Shourded meg

  • Any pictures of what it looks like so we know what to look for

  • 8
  • @chris-houlden the shrouded ghost? It's white and just appears in the fog
    Maybe Google will help finding a picture

  • Cheers knowone iv spoken to so far was exactly clear on were to find it or what it looked like so thought id ask on here to tell people if they ever ask lol

  • @chris-houlden I'm making every effort I can to find her. I know she's out there, but as yet, she hasn't graced me with her presence....

  • Apperntly its got a white fin n alot bigger than an normal meg

    Some are saying that you just get the meg music n see nothing

    All read from reddit can anyone comfirm it lol

  • Rumours are its found near the lone cove area n the devils roar

  • @chris-houlden

    Check the Content Update Video around 1:22

  • Why can't we have a cinematic camera like the developers use for trailers?

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