The Arena and how I’m worried

  • So I recently got back into Sea of Thieves again and heard about the upcoming PvP seperate game mode called Then Arena. I’ve been watching this streamer named summit1g and he makes great points. He was talking about how the game will be divided and how they might focus to much on the new mode and not improve upon the base game if the mode exceeds the normal base game. It worries me that they are making this mode because even less people will be in the base games servers etc. Thoughts? Anyone else worried?

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  • They want a pirate spinoff of fortnite. It's already ruined the game in my opinion and it's not even out. Everyone acts like they have to prepare for the arena but attacking everyone and killing alliances. It's been considerably worst since it came out that it's coming down the pipe.

  • @batedpluto94545 Jeez I heard it’s not a BR though.

  • @corrupt-fellow

    Don't worry about it at all, wait and see. RARE have said Arena won't take focus away from the "Adventure mode" and it may even help by giving pure PvP players somewhere else to go and allow the PvE players a safer place to play and bring more people back to the game.

  • @corrupt-fellow sagte in The Arena and how I’m worried:

    @batedpluto94545 Jeez I heard it’s not a BR though.

    It’s not a BR, only an PvP Mode! It’s the best think Rare can do, it will draw more players in and people with not so much time can have fun too! And Rare is still developing Adventure Mode as expected, Tall Tales is dropping after Arena!

  • @king-deka

    Great when will that be July 2019 😟

  • @biter-wylie sagte in The Arena and how I’m worried:


    Great when will that be July 2019 😟

    I think in March for 1 Year anniversary:) and I’m hyped for the new quest/Voyage System

  • We’ll have to wait and see. Given that new players will still have to play Adventure in order to reach PL, it won’t completely split the playerbase. It will be a home to many Legends who have little else to do in the game and want more PvP, but that’s not a bad thing, is it? I think people will still go back and forth.

    It actually may make the seas more violent if the Arena mentality spills over into Adventure - and it likely will.

  • Im reading right now the closed Arena Thread, so much negativity from dedicated community members..that’s sad! I’m hyped for Arena and I’m hating PvP in Adventure Mode because I’m wanting progress and every PvP Encounter is slowing down this progress, but I’m never want an PvE Mode because I’m loving the Idea since WoW for an Open PvP environment! But I also haven’t much time to play, but with Arena I can play my beloved Game(for an Hour or so) and make progress too in the 4th Faction=Win/Win! More players are coming in, old players coming back, both sides are trying out the newest Adventure Mode Content Updates=Win/Win!

  • @corrupt-fellow There is actually a thread about this concern and there was a few official replies from Rare to address the concerns.

    I’ll edit it in when I can find the thread. But one of the things they said was “The Arena” was basically how they play tested the game in the early days of development and that’s how they built upon the world.

    I think instead of a Battle Royale mode which seems to be a common misconception I believe it will be more like mini voyages in an enclosed space where other players will also have the same and you fight over the loot.

    It’s my guess this will be the mode for players who may not necessarily have the hours it takes to get a normal session up and going.

  • before the introduction of the arena mode most likely the adventures of bilge rats

  • @corrupt-fellow
    Don't worry lad, there were these kinds of concerns when Alliances were announced.
    People said that Alliances would break the game and that sea of thieves would become a PVE game.
    Here we are 5 months later and the game still works and it's not absolutely pve.

    Arena will be no different.

  • @corrupt-fellow This indeed is a valid concern as the current PvEvP Enviroment is still unbalanced with many askihg for seperate PvE and PvP modes. Instead of finding a way to bring PvP more inline with PvE on the same server they opted to make a Sepreate PvP focused Mode. This mode is basically a Muliti Team CTF match were all crews that join will be given the same maps to the same islands that all lead to the same Loot. On a much smaller and condensed version of the seas. Where each crew fights over the limited amount of Tresures till one crew reaches a set Goal. I normally would not be agianst this if they would have at least frist attempted to solve this problem with a persistant PvP event frist before they made a new mode. My concern is this is going to further deligitimize PvP practices in "Adventure Mode" by demonizing the PvP players for PvPing in that mode and not playing in "Arena". Leading to "Adventure Mode" effectively being a PvE Server and "Arena" being PvP mode. This is what we wanted to avoid as the core game concept was always supposed to be PvEvP Enviroment. The Concern here is that most PvE only Players don't actually play that long and will eventually get board with the game once they have met there goals. While the PvP player who are the most competive will just keep demanding more and more things. Well still not even sure if the PvP mechnics are good enough to hold up a whole mode. This itself remains to be seen as this games PvP balance was never designed to be competitive but merely there so players could defend there loot from other Players and AI threats.

  • @enf0rcer Interesting

  • @corrupt-fellow said in The Arena and how I’m worried:

    @enf0rcer Interesting

    If you want to hear something quite fasicinating, This Game is actually a great Case into the Study of "Game Theory" as it makes perfect uses of the "Prisoner Dilema" senario where by you have two party which can end with 3 different outcomes.

    1. Both party choose to work together to mutual benifit and collectively recive the best outcome.

    2. One of the Party decides to backstap the other to earn a individually higher reward for themselves while leaving the other party with nothing.

    3. Both parties turn on eachother and they both end up with nothing.

    Cause each crew is a neutral party this senario plays out in every encounter the only factor that changes is the amount of trust each party has for the other.

    The best part i found is that an A.I. Already discovered the best stratergy for this senario dub the "Tic for Tac" where by the A.I. controlled party would always opt to work together untill it is betrayed inwhich upon it's next encounter it will then choose to betray. This will avg out to coming out even.

    However the Majority of Players i find tend to want to work together but the moment they get betrayed they Rage Quit then run to the forums to complian they got Attacked and Robbed in a "Pirate" Game where the word "Thieves" is clearly printed in the title. Instead of simply attempting to Backstab the next Crew they meet.

    Anyways some player don't see the true beuty this game offers at it is a Social Game built on player interaction and the Voyages and subsequent grind is merely a guide to drive players into these interactions. It's role was never to be the core gamplay as many belive it to be. Now Instead one large group of players merely want a Singleplayer/Co-Op experience and Another wanting a pure competitive PvP Experience. Which Completly misses the point of this game and why it's special.

  • @enf0rcer Idk I don’t like the idea of this

  • Its a loot based pvp focused game mode, with its own faction and own gear that you will only be able to get by playing arena. this is what the game needs, Its going to be a small map with 6 ships that can all see each other when starting and the crew to turn in the most loot wins the arena, all six crews will have the same dig x'x and will be fighting hand to hand and ship to ship, this will save this game from dying. I just hope it comes out sooner then later!

  • Completely misplaced and unnecessary concern.
    The Arena won't negatively divide the playerbase and it won't remove PvP from the Adventure Mode.
    There is not a single chance in hell that all PvP enthusiasts will only choose the Arena mode. That will never happen. There are so many reasons that people may prefer PvPing in the main Adventure Mode.
    And the Rare team will be keeping an intensive study on things. There's no need for alarm or concern - just play and have fun. ;)

    The freedom to attack/kill/betray will always remain, thus there will always be that element of danger. Anyone that wants more PvP or less PvP will remain at odds with how this system is well developed and balanced. There will be extremes on both ends that are unhappy, while the rest all exist within the vast gaps between.

  • @corrupt-fellow Don't get so worried. If they add a new weapon for the arena that weapon will transfer over into the adventure mode, and vice-versa.
    The arena is all about trying to find the most amount of treasure in the least amount of time.

  • @enf0rcer I agree that they need to make the PvP mechanics more competitive than defensive. I 100% agree with you on that. Also, who cares if people demonize PvP in Adventure Mode. This is a PvP game not PvE, if people cant accept that then they should go to a different game and leave us pirates alone.

  • @algaram This won’t save the game.

  • @pdt-mindstream I’m saying no one will be playing the regular mode with this unnessicary game mode being added.

  • Rare has said that the Adventure mode always has been and always will be the main focus of the team. The Arena has apparently been planned from the beginning as another way for players to enjoy Sea of Thieves but in smaller bursts.

    For instance, if the average player wants to play Sea of Thieves but only has about 30 minutes they can't really get much done because if they want to do anything worth while they'll need at least an hour if not more. However, with The Arena players will be able to play the game in shorter bursts because each "match" doesn't last all that long. This will allow for more people to play the game more often.

    Furthermore, Sea of Thieves combat is quite fun to watch occasionally however, finding another ship takes some time and it becomes difficult to watch players just aimlessly sailing around looking for other ships. By condensing the map in this new game mode players will be right on top of the action at almost all times thus making the game much more enjoyable to stream.

    I'm confident that The Arena will drive more players back to the game than any previous update. Also having rewards that carry over from both Adventure and Arena helps ensure that each game mode stays well populated with players.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie Oh ok well that’s good they said that I hope they meant it.

  • @corrupt-fellow Coming from Rare I believe it. They've been more transparent with this game than any other developer I've seen over the years. Keep in mind as well that The Arena uses the same map as Adventure mode. So if they wish to use new islands in The Arena chances are they'll be developing a new region in Adventure mode. From how I understand it the modes are being developed to compliment each other and push each other forward.

  • Worrying about this is the most ridiculous thing ever. The base game will remain vast, dull, and empty. If anything changes it's the toxic cry babies I kill and rob in adventure mode that will start dm'ing me to go play pvp mode.

  • @boomtownboss sagte in The Arena and how I’m worried:

    Worrying about this is the most ridiculous thing ever. The base game will remain vast, dull, and empty. If anything changes it's the toxic cry babies I kill and rob in adventure mode that will start dm'ing me to go play pvp mode.

    No I’m thinking the cry babies are practicing in Arena to kick your a** :D And Adventure Mode was never Dull and Empty!

  • Me be hyped

  • @corrupt-fellow said in The Arena and how I’m worried:

    @pdt-mindstream I’m saying no one will be playing the regular mode with this unnessicary game mode being added.

    And I'm telling you that is nonsense. ;)
    There is nooooo way that will happen.
    Honestly, the real concern will be - will the Arena Mode be popular enough to justify its existence? It's not going to be pure PvP, plus many PvP enthusiasts will find preference in the Adventure Mode, due to various aspects (Arena Mode will be time-limited, smaller areas, less spontaneous, etc.). Still, I think the Arena Mode should be fun enough for many players to enjoy.
    Honestly, we tend to think of The Arena Mode in the wrong way - As a PvP Mode. When, in actuality, it's more about a time-limited mode. A mode to experience, and enjoy, within a shorter play session. That is the focus, really. And that's its only potential downfall (because many may think it needs to cater only to the demands of 100% PvP enthusiasts). Not that I think these issues will be problematic when they roll it out. These are just elements Rare will be taking into consideration with their adjustments, and such, during development and testing.
    It's going to be fine, mate. ;)

  • @pdt-mindstream said in The Arena and how I’m worried:

    Completely misplaced and unnecessary concern.

    I dissagree as there is no facts to base this off all we have are assumption and because no one cag truly predict what can happen it is wise thing to be concerned.

    The Arena wan't negatively divide the playerbase and it won't remove PvP from the Adventure Mode.

    While i will agree it would be highly unlikely that the dev will completly remove the actual PvP mechnic as it is a core mechnic that is not my concern. My issue is how this will affect the Playerbase and it could absolutely drive players to seperate. We have a devision Right NoW. This could end up driving a further wedge by adding the inculsion of what equates to a Wall in games.

    There is not a single chance in hell that all PvP enthusiasts will only choose the Arena mode. That will never happen. There are so many reasons that people may prefer PvPing in the main Adventure Mode.

    My concern what the PvPer's think or do but the what the PvEr think and do. Cause I have yet to find a PvPer who has issues with PvE except for the lack of content where both parties agree.

    And the Rare team will be keeping an intensive study on things. There's no need for alarm or concern - just play and have fun. ;)

    They do keep an eye on things but they tend to miss alot also Take for ex. "Sails To Stupid" which is one of many things. Plus just because they may commit themselves to fixing a problem doesn't mean they can or will be able to fix it.

    The freedom to attack/kill/betray will always remain, thus there will always be that element of danger. Anyone that wants more PvP or less PvP will remain at odds with how this system is well developed and balanced. There will be extremes on both ends that are unhappy, while the rest all exist within the vast gaps between.

    This is only what we wish to hope for. Don't get me worng I hope that this will workout and i have already commited myself to test the arena and give my feedback. But my concern and others are still vaild untill this mode is tested.

    @lunar-craze said in The Arena and how I’m worried:

    @enf0rcer I agree that they need to make the PvP mechanics more competitive than defensive. I 100% agree with you on that. Also, who cares if people demonize PvP in Adventure Mode. This is a PvP game not PvE, if people cant accept that then they should go to a different game and leave us pirates alone.

    Correction: This is a PvEvP game not a PvP and not a PvE game. I care if players demonize other players and so does Rare. It's all about building a strong and Healthy Community which SoT has done a great job so far except for this ever growing rift between PvEer's and PvPer's that has only gotten worse. The Arena may or may not solve this problem, but if it doesn't it will get worst.

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  • @marsmayflower Why

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie said in The Arena and how I’m worried:

    For instance, if the average player wants to play Sea of Thieves but only has about 30 minutes they can't really get much done because if they want to do anything worth while they'll need at least an hour if not more. However, with The Arena players will be able to play the game in shorter bursts because each "match" doesn't last all that long. This will allow for more people to play the game more often.

    To me this indicates a problem with the current game. If it's designed to be a casual shared open world, and it's unable to be played casually that's a big problem.

    Playing a subset game mode doesn't fix this problem.

  • @d3adst1ck What’s wrong with the game?

  • @enf0rcer

    Personally, I'm a PvTer. "Player vs. Themselves".

    I will never stop sabotaging my own chances at success.

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