We love Blue! (the blue Meg)

  • We love Blue! (the blue Meg)
    I don't know why, but Blue has become our Mascot/Guardian.
    Just Monday night my son and I had defeated a skeleton fort and where on our way to sell the treasure.
    We where attacked by a frigate, and almost lost our booty!

    At the last minute, Blue came past us and attacked our enemies. We and our treasure were saved!

    Blue often shows up during battles, and attacks our enemies?

    Thanks Blue, we love you.

  • 5
  • Aye, blue is a real sweetheart! I'm sure there's good reason behind The Ancients' friendly depiction of her. =D

  • Oh my god, That is awesome! Yay go blue!

  • My crew named im mustard

  • Be sure to give thanks and sacrifice to Blue. Drop a treasure in the seas. Blue rhymes with Aku!

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