The Unstuck Dilemma: Should you really teleport back to your ship?

  • First and foremost, as a closed beta player and early adopter who had some grave concerns about this game at launch, I want to say that the many quality of life improvements to the game over the last 10 months have been welcome and appreciated. Thank you dev team for persisting through choppy waters.

    Rowboats are my favorite thing in the game, as they allow me complete freedom from my ship and a more intimate adventure. I'm the kind of person who will patiently row from island to island, hunt larger ships and steal away quietly with their loot. I love the heart pounding rush of adrenaline you feel when approaching another ship secretly, dock up, load up their treasure, and undock the rowboat to push off...

    And then your character clips through a nearby game object above the rowboat, and bam. Your screen goes black, and your character teleports back to the ship that you left parked 10 islands away.

    Admittedly, I am playing the game unconventionally. Single player is an extraordinarily hostile environment, but I love taking it to that next level playing the high risk rowboat strategy. It's probably not normal that I leave my ship somewhere across the map. I get it.

    Before anyone tells me to get gud and play the game the 'right' way, I am simply suggesting the following:

    Adjust the unstuck system so that instead of teleporting players back to their ship, it teleports players to some 'safe' location in their immediate vicinity.

    Probably 25-30% of my long-distance rowboat ventures have ended prematurely due to being teleported back to my ship, erasing sometimes hours of work. You can imagine I close the game pretty fast when that happens.

    My best,

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  • @gaseousxihro I’ve been stuck in a tree before while on a solo sloop with my sessions loot on board and didn’t get teleported back to the ship and even the skellies couldn’t kill me.
    In the end I had to leave and was pretty annoyed.

    I think the teleport mechanic is the lesser of two evils. I’ve had it screw me over a couple of times but it’s nothing to what would happen to people if they just remained stuck. :

    Just my thoughts anyway :)

    Maybe they could make it that it will teleport you to either your ship or rowboat depending which is closer to you.

    However they would need to figure out a way so the game knows what rowboat is your crews as they are not like the ships and anyone can steal them.

  • @knifelife I'm with you. I feel like the system is overzealous on rowboats, but not zealous enough on land obstacles.

    The system is certainly necessary, there just needs to be a (much) happier medium. I think it should be based on player location over ship location, since there is usually a pretty high degree of separation, and deviant piracy.

  • @gaseousxihro Hopfully it’s because the rowboats are still a relative new addition, I’m sure over time they will become more stable.

    Just make a mental note of when and where the problems occur and try and fill out bug reports in the support section to help the devs tackle there issues quicker. :)

  • I wish i got a mobile teleport stone -.-
    Often when i play solo and meet a nice crew i hop on and join their voyage and leave my own boat.. but then im on repair duty etc cuz if i die or get stuck i loose my new crew -.-

  • @ruigtand-nl Same. It would make for a cool mechanic if you could offer a 'gatestone' to another player, who would then become an honorary stowaway member of your team.

    It's always a sorrowful goodbye when you finally get killed.

  • @new-world-clogs It would be neat if you could take the glowing stone of the mermaid's trident to allow other players to teleport back to your ship. Of course this opens all sorts of crazy exploitation doors, and we'll end up fighting 5 man sloops.

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