Protect your ship and loot. Easy Guide

  • I’ve been playing since the game was released and I can say I’ve never had a haul stolen and have only lost 2-3 skull forts and those were to 3+ ship alliances one being a 3 galleon I’ve also been watching pace22 (Pace X) since he started streaming. I’m actually tired of watching him get away with the things he does and summit1g gets away with even more. I can’t even tell you how many ppl I’ve stopped trying to get on my ship all dressed in black that definitely was swimming for 10 minutes to even reach my boat. The “tuck” missions should happen to anyone so I’m going to just give out a few tips very simple ones we should always remember when sailing the seas.

    1. Never leave your ship unattended. So always have 1 look out always preferably with a decent headset to also listen for swimmers.
    2. Never leave your ship anchored. Sails up anchor up when stopped at a island unless you are in a storm then sails can stay so if you need to move quickly just raise the anchor. I should add basic ship strategy if you’re sails are up and anchor you can turn your cannons towards in coming enemies and always have 1 person dedicated to repairing your ship and one watching ladders and people swimming with explosives barrels with a pistol or sniper.
      3.Turning in loot. The very best way to turn in loot is to send 1 to 2 people on to the outposts before docking to turn in m. It’s kinda become a plague people setting up at out with gunpowder barrels all over the tavern at outpost so especially when turning in Athena’s chest send 1-2 people to inspect the tavern. Look on top of the entrance and right inside the door. Don’t let the time spent be wasted on outposts campers.
    3. For the love of god stop putting gunpowder barrels in ur crows nest.
    4. And last but not least if someone is chasing you galleon and brigs sails with the wind and continual try to board the enemies ship to hit their anchor and if anything else be annoying they will give up on the chase.

    I hope these few tips save some of you some time and loot. Thanks for reading.

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  • @mykn1f3urf4c387

    I have not lost a lot of loot over my lifetime. Though based on the risks I have taken, I have lost here and there but for me that is part of the game and some of those stories are amazing.

    I read your guide and it seems one sided and based on a galleon crew (the best equipped ship in the game). You seem to neglect the differences between crew sizes and your solution is mainly have multiple people focused on the different aspects of the situation at hand.

    Have you ever navigated the seas on a sloop or solo? Where there faster ships coming for you with more swords than you on board or the ability to just do a single task at a time, as there is nobody to back you up?

    Have you indulged in the open crew experience, where coordination is a challenge?

    I am wondering, cause your post gives off the 'full closed galleon crew' only player vibe.

    Now to go into your points one by one:

    1. Sorry, to say but leaving a pirate on the ship at all times seems like a hassle and dull for the one stuck on it.

    Pay attention to the horizon, look frequently, with your crew and you should be able to anticipate any threats.

    Also, your solution is not viable for solo captains and for duo sloops it is a big commitment.

    1. Totally agree. Sails up, anchor up.

    The second section though: You have two people on defense, repairs and ladder defense? Not every crew is able to commit those resources to just that.

    1. When selling just watch out for mermaids, feel free to add an escort... though the determination of it being safe or not should be well established before you even set foot on land. If needed sail a circle. On top of that the amount of people you send is for some their entire crew...

    2. Why not store gun barrels in the safest spot and easiest to defend, one way up and visible from most angles? Where else would you place them? Unless you are stating never carry around barrels? Which I think is a limiting way to play. Just place them in a way you can hit them with a gun, be willing to blow them up in dire circumstances.

    3. Well, first any decent crew will not be in a direct line behind you and should defend their ladders preventing the anchor drop.

    Secondly being annoying can work as a deterrent or as a motivator based on the people you deal with.

    Being chased, first and foremost focus on the sailing and they shouldn't be able to catch up with you or you are sailing circles around them. Nothing is more frustrating than being on an uneventful chase. After you establish that, you can consider trying to board.

  • @cotu42

    Why not store gun barrels in the safest spot and easiest to defend, one way up and visible from most angles? Where else would you place them? Unless you are stating never carry around barrels? Which I think is a limiting way to play. Just place them in a way you can hit them with a gun, be willing to blow them up in dire circumstances.

    We used to think the same way, I think he may mean to simple stop carrying Gunpowder all together. After a crew discussion, a month or two ago with our since launch crew, we decided they are a hazard in general to have. All it takes is one full crew wipe, and your guaranteed to be sunk. To have your own gunpowder used against you, is near impossible to come back from.

    We acknowledge their great utility, but for us it is better to not have them then used against us. At least in the context of PvP, they still remain great tools to carry for PvE threats. However, be prepared to pre-detonate them at a moments notice to remove them from play when fighting people.

  • @nabberwar which is why my advice is: you should place them in a way you can easily detonate them if needed.

    I personally have them stick out a bit into the ladder area for easy detonation with a flintlock or sniper.

    That said, I don't always bring them along. Especially if I am soloing and in a not to serious mood.

  • @cotu42

    which is why my advice is: you should place them in a way you can easily detonate them if needed.

    Save yourself some time bullets travel through wood in this game, at least in certain areas. Dead serious, as long as you put a shot directly below the barrel while its in the nest, it will detonate. This includes masts and deck floors as well. We tested this out ourselves with gunpowder and living targets.

  • @nabberwar will try it out. Thanks for the tip

  • @nabberwar oddly I play mostly duo sloop with my wife PvP is a lot of what I do. Me and her have sank so many 4 person galleons from a sloop for the mistakes my guide would fix. Not that it matters I got pirate legend off of forts and stealing loot along time ago. My one pirate on boat at all times works out great on sloop,brigg or galleon (I’m always the look out for my crew) it’s not boring I grab a sniper and still help with island even or we have in the past rotated if someone dies. It still leaves a minimal chance for someone to stow away on ur boat. Gunpowder barrels if someone has them in crows nest which is always almost always the case in defense I can and will almost always snipe them before you can use them. In offense which I’ve done a hand full of times is go straight to the crows nest and drop them on the heads of players on that boat or nobody is watching it pretty easy sink tbh. Yes there are other hiding spots for sure. I’ve even done this with a mega barrels. The outpost tip is mostly for Athena chest in being escorted is still a big risk with the strat that’s popular it puts the chest on the island away from your escape and ur escort or both will die in that particular set up. It’s honestly not a hassle if it’s what you get in a routine of doing. It’s just simply a few tips for those who want to be a little more knowledgeable about protecting their booty 😁

  • If you also ever get stuck in one of the “barrel negotiations” idk if people play along but it’s usually happens right after you have finished a fort the enemy grabs the mega barrel and demands all sorts of silly stuff. The only thing you could do is if on a galleon or brigg just destroy it in the enemy’s hands but try to get as many crew mates away before to fight the rest and hide the loot because the boat can’t be saved but and I’ve tested this you can save a sloop with one person so in the event you are being held hostage on a DUO sloop get ur teammate away because it can be saved just bucket until your teammate is back.

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