who doesnt really have a problem competing against keyboard clickers. My only problem is the fluidity most of the times during those fights that would make me want to turn crossplay off if optional. Im not technical when it comes to consoles/computers whatsoever but it seems to me the game doesnt have alot of balance when it comes to console vs cpu. It seems to me my screen simply cannot handle cpu players speed & movements. Ill die sometimes & literally not know what happened because my framerates arent keeping up with the action. Theyll shoot me or something & ill die without seeing or hearing the shot.

    I know this wasnt a crossplay thread sorry if i got off topic. Def not trying to start a crossplay debate.

  • no thank you. aiming is fine as is.

    I'm a gamepad user

  • @admiral-greyjoy
    Yeah things in general are more buttery for pc users. Not much can be done, except giving gamepads a little (small) edge in the fight.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx
    As long as it's optional for console, and automatically turns off if it detects a keyboarx

  • Patience. Optional crossplay is on it’s way.

  • Problem is there have been games where the controller-based aim assist can be fooled into thinking a keyboard and mouse ARE still a controller.

    I've never looked into HOW people have done this, but I remember hearing it's very difficult to detect. So unless the game CAN detect it this would be giving an even further boost to K&M players.

  • @they-sank
    What if I don't want to opt out but still want as balanced of an experience as possible? I think rare should have done more to try to balance pc and Xbox than they did.

  • @blazedrake100 All of this would’ve been avoided if this game never had crossplay to begin with. I’d rather see a game (especially this type of game) released on multiple platforms without crossplay OR the crossplay option until well after release than have crossplay mandatory from the beginning. While I’m at the wishing well, I wish microsoft didn’t rush production/release of this game and it wasn’t apart of the gamepass marketing demograph.

  • I Quit this game recently due to mainly this ongoing issue. That’s big for me!! I consider this my main game and finished all Comms prior to the latest update ones. Been obvious from the start to need crossplay opt out but they didn’t listen, now the original Xbox players who helped keep this game alive are all mostly gone. It’s well known that pc interference is making gameplay unplayable and yet we still wait for the opt out version for Xbox one users.
    This is all that’s required to have a level playing field. Waiting rare...... adventure first!!!

  • @blazedrake100 they keep trying this mate, it’s noticeable ingame. I’ve noticed the things done to try balance this that are not in the patch notes. Unfortunately it just creates more bugs, such as hitmarker probs they come up invalid for both platforms, we do regular testing to see what new bugs have occurred when they make changes and we see if old bugs arise as that’s common too. Maybe this is what’s taking so long to release the opt out? Perhaps they still think there’s a way to balance it? It’s obvious it can’t be done without rewriting the code. This is the problem from the start “Code” it wasn’t ever going be a balanced game. They say they will do it but the efforts are been put into expanding the game at this time rather then releasing the fix for it. Unless you run an Xbox X model console with an external SSD drive forget been able to compete against PC. Even though this reduces the probs a lot it still exists in real time.

  • @jellyfishapod2 said in Ádd Slight Aim Assist For Gamepad Users:

    @blazedrake100 they keep trying this mate, it’s noticeable ingame. I’ve noticed the things done to try balance this that are not in the patch notes. Unfortunately it just creates more bugs, such as hitmarker probs they come up invalid for both platforms, we do regular testing to see what new bugs have occurred when they make changes and we see if old bugs arise as that’s common too. Maybe this is what’s taking so long to release the opt out? Perhaps they still think there’s a way to balance it? It’s obvious it can’t be done without rewriting the code. This is the problem from the start “Code” it wasn’t ever going be a balanced game. They say they will do it but the efforts are been put into expanding the game at this time rather then releasing the fix for it. Unless you run an Xbox X model console with an external SSD drive forget been able to compete against PC. Even though this reduces the probs a lot it still exists in real time.

    Also using a Square monitor helps a lot too... but who’s dropping $600 for the latest model Xbox for the one game when our other games run fine on our existing consoles?

  • Just use a M&K with your console...

  • I honestly think some odd compensation for gamepad users would be neat in the aim department, but I also equally think that this can be resolved in a much better way.
    Even better than splitting players with a crossplay feature.

    Add NEW guns that dont require much aim. Or new weapons to give more choice of conflict for each players taste.

    One of which I think would be great is a Net gun that hits reliably but only close range. Net gun does little damage but cripples a pirate visibly. Which makes them easier to kill using other weapons and teamwork.

    Other such weapons could be hand grenades. 5 of those that let you Lob over an area to do 50% more or less damage 1 second after impact that AOE's. Not that big but should be confident enough to hit multiple pirates if huddled togheter and can harm yourself. The lobbing takes a bit of anticipation and explosive blast do go through terrain/ship. So a good anti-repair weapon and anti-board-Defence weapon without even boarding their ship.

    Etc, and etc. Just more weapons that dont require precision aim so that you can pick and choose options that you may find easier.

  • @galactic-geek We don’t want to feel like we are at Work when we play Games. Hence the reason we have gaming consoles with gaming controls.

    If I were to purchase a k/m I would have already considered purchasing a pc.
    But no just no.....

  • As i said in another thread i support the idea of making combat more tactic and depending on timing and positioning rather than on quickscoping and bunnyhopping etc...

    They need to get rid of all exploits about animation breaking.
    Remove bunnyhopping, remove duoblegunning finally by constraint cutlass use.
    They should add wet guns not working and add a chance to jam a wet weapon for 10 seconds until it's dry again.
    The third bunnyhop should exhaust you like a charge does.
    If kbm dont get that much advantage from beeing quick and combat is more tactic a lot of problems regarding PvP would be solved.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Ádd Slight Aim Assist For Gamepad Users:

    As i said in another thread i support the idea of making combat more tactic and depending on timing and positioning rather than on quickscoping and bunnyhopping etc...

    They need to get rid of all exploits about animation breaking.
    Remove bunnyhopping, remove duoblegunning finally by constraint cutlass use.
    They should add wet guns not working and add a chance to jam a wet weapon for 10 seconds until it's dry again.
    The third bunnyhop should exhaust you like a charge does.
    If kbm dont get that much advantage from beeing quick and combat is more tactic a lot of problems regarding PvP would be solved.

    How about we buff the defensive aspect of combat instead of putting combat mechanics right back where they were before the change? I believe the changes were intended to increase the pace of fights, which by extension increases the chance that each party involved will make mistakes, which increases depth, strat, and skill ceiling.

    So for example, when you get hit by enemy swords, whether you're blocking or not, you don't get stunned by it... Allowing you the chance to actually defend yourself and see your surroundings?

    And for example, because the sword slashes dont stun you anymore, you can actually move whilst blocking, with slowed movement speed, but still, it helps to mitigate the efficiency of jump spamming or "bunnyhopping" as you call it.

    Not to mention, since you're not stunned, you can also just sidestep with sword-blocking at ANY point during an enemy's sword combo, allowing you GREAT potential to turn the tables on enemies, ESPECIALLY if they are reckless with jump spamming... This forces people to think twice before charging in swords swinging, adding depth to the game, and strategy.

    So in short, remove sword slash stuns on players? The main mistake they made was buffing offensive sword combat, whilst neglecting defensive sword combat... Kind of a rookie mistake tbvh. : /

    I agree with the new double-gun exploit though, fix dat pls... I would also love it if they actually properly programmed the sword controls, so they aren't so glitchy... It's a feature by now, but its not reliable, because it's still just a glitch in the game that they intentionally didn't fix because they liked what it added to the game.

  • @Sweltering-Nick
    i agree that you should be able to strafe all the time and that you shouldn't get stunlocked by normal hits or the cutlass combo, but you should still get stunned by the charge.

    The worst thing is people using animation breaking and circumvent implemented breaks for slashing, shooting and digging.

    To get rid of shooter gameplay, combat need to become even more clunkier, but more responsive.

  • @bugaboo-bill Aye!

  • The beta had aim assist and tracking at one point and it felt awful.

  • @marsmayflower they ought to do something though no?

  • @admiral-greyjoy said in Ádd Slight Aim Assist For Gamepad Users:

    . the game doesnt have alot of balance when it comes to console vs cpu. It seems to me my screen simply cannot handle cpu players speed & movements. Ill die sometimes & literally not know what happened because my framerates arent keeping up with the action. Theyll shoot me or something & ill die without seeing or hearing the shot.

    1. your console has a cpu in it.. i think you mean PC...
      2.i am 100% sure your 30 fps can handle Sea of Thieves movement...a human blinks slower than the difference between 30 and 60 fps.
    2. you die without knowing what happened... thats a you problem, not a hardware problem.

    @jellyfishapod2 said in Ádd Slight Aim Assist For Gamepad Users:

    Unless you run an Xbox X model console with an external SSD drive forget been able to compete against PC. Even though this reduces the probs a lot it still exists in real time.

    so how are you going to balance the xbox opt out servers when Xbox and Xbox1X with SSDs are playing at the same time???
    you guys going to demand to opt out depending on which xbox version you have too?

    @jellyfishapod2 said in Ádd Slight Aim Assist For Gamepad Users:

    @galactic-geek We don’t want to feel like we are at Work when we play Games. Hence the reason we have gaming consoles with gaming controls.

    If I were to purchase a k/m I would have already considered purchasing a pc.
    But no just no.....

    i don't feel like i'm at work when i play with M/K...

    purchasing a k/m for xbox 70-100$
    purchasing a PC, 800-1200$
    totally the same thing.... amarite?

    @jellyfishapod2 said in Ádd Slight Aim Assist For Gamepad Users:

    @jellyfishapod2 said in Ádd Slight Aim Assist For Gamepad Users:

    Also using a Square monitor helps a lot too... but who’s dropping $600 for the latest model Xbox for the one game when our other games run fine on our existing consoles?

    again, how do you plan to balance the xbox1x vs xbox1s vs xbox1 and now that we are at it, the regular vs the elite controller, and lets go a step further SSD vs non SSD consoles...

    we PC players have been dealing with different systems. some play on 40$ potatoes from walmart discount bin and others play on Elon Musk's Experimental PC infinite power prototype.

    what the xbox should allow you to do is to play with the graphics quality, resolution options and frame rate caps.

    having said that...

    I would rather give xbox players (actually, anyone playing with a controller, PC/Console alike) a aim assist instead of crossplay opt out

    I have said it many times in many threads

    Crossplay opt out will kill the PC version of SoT.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx I wouldn't mind if there was a slight aim assist, like what you see on other shooters on console where it only kicks in when you ads really close to an enemy. there is no tracking, only the initial target acquisition, and your reticle has to be really close to the target for it to work.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx

    The aim assist was done a long time ago but it didn't work. The issue was the way the aim would latch onto teammates or other enemies that were not your intended target.

    The reason that was an issue in this game and not other games is because of how combat is done in Sea of Thieves. Almost all combat is done on ships which has narrow corridors, obstacles, and low ceilings. Bottle necking so to speak.

    The aim assist would cause more frustration because enemies and players would be too close to each other sometimes. If combat was mainly done on wide and big islands sure, your idea would help. Not so much while on a ship though.

    I remember someone saying something about how PC players should be required to ADS to be able to fire their weapon, which I wouldn't mind getting feed back for.

    I wouldn't abject to console players having a cursor to help with hip firing, or a button that automatically turns their character 180%.

    In all respect, the combat honestly needs to be looked at again. Especially the sword combat. Right now as it stands blocking doesn't really help. Movement is too janky.

    All in all, I agree with you and not saying your idea is bad, just wouldn't work properly and would probably make you more frustrated and angry.

  • @squaz05
    If 30fps is fine, why do pc players react so badly when someone suggests capping everyone at 30 fps? Everyone knows kbm is trash at 30fps, therefore it MUST make a big difference. If pc players dont want 30fps caps, dont expect players that ARE capped at 30 to want to play with you.

    Also, no one on Xbox is complaining about other xbox versions. Not on SoT, or any other game. Just because there are very minor differences in xbox performance between models, does not mean we should be forced to put up with vast differences in performance found in PC gaming. We are fighting for LESS disparity, not fighting for ANY disparity.

    As far as ssds go, i believe Rare should fix their blackscreens. If that is not possible, then standardize all platforms: If an original Xbox or PC that just meets the 'minimum requirements' experiences 20 or 30 second blackscreens, everyone should be given those same blackscreens, whether ssd/hdd, or pc/Xbox/s/x. No excuses.

    But what will really happen is: Hdd owners will complain for 11 months, Rare will ignore the topic for 11 months. Then they will acknowledge the problem. Then they will take 6 months to fix it. Hdd/ssd servers will be online for Christmas 2020. Lol.
    That was a joke btw.

    we pc players have been dealing with different systems ... $40 potato thru to Elon Musk experimental PC.
    Congratulations, you knew what you were signing up for when you chose pc as your preferred platform. Dont expect xboxers to accept any and all disparities just because you chose to.

    Xbox is a relatively balanced environment, especially when compared to the pc platform. Many of us want to keep it that way.

  • @pomalotacusmk3

    Well said, and I'd add we choose to pay to play in that relatively balanced and closed environment and its not right to not offer the people paying to do so the option of opting out of playing with non-paying players on open platforms.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 Personally, I would like to see every game running at 60fps as a mandatory minimum.

    Also, based on what I experienced prior to the game's release, auto-aim would be a really, really bad idea.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in Ádd Slight Aim Assist For Gamepad Users:

    If 30fps is fine, why do pc players react so badly when someone suggests capping everyone at 30 fps? Everyone knows kbm is trash at 30fps, therefore it MUST make a big difference. If pc players dont want 30fps caps, dont expect players that ARE capped at 30 to want to play with you.

    Also, no one on Xbox is complaining about other xbox versions. Not on SoT, or any other game. Just because there are very minor differences in xbox performance between models, does not mean we should be forced to put up with vast differences in performance found in PC gaming. We are fighting for LESS disparity, not fighting for ANY disparity.

    As far as ssds go, i believe Rare should fix their blackscreens. If that is not possible, then standardize all platforms: If an original Xbox or PC that just meets the 'minimum requirements' experiences 20 or 30 second blackscreens, everyone should be given those same blackscreens, whether ssd/hdd, or pc/Xbox/s/x. No excuses.

    But what will really happen is: Hdd owners will complain for 11 months, Rare will ignore the topic for 11 months. Then they will acknowledge the problem. Then they will take 6 months to fix it. Hdd/ssd servers will be online for Christmas 2020. Lol.
    That was a joke btw.

    we pc players have been dealing with different systems ... $40 potato thru to Elon Musk experimental PC.
    Congratulations, you knew what you were signing up for when you chose pc as your preferred platform. Dont expect xboxers to accept any and all disparities just because you chose to.

    Xbox is a relatively balanced environment, especially when compared to the pc platform. Many of us want to keep it that way.

    we react badly to capping the game to capping the game at 30 fps because you are going the wrong way, insteaf of capping the game at 30, why not allow xbox to increase their cap to 60? We PC players want console players to play at 60FPS+.

    There are HUGE differences between the xbox1x and the standard xbox1. You are not complaining because everyone is using a controller. Also yes you are complaining about the disparities. you just assume all PC players use SSDs while all Xbox players use HDDs. I'm on PC with an HDD... do i complain that Xbox players with SSDs load faster than me? No, because that's my fault for not having equipment necessary to load faster.

    "don't expect xboxers to accept any and all disparities" yet you are ok with the disparities between the Standard, S and X versions. hypocrite much?

    "Relatively balanced environment" so you suggest to make everyone go down to your level of bad performance and sub optimal input instead of suggesting to go the other way around and FIX and BALANCE the game so both the PC and the Consoles are on the same level or performance.

  • @squaz05
    Nope, pc players usually react badly to 30fps capping suggestions because they know it has a negative impact on them. The reason i suggest a 30 fps cap is simple: For original Xbox users and 'minimum spec' pc users, reaching 60fps will require the game to look like a 360 game. Rare aren't going to do that to their game, nor will players want their game to look like that. Just because good pcs and xbox x can achieve 60fps, doesn't mean everyone should have to put up with the advantage. Everyone can achieve 30fps, so lock everyone to 30. Remember, LESS disparity, not ANY disparity.

    Please list the 'HUGE' differences between og Xbox and Xbox X...im aware that the X loads the PL hideout 4 seconds faster. Im aware that 4K resolution looks nicer without affecting PVP. Im aware that og Xbox occasionally drops frames (even more reason to lock everyone to 30fps). What are the HUGE differences?

    Could you please copy paste the bit where i said all pc players use ssd while all Xbox players use hdd. I dont think you can, because i didn't say it. You're making things up...
    Like i already said, Rare need to fix the blackscreen/ferry problem, then ssd vs hdd wont be an issue.

    Yes, i accept that there are minor differences between Xbox versions. That does not mean any and all disparities are acceptable. You are the one that bought into the 'any and all disparities' platform. Stop forcing your purchase decisions onto other players just because you want access to their playerbase.

    'relatively balanced environment'
    You are right. If you arent interested in limiting pc performance to qualify for the group, dont expect the group to be happy. Pc and console should be on the same level of performance. You cannot make an Xbox perform like a good pc, but you can make a good pc perform like an xbox. You want access to the 'relatively balanced environment'? There's your solution.

  • @pomalotacusmk3
    I don't play on pc that often, but I'm pretty sure its not smooth below a certain point for kbm.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 there really is a huge difference in loading times between my x with ssd and my OG xb1. Black screens are hardly ever an issue with the x/ssd. Og xb1 is rough with frequent long wait times.

  • @marsmayflower
    Og Xbox 1 with ssd or hdd? My comment regarding 4 seconds faster Xbox x was comparing stock og Xbox and stock Xbox x. Plug your ssd into the og and let us know.

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