Controlling Skeleton Ships

  • I’ve been having an idea. Lately I’ve been encountering more and more skeleton ships and found that the ship itself is pretty much just for looks. But what if you can take down a skeleton ship like a skull fort with waves of skeletons and all that? But this time, once you defeat the captain, a relic drops enabling you to take control of the ship and it’s crew. You can drive the ship yourself and chase around other players with a full and strong skeleton crew. But, the ship can never anchor it travels across the sea with no stop. What do you guys think?

  • 8
  • Fun idea. 🙂

  • I love the idea of commandeering another vessel and using it as your own. I've had alliances where crews would split and half would trade ships that way each crew could be on two islands at once doing two pages at once. I do a lot of lone rowboat voyages separating from my crew. I thought having a sloop to take would be awesome.

    One of my crew drove around a stolen sloop lighting beacons as the solo crew member was afk on the ferry. We knocked that bilge rat adventure out fast.

    The only problem I see with your idea is having the skeleton crew work for you after you take control. I don't see them being friendly in a lore standpoint. They tend to be hostile to everything. Maybe the relic has power over them and the person with it is considered the captain no matter what as the whole crew chants "Part of the crew! Part of the ship!" Can you imagine the little red crab holding up his sword as he balances on the wheel making it turn, wearing a little pirate hat as he tries to bark orders to the crew? Captain Clamps and his crew of the undead. The thing is, one person could bucket that ship and drive it. The skeletons repair and shoot and one player keeps it alive pretty much indefinitely. If the skeletons weren't there it would be an asset that wouldn't be too overpowered. People wouldn't start games saying "ok let's go steal a galleon!" It would be a useful tool but not the best option, otherwise everyone would abandon their own ships for a skelly ship.

    I also had an idea a while back of a cursed chest that would periodically spawn skeletons. I thought if it's on a ship and they eliminated a crew, a captain would spawn and grab the helm and then they would consider it their ship until you took it back. Seems like similar mechanics could be used for both occurrences.

  • @testakleze

    Thanks man I like your feedback and I like your cool ideas!

  • New idea from Testakleze: maybe your right about everyone trying to hunt one down so maybe like one spawns per game session or sonething?

  • @isone If they just made it possible to drive a skelly ship, that would be cool. One person hop on the wheel while the other three keep the skeletons off them. Maybe going down to bucket every now and then. That would give the illusion of taking control of the ship but the skeletons are just not happy about it, and it would make it more work for the awesomeness of wrecking people with a huge skeleton crew.

  • They really should making anchoring or steering a skeleton ship possible.

    Skellies could really use anchors too. I've found 2 piles of loot on a fortress and on snake island from presumably stuck skeleton ships

  • Just give me anchoring for starters.

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