
  • possibilities
    -Cook and eat eggs for health
    -Sell eggs as cargo

    • Cover a ships decks with eggs and half eaten bananas making the pirates slip
      -Rotten eggs to be used a throwables which visually impare and/or cause the target to throw up.

    The rest is fluff if your still intrigued.

    I'm sure that everyone has noticed our feathered little friends running around clucking all day. Has anyone else thought about where they come from, where all the eggs are, I'm pretty sure chickens don't have a pouch to keep them in.

    With this is mind as well as the new cooking stations that have been added, with no effect yet, I figured I'd put in my two cents.

    Each island with chicken on has a chickens nest, there could be multiple, one per island or as a random chance like other Loot.
    These nest would act as a spawn for the chickens and then they go about their business and behind is left a small nest with a bundle of eggs, these could be stored in the inventory with an additional option to collect a crate for them like with the banana crates.
    A chance for a large golden egg could also be thrown in which would be carried like a skull and sold for high prices.

  • 3
  • @rip-chongy It is the merchant guild but, there's not much interesting full stop.
    I'm not claiming its the best thing since sliced bread, the weapon aspect was really just more to fill the post, I just want a more in depth merchant experience.
    People are complaining but it's a simple collect and sell but if they had egg hunts and banana foraging it might make for a fuller merchant experience. (it could also run into the same problems as other merchant thing of course though)
    I still like the idea of chicken trader using chicken like items to literally "chicken out of a fight". I made a post containing an idea of a blunder buss that would blind you with feathers.

  • Pirates need cackle fruit as part of daily diet.

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