Meg commendations in an alliance

  • Quick question to all but if you and another ship are in an alliance and both are battling a meg do both crews earn the commendation for killing the meg? Or will only one crew earn it?

  • 7
  • @mr-valley90 I've earned credit for a meg while on an alliance sloop helping them with it. My crewmate that kept sailing also recieved credit while being a good distance away. I've always assumed when it came to megs, if you did damage to it, and you were in its proximity when it died, your crew earns credit.

    My crewmate and I hit one with sniper shots as allied ships were fighting it but we didn't receive credit because when it died it was too far away to even render for us. Even though the two ships fighting it were allied with us, we weren't close enough to it when it died to receive credit despite shooting it ourselves when it was close enough to be seen.

    Skeleton ships and krakens seem to work differently than megs. Krakens only give credit to the crew it initially attacked. Skeleton ships however give you credit in most cases as long as you have hit it with a cannonball. The only time I haven't received credit for a skeleton ship after hitting it with a cannonball is when it dove back into the water without sinking or suddenly despawning.

  • @testakleze don't know if this was actually a bug, or if I managed to get a hit in and forgot, but I'm pretty sure that I once got credit for a skellie ship I never shot. It spawned on me and I almost instantly managed to shake it off onto another nearby sloop *evil laugh. When they killed it, I got the music cue despite barely being in sight, and I checked and had counted towards commendations.

  • @vorondil1 I have never had a ship spawn on me that was taken out by another ship except in the cloud battle so I'm not sure in that situation. They either sink or leave after sinking me. I always make sure to hit them once as soon as they spawn though. An unallied ship finished the last two skelleons of a ship battle after I was sunk and on my way back from the other side of the world. Not only did I get credit for both ships, I knew the first ship sank was the captain ship because the battle completed banner appeared for me. The cloud was still up for a few minutes though, and when it disappeared I got credit for the second ship. I guess it's not far fetched to think that the random spawning ships will give credit to the crew it spawned on similar to the kraken as long as it's taken out in any way.

  • @testakleze maybe! The other ship was an ally, btw. I actually felt really bad -- they were just another sloop doing their thing at Ruby Falls, and I was sailing toward the island with the skalleon to my right, and I had a good bit of loot on me - so I made the decision to nudge the skalleon to the right of the island to aggro on the sloop while I hightailed it to Morrows. They must have been so mad at me, fighting the skalleon with constant reminders that I had abandoned them as I sold my loot!

  • @vorondil1 The very same sloop that finished my battle, the same sloop that showed up during the battle dragging an angry third sloop they had antagonized, the same freaking sloop that I boarded and helped after my ship sank until I was hit with a cannonball, met up with us at plunder outpost. I had a buddy join in on my way back to the cloud and he also got credit for the ships taken out at the battle despite not even being in the game when I fought them. We watched the sloop fighting a kraken close by as we started to pull in to buy a voyage. They have a skelleon spawn on them after the kraken and they drag it to us in a storm. As we engage, they take off. We finish sinking it but couldn't get them to form an alliance and they sail off going north west. One of them stayed behind on the outpost and kegged us as we pulled in. What was weird though is the sound wasn't an explosion. The sound was a collision. We freaked out thinking we had hit something in the middle of the ocean like a sunken ship but they don't make holes. The guy climbed the ladder, saw me and said "oh it's the guys from the battle" and jumped back into the water. So I figured he kegged us and the sound messed up.

  • @mr-valley90 You don’t even need to be allied. So long as someone on your crew inflicts some damage I’ve always had a Meg kill, or Skeleton Ship sink count for commendations even if we didn’t give the final blow.

    Hope this helps!

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