Friends being able to join same server in future?

  • @uberkull said in Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    So Rare is going to go ahead and make the private PVE servers legit? Wow, you casual pvers sure have it all going for you!

    Pirate Legend (the only progression goal in the game) will become so irrelevant it should come with a *.

    • Pirate Legend that avoided all PvP

    Once this ludicrous addition comes to the game, there should be a name change.

    Sea of Cuddles

    I would not be against private servers where you can invite friends, sail around and find the random ship wrecks or loot on islands but I am not for private servers where you can actually do forts, missions ect. I mean what would be the point of that?

  • @leyvin well said, sir. I’ll drink to that. I was going to drink anyway but dang, many good points in your post. I usually don’t read posts as long as that but daaaaaang I feel ya. To quote tommy wiseau... “no one understand my vision!”

  • Hey!

    I felt a shiver in my bones and I knew right away that we were talking about Skullball!

    Skullball is the first ever seaSPORT. Think of it as the ancestor of The Arena ;). We believe that we were able to create a competitive game mode that is enjoyable and exciting to watch and play. The tools given to us by the Devs made it possible for us to gather all the ships on a server. Simply, we scoured the seas in search of other pirates to offer them riches or help in exchange for their ship. It's truly a community effort from start to end.

    If you're interested to see more, here's a link to matches from the last Forsaken Skullball season!

    Fortune is a founding member of The Pirate Council. If you want to keep yourselves up to date with the upcoming events and activities offered by Fortune & The Pirate Council, don't hesitate to check our discord out -

  • @leyvin you sound kinda salty but I agree with your rant here, and I feel like I'm in an abusive relationship with the game sometimes so I get it.

  • Was nothing entirely new to me, we talked about that during last year's EGX with the Devs.

    Not an immediate feature on their roadmap, but defintely something they want to work on.

    Will be very beneficial for Community Events.

    Sidenote: the whole PvE-Server stuff is blown waaaaaay out of proportion and most people have not a single idea what they are talking about.

  • @targasbr sagte in Friends being able to join same server in future?:


  • I am sure Rare is having discussions like this about the topic.
    Hopefully more civil.

    They saw the first pirate legend get .. helped... and nothing has changed.
    They see the alliances being used in the ways they are, and nothing has changed.
    They saw the massive requests for PVE servers and they didn't add them.

    If you feel your journey to PL or achievements was more difficult than another's, congrats on your journey, you made it.

    It is natural to not want your achievement ... lessened... by some exploit or easy way of getting what you worked hard for. But try to see the good of what is being discussed.

    They haven't made major changes to upset the balance of pvp and pve.
    While some have fears about what it may turn into, there isn't anything to really go on, except the past, which shows they aren't going to remove pvp, nor pve.

  • @goedecke-michel disse em Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    @targasbr This.


  • @x-crowheart-x dijo en Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    @guepard4 said in Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    @x-crowheart-x dijo en Friends being able to join same server in future?:

    @guepard4 said in Friend being able to join same server in future? It's on the roadmap:

    Probably private servers.

    Otherwise I could enter in a server where 5 crews are in a alliance talking between them and my crew is alone.

    If I had that Alliance mate, we would not let you sail alone. As the song says we shall say together.

    Yah well, but I would attack you. haha

    Thank you for letting your true intentions and interests be known. Will always have a stack of cannonballs waiting for you then. Happy sailing!


  • @themasterplan84 said in Friends being able to join same server in future?:


    You may be a friendly pirate but many groups out there wouldn't be. There's enough complaints about "toxic" players sinking people can you imagine what it'd be like if fleets of friends are able to join the same public server.

    Also it'd be annoying as hell to be having a battle then when the other crew starts losing they call in reinforcements at the drop of a hat.

    It imo needs to be private servers which I'm fine with

    Players joining the same server with different ships is a matter of when, not if anymore. Do not worry it will be fine. The game will not end, the world will still spin, and life will go on. Just as life on the Sea of Thieves. Most pirates will rejoice and be happier than ever before.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    I know it's a case of when but it's not been said (that I'm aware of) how groups will join. If its public servers then I feel it will negatively impact the game just imagine 3 ships (or more) of friends all double gunning 😋

    Personally as a solo slooper I can take on one galleon but it'll be the end of my journey I feel if prearranged alliances are able to create fleets instantly as I wouldn't stand a chance

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