Communal Area..

  • Now imagine your mid game and you and your crew need to take a small break.

    You head to an area on the map and sail into an entrance of some sort and when you load in you are all in a new area specifically designed to enhance the social aspect of SoT, to display your ships to strangers, to show off your achievements, An area like the new Arena area but with ships parked up would be cool, like a “singapore” style none pvp area where ships appear parked next to each other really close and people can lark about meeting new crews in that server. Make alliances and new friends. There could be a Pub and Shops etc too. And it wouldnt have to be huge as there is always a max number of ships on a server anyway, it could be a port where the centre is a hub of shops etc on stilts and the ships are docked on jettys in a star shape,

    To avoid taking loot there the items on your ship should dissapear to stop greifers using it,
    Maybe the loot just floats up at the entrance in the open world.?

    Its an idea i have had for a long time, would be so cool to see each other in a none agressive light.

    To leave you would just have to all go to the ship and use a vote to leave method.

    Just a thought.

    Happy Sailing!

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