
  • So, yesterday, I was doing a treasure quest, wasn't even a far journey (just neighboring islands) and I hear this roar. Now, just to note, I've only recently started playing, and did not start the hungering deep quest, wasn't even playing music. So as I was saying, I heard a roar, and thought 'oh no, not the kraken', but then this massive purple monstrosity appear next to my ship. As it was a sloop, the shark was larger. Luckily, it didn't interfere with me, but I want to ask of anyone else has experienced this, and can the megalodon spawn outside of the quest?

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  • @shadow-wolf7662 they're quite common in general, only the elusive shrouded ghost is rare. They'll pop up basically on rng. There are comidations for killing each type of Meg. The one you saw matches the description of the crested queen. It's possible to hunt them solo, just be prepared with a plethora of planks.

  • The meg showed up a few times before I properly tangled with it. The first time I was skimming along at night when its fins crested immediately off my port beam. At the time I was so shocked I pretended not to see it, but after a few close encounters like that I decided to see if I could take him down on my own. (Ah, the hubris that comes with a lack of research!)

    On his next pass I came about onto a broad reach to give myself some maneuvering room, loaded both cannons and started the dance in earnest with a shot right into his midsection. For some time it was nip and tuck as I would dodge with quick tacks and get off shots when I could. (How I wish jig-balls worked on him! Dance, you oversized haddock! Dance!)

    Then came a moment when I couldn't find him or his bearing, so I trimmed the sail and my course, and began scanning the waters with an increasingly panicked eye. With a surge and rush, he erupted immediately off my stern, his jaws slamming shut seemingly at the level of my crows' nest! That was when the thought occurred to me that maybe I was outmatched.

    I cut and ran for the barrier peaks of the Isle of Last Words.

    In the words of the Man in Black, "I made a good run, but I run too slow," and one bad tack put me squarely in the line of his charge. He must have struck me right abeam the capstan for I was thrown from the wheel clear off the quarter deck! As I watched my sloop shudder sideways under another blow I realized that I had scarce moments to try and reach the albeit paltry protection of the rocks of Last Words and struck out as fast as I could swim.

    T'was in vain. I took one baleful look back just in time to see the open jaws of the meg surging toward me one last time!

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